In 1976 General Jorge Rafael Videla overthrew the government of Isabel Peron and led a military dictatorship all the way through 1983. In 1976 it was argued by Jorge Rafael Videla, Emilio Massera, and Orlando Ramón Agosti in the military junta of March 1976 that...
South America is a land of contrasts, not only because of the social inequalities that unfortunately continue to grow in many of its countries, but also because of the varied landscapes found throughout the continent. From virgin forests to impressive glaciers, and super-arid deserts, South...
Konstantin Ignatov, representative of the well-known OneCoin or OneLife pyramid scheme, has announced the establishment of the Global Leadership Group (GLG) of investors in Argentina, an initiative that has also confirmed that the OneCoin platform will not be ready until 2019. Made-to-order essay as fast...
While studying Argentina, one can see that the country’s economy boomed between 1880 and 1920 through its major exports, agriculture and livestock. The first major drop in revenue occurred immediately after this period of history; this drop was a whopping 50 percent.1 There must be...
The Consequences of the National Reorganization Process in Argentina Genocide is a massacre of a specific group of people over ideology or ethnicity. The genocide in Argentina was political and ideological. Argentina experienced a Reorganization Process, which was about removing communist ideas and promoting Western...
Ashkenazi Jews: Assimilating into Argentina and Cuba Ashkenazi Jews are descended from ancient Turkey and were trade masters. During the 1920s and 1930s they sailed to the Curacao, which is a Caribbean island in order to escape the European pogroms. However, they were not the...
Introduction Argentina has always been hailed as the “jewel” of Latin America, characterized by an abundance of natural resources, as well as a large and highly educated population. Argentina is a strong supporter of its poor neighbors due to their economic problems, which affect migration...
Argentina, the South American country extending to the continent’s southern tip, is managed by a government style known as a presidential republic. Argentina runs under three branches of government, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, like the United States. Within the executive branch of Argentina’s...
The “vos” appellation is applied disproportionately in Hispanic America. While in Central America and Argentina the “vos” appellation has become widespread, in other regions like the Spanish Caribbean and in countries like Mexico, its use is severely limited or non-existent … such are the reasons...