Are you sure you you want to delete all the citations in this list?
If you are here, it probably means that you are hoping to learn more about the IEEE style format. It is only natural that some programmers, engineers, or scientists that deal with Physics or Chemistry tend to find the IEEE format challenging. It is not easy to get all your writing shaped right, especially if you have over twenty sources to work with. It is one of the reasons why we offer you an IEEE citation generator and the basic rules with examples to help you along!
While most students in the United States and beyond are more familiar with academic formats like MLA, Chicago, or Harvard, the IEEE format is quite common for technical disciplines like Data Science, Programming, or Electrical Engineering. Since it has been created by the Electrical and Electronics Engineers community of an eponymous standard, it mostly deals with various engineering magazines, research publications, or lectures that relate to technical aspects of work.
In simple terms, using IEEE format is required when you plan to implement at least one quote or reference in your paper. Even if you are only mentioning some standard that helps to confirm your thoughts, doing so will help you to avoid plagiarism or see your final grade decreased because of some minor inconsistencies. Nevertheless, you do not have to worry about getting things right, especially if you are in a hurry because our free IEEE citation generator lets you work both manually or automatically by entering all that you have or limiting things with the ISBN or the DOI resource reference for a scientific publication. It acts as a great time-saver that helps you to avoid the most common mistakes when you are in the middle of a scientific experiment or do not want to waste your time when working with a complex code.
Once you try to identify the IEEE In-Text Citation for the first time, you can be certain that once you encounter some in-text citations in square brackets like [1], it is most likely the IEEE format. For example, if you meet APA or MLA format, you will see something like (Jackson 12) or (Sanders 2009). When you place some quotes in your technical text, it will only have the number of your reference that is the same as the number you have for your Bibliography page. What it means is that even if you implement some author once again somewhere in the next paragraph, you will still have to use the same number.
The key rules that you must remember include:
The actual examples will look this way:
The best part is that you do not have to suffer from those cases when you have no author since you should only place a corresponding reference number in square brackets. Our citation machine IEEE will take care of your Bibliography part!
First of all, the IEEE References page must be composed with the help of a numerical system (1,2,3) instead of the usual alphabetical style (sorted by ABC) like what we can see in MLA, Chicago, or APA formatting styles. It makes things much easier in terms of Bibliography work because you only have to make sure that you remember each number and use them right in your text content.
The general citation IEEE template is as follows:
[Number] First Name Last Name. “Page Title.” Website Title. Web Address. [accessed Month Day Year].
[9] A. McDermott. “Light Systems Thresholds: Space Correlation.” Florida Aerospace Institute. [accessed Jan. 11, 2021].
Sources in Print:
[Number] A. Last Name and B. Last Name, Title. City, State: Publisher, Year.
[12] C. Tompson and R. Williams, CCNA Engineering Rules. Los Angeles, CA: Cisco Publishing Press, 2001.
No Author:
[Number] Title. City, State: Publisher, Year.
[7] Instagram. Santa Clara, CA: Timeway Machine Archive, 2019.
[21] First name / Last Name, First name / Last Name, and First Name Last Name,
E-Book title, 2nd ed. City, State: Publisher, Year. [source type] Available: source.
[4] C. Bond, N. Harrison, and R. Michaels, Marine Engineering Guide, 2nd ed.
Jacksonville, FL: NVB Press, 2001. [E-book] Available: Apple Store e-book.
For your articles, use:
[Number] First Name / Initials / Last Name, “Title,” Abbr. Title of Journal, vol. Edition, pp., Abbr. Month. Year.
[55] J. L. Pickard, “Antimatter Study: Solar Engine Generation,”
Aerospace Explorer. J., vol. ED-9, pp. 211-227, Jan. 2020.
When you plan to implement scientific articles with the DOI number, it is added right after your date the same way as you would add some URL.
While multimedia sources are usually not welcome in the IEEE format papers, you can still implement various media references like this:
The description part stands for the type of multimedia source. For example, it can be “Youtube post”, “Educational video”, “Twitter”, or “Facebook post”.
Finally, you may encounter some patents or documents that you would have to cite for your paper. It is done this way:
[Number] First Last Name, “Title,” Country Patent, Month, Day, Year.
[62] R. V. Aadal, “TNRS Mechanical Engine,” U.S. Patent 2 729 430, July 18, 1973.
Likewise, when you work with a well-known engineering standard, your reference must look this way:
As you can see, everything is quite logical even for your IEEE references page. Still, if it sounds like rocket science to you, do not despair yet because our free IEEE citation machine is here for you and takes care of things by automatically marking all the crucial citing differences between e-books, patents, or publications in print. Just take the time to read about it and see how much easier it becomes!
The answer to this question is quite simple: it helps to make your paper reliable and lets you avoid plagiarism risks. The problem that most engineers and programmers face these days is having to provide a reference for what they already know. Even if one talks about something simple and related to C++ parameters, it may still be necessary to explain why you have chosen a particular method or who was the first person to come up with a particular idea.
The same is true for every written assignment. If you want to receive the best grade for your paper as you explain a certain engineering process, you must provide examples with a clear reference. You would not like some strict college professor complaining that you wrote about something that is not your unique idea. Knowing how to cite in IEEE helps to avoid these issues. The same is true for our IEEE citation generator, which helps you to save some time and keep your paper accurate.
There are many benefits of our IEEE assistance. Most importantly, our IEEE Citation Maker is free and you do not have to register or spend time clicking through various banners. Here are some other advantages that you should know of:
Why spend your time busy with all these writing parts when you can simply use our IEEE citation generator and focus on what is important for your course. As fellow researchers, we know how challenging it can be to get everything right with your written assignment. It is one of the reasons why we offer it free of charge because we have been in your shoes before. Still, we provide this guide for you to let you learn the rules, so you can check things manually, which is quite important, in our opinion!
Does IEEE use Works cited or References list and what is font size?
It is called “References”. You can use 10-point Times or Times New Roman for your text content with 12-point space between the lines. The print publications will use Formata as your primary typeface solution.
What are IEEE page layout rules?
According to the IEEE Manual:
What are Abstract page requirements in IEEE?
It must be done on a separate page and have a single paragraph of about 250 words with no grammar mistakes. Do not use abbreviations, footnotes, or any formulas. Make sure to highlight what is novel in your research.
How to use an in-text citation if the author’s name is unknown?
Just use your corresponding referencing number in square brackets. Alternatively, use: “According to research [4], it was discovered that…” The rest will be handled by our IEEE reference generator.
Can I use German or Spanish language inserts in IEEE documents?
You can do so but always provide the English citation first!