The film Bend it Like Beckham presents viewers with a brilliant comedy about a young, Punjabi teen growing up in the early 2000s of West London. Main character Jess, loves the game of football and desperately wants to play against the wishes of her traditional...
Bend It Like Beckham is a 2002 British-German romantic comedy-drama sports film produced, written and directed by Gurinder Chadha. The movie supports the idea that it is normal to be different and not be the stereotypical person that your family or culture demands. We are...
The film Bend it Like Beckham (BILB) was created by Fox searchlight pictures in the year 2002. The film was directed by Gurinder Chadha. Gurinder has not directed many major movies that people watch today but one of her more popular movies is the bride...
Why do people matter? This is a question no one really thinks about. Everyone is a vital part in the world, regardless of them being a baby who just screamed for the first time or a senior taking their last breath; they are all imperative...
The objectives for this presentation were to discuss feminine masculinity using flashpoints from Judith Halberstam, and connect it to a class source and pop-culture source. Our objective was to get our audience to understand our views and the different views throughout the world on the...
Identity is the way one defines itself. One’s identity is one’s individuality. But the aspects that shape one’s identity are nature and nurture. A person isn’t ultimately shaped by just the environment that surrounds it but also the environment that has been passed on to...
Before watching this film, I expected it to be a soccer, entertaining movie with many experiences and aspects about overcoming obstacles, women’s sports and the love for the sport of soccer. However, it didn’t meet my expectations for what I thought it was going to...
In the 2002 film, Bend it like Beckham I expected the movie to be about David Beckham or the protagonist achieving a level of skill to match or to aspire that of Mr. Beckham. Instead the movie placed a misleading title and it turned out...
Bend It Like Beckham analysis (essay) Bend It Like Beckham is a film that has garnered significant attention since its release in 2002, and for good reason. The movie was a major success in the UK, earning over $76.5 million, despite having a budget of...
Throughout this essay there will be a variety of sociological themes identified from the movie Bend it like Beckham (released in 2002). Bend it like Beckham is a movie about an 18-year-old female who is Indian and dreams of becoming a professional footballer however her...
Movie Description Bend it Like Beckham follows the story of Jess Bhamra as she is growing up while trying to find a balance between the society she lives and her family. The movie is set in the United Kingdom during the early 21st century when...
For years this has been a patriarchal world, where men have held primary power, dictating and controlling society and institutions. It is only now that women are trying to take back that power, demonstrating their purpose and need in this world. Religion, specifically along with...