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Full Guide with Examples and Harvard Citation Generator

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History of the Havard Citation Style

Citation and referencing are essential for academic writings. Whether you are submitting a term paper for a Bachelor’s degree, or even a professional qualification, you definitely have to include references and cite sources.


The Havard system, which can also be called the Parenthetical Author-Date system, is one of the most widely used referencing styles globally, but especially in the USA and the UK. This reference style was first used sometime in the 1880s by a Zoology professor Edward Laurens Mark. He published an article where he used the citation style, and he took out time to explain it.


Harvard citation style is easy to grasp and can be used by all levels of academia, subjects under social sciences, humanity, and a little bit of business.

What’s Special About Harvard Reference Format


When using the Harvard referencing style, all the references used are arranged alphabetically using the authors’ last names. Besides, the sources used are all listed at the end of the entire work. 


There are two different notions defined when it comes to referencing other authors’ works in an academic paper: bibliography and reference list.

A bibliography contains all the materials and texts you use to do your research work or assignment. You don’t have to cite all of them in your paper.

A reference list refers to all the research and works that have been cited in your paper.


Harvard reference format comes in two styles: In-text citation and reference list.

In-text Citation

This type of citation is used when there’s some information within the text that should be cited. This format consists of the author(s) last name(s) along with a publication year. Page numbers are also added if they are specifically quoted. Round bracket and are required to include the citation in the text.

General Rules and Examples for Harvard In-Text Citation

Here are some rules that should be followed to make your in-text citation in Harvard in the proper format:

  • The most common Harvard in-text citation includes the author’s last name along with a publication year.
    For example, The argument made by a criminal psychologist (Mackay 2001) insisted that…
  • You may also include a page number in case you need to use a direct quote from the work.
    For example, “Direct quote from the author’s work” (Mackay 2001, p.33)
  • Do not use the abbreviation ibid.
  • If the author’s name is mentioned within a text, a publication year should be still placed in the round brackets after this mention.
    For example, Based on the findings of Johnson (2002)…
  • If there are more than three authors in the work you are citing, use the name of the first author followed by “et al.” For example, Studies showed by (Herbert et al. 2015).If a source is designated Anonymous, use Anon instead of it.For example, The findings suggest that the sea…(Anon 1955).


Reference List

It corresponds to the complete list of all the research and cited references you have used in your work. The reference list is arranged alphabetically, with the last name coming first, followed by the authors’ initials. Then goes a year of a publication. Also, the citation should include the article/publication’s title written in italics, title of journal/book where it was published, as well as city.


General Rules and Examples for Harvard Reference List

While it is more convenient to use Harvard citations generator to properly create items for your reference list, we’d like to share some basic rules you should consider when making this this type of citation by yourself:


  • Each reference should end with a full stop.
  • If no date can be found on the article, you append [no date].
  • A coma is used as the main separator. It should be applied after a publication year, title of the publication and a title journal/book.
  • Title of the publication should be written in italics.
    For example, Holloway, K 2014, The complete guide to happiness and peace of mind, Open University Press, New York.
  • Works done by an anonymous source are stored as Anon, followed by the date. Example, Anon, 2000, Beowulf, Independently published, New York.
  • When listing a corporation, you should use the first proper noun of the name.
    For example, Royal Academy of Theater, Arts and Crafts…

*Note that if you are using Harvard referencing style, you can’t use a footnote or numbered reference lists. 

Citing Different Source Types in Harvard Citation Style

You can use the Harvard system to cite different types of sources easily. As soon as you identify the source to be cited, it would be easier for you to follow the exact template.

The sources that can be cited using this style are:


One Author

Format: last name, initial(s), (The year). Title of the article/study. Book edition (if not the first). City: publisher.

Example: Hendrick, F., (2020). The Book of Possibilities. 2nd ed. London: Sage

Two or Three Authors 

Format: last name, first initial., surname, first initial., and surname, first initial. (Year). Title of study. Edition. City: publisher.

Example of two authors: Jonathan, R. and Kimball, P.T., (2003). Walking in the Light. 5th ed. Massachusetts: Brandon Publishing.

Example of three authors: George, A.N., Sampson, H. and Benedict, T., (1952). A Psychologist’s Worst Nightmare. N.J: Bookfiend Publications.

Four or more Authors 

Format: last name of first author, initial(s). et al., (year). Title. Edition. City: publisher.

Example: Dimitree, D.A. et al., (2005). Understanding the Sea. 6th ed. Russia: Krovka Publications.

Citing a chapter in an edited book

Format: last name, first initial. (Year). Chapter title. In: Editor(s) initial. Editor surname, ed(s). Title. Edition. City: publisher. Page numbers.
Example: Elliott, K. (2014). The best way to discover yourself. In: S. Smith, ed. Elliot’s Big Guide. San Francisco: BetterHeights Publications, pp. 46-51.

Citing multiple books by one author 

Format: last name(s), initials(s). (Year). Title. Edition (if it’s not the first). City: publisher.

Example: King, L. (2001). Fine Cuisines. Oxford: Wilding Publications.

King, L. (2005). Eat Right! Oxford: Wilding Publications.

*When you want to cite two books by one author published in the same year, you label them chronologically after the year with alphabets, ‘a’, ‘b,’ ‘c’ and so on.

Online Sources


Format: author of section’s surname, initial(s)., (year). Title of the web page. [online]. Website name. [Date checked]. Available from: URL.

Example: Health Fanatics., (2019). How do you lose weight in two weeks? [online]. Health Fanatics. [Viewed 13 August 2020]. Available from:


Format: sender’s last name, initial(s). (Year). Email subject line. [email].

Example: Moses, A. (2017). Setting up the new store. [email].


Print journals

Format: last name, initial(s). (Year). Title. Name of journal, Volume (issue), pages.

Example: Brent, W. (2015). Avoiding Nuances at Best. Writing Like a God, Volume 3 (6), pp. 42-61.

Newspaper articles

Format: last name, initial(s). (Year). Article Title. Newspaper name, page(s).

Example: Fielding, J.B. (2008). Beautiful Minds. The Daily Moon, p. 6.

Magazine articles

Format: last name, initial(s). (Year). Article Title. Magazine name, volume numbers, pages.

Example: Claude, B. (2004). Three Ways to Live Longer. Health and Sex, (21), pp. 15-17.

Accurate Harvard Referencing with Gradesfixer Citation Generator


Harvard style citation generator is a specifically developed software that helps you to cite sources in Harvard reference format with just several clicks. The citation generator just requires you to fill in all the important information including an author name, year or publication, article titles, etc. Then it will automatically format the source and add all the necessary punctuation marks as it is required for Harvard style. You can then use two types of perfectly formatted citations (in-text and reference list) for your academic purposes without a stress.

A Simple Guide to Use Our Citation Generator

There are only three simple steps on your way to getting proper Harvard citation. These are:

Step 1

You fill in the information about the resource you need to cite: author’s name, article title, publication date, etc. 

Step 2

You select the citation style of your choice (besides Harvard referencing style, the generator can also help you with APA, MLA, ASA, Chicago, etc). 

Step 3

Once you click the button, the generator automatically generates two types of citations you can easily input in your work. That’s it!


Gradesfixer generator is one of the best citation generators you can find. All you need do is to select the needed format and fill in some information about this work. Our citation machine Harvard is your real helper and fixer when it comes to all the education matters. 


Citing in the Harvard style has become much easier with our citation generator. GradesFixer generator is a great tool that can help to dump all your citation burdens, so you can focus more on the writing itself. 

Our citation generator would improve your academic life greatly and guide you on the right cite path!


What type of referencing system does Harvard refer to?

Harvard referencing system is an “author-date” referencing method. It can be seen from the in-text citation used in this system; it includes an author’s name along with a publication date.


What types of sources can I cite using this citation generator?
Our generator can help you with citing: books, articles, journals, online sources like webpages, images, videos, and even emails. And these are not the only types of sources you can cite using this generator.


When should I use Harvard in-text citations?

You are required to include an in-text citation in Harvard referencing style when there’s a need to summarize or quote some information from different sources (books, articles, journals, websites). Also, do not forget that there should be a corresponding item added to your reference list.


Is Harvard citation generator free of charge?

Yes. Our citation generator is absolutely free of charge. Give it a try today!

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