There are so many questions than answers provided to understanding the whole universe. Some people turn to those that supposedly to have the answers, such as our family members, people with higher authority, or someone greater than us. On the other hand, others tend to...
Religion has existed as long as humanity. It plays an influential role in our social ways of life and shaping our cultural views. However, times keep changing and the long-established belief in religion is slowly losing relevance as people seek alternatives. Atheism has emerged as...
“Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here...
“I shall offer reasons why I believe that atheism is a much more comfortable belief than theism, and why theists should be miserable just because they are theists.” (McCloskey, 1968) In his article On Being an Atheist, H. J. McCloskey provides the grounds as to...
The Philippines is one of the most religious countries in Asia, and my personal experience with God has been shaped by this prevailing religiosity. The figures may vary from different sources, but the percentage of religious people comes around 90%; 81% being Roman Catholics, 6%...
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