In today’s society teens are over dramatize everything in order to feel like they can gain girl power. For example, teens will over dramatize a girl crisis then gain girl power from it. Mean girls & Clueless reinforce an outdated view of ‘girl power’ only...
The younger generation don’t know how to behave because the representations in films contradict society’s values. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay From an early age, we...
In both movies Mean Girls and Clueless, there is clear relationship between socially aggressive girls, popularity, status and power, but you may be thinking, how could this statement be portrayed in a negative manner. In the films the more popularity, status and power girls gain...
Nature of the Study “A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.” Through her use of linguistics, these wise words effortlessly show the poise, sense of love, and feminism of the revolutionary woman, Jane...
Iconic 90s high school comedy, borrows features from the nineteenth century classic Emma by Jane Austen. Clueless’ redescription of Emma is responsible for making it comical, whilst lacing it with ironic intent, which establishes the two different targets the film addresses, both the sophisticated reader...
In many movies, a stereotypical character shown is the materialistic woman. She struts her way through life shopping at the mall with “daddy’s credit card” and isn’t in touch with how the real world is. She buys expensive things without caring about the price, and...
A soundtrack is essential to any movie, music is used in various ways by a director – to portray emotion, create and introduce relationships and to also make references to the time period. In Clueless music is mostly used to highlight the major motifs in...
Jane Austen’s many novels contain a complexity of thought and a depth of character that distinguish them from other stories; Emma is no exception to this general rule. In fact, Emma’s most winning trait may well be the well roundedness of its characters. Every character...
Oftentimes, modern adaptation of a classic work loses many elements of the original. This is not the case with Jane Austen’s Emma and Amy Heckerling’s film adaptation, Clueless. The adaptation closely parallels the original text, from themes to characterization and even to cultural context. Both...