An incident is any event in an information system or network where the results are abnormal [1]. It can also be considered as a situation that differs from normal routine operations. There are numerous reasons can lead to an incident. However, according to the significance,...
There are issues that the patient might face or think he or she will face by using computerized system rather than using papers mainly because they will think that it can be accessed by anyone. In any field: Nursing, Biomedical science or Physiotherapy that is...
There’s a problem within big data. The problem is that there’s too much information and not enough talent to manage it. The supply of analysts and data scientists can’t keep up with the ever growing demand for this type of talent. This shortage presents a...
In this case, it may be the end result of my products, or it may even be reduced to another level, such as the size of the brand or shoe. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to...
The data that an origination used to have in their severs and hard disks was just data but suddenly a new term popped up which was “Big data”, big data is the term used to describe massive volume of structured or unstructured data that is...
Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) is concerned with the way humans interact with technology. It deals with how humans work with computers and how computer systems can be designed to best facilitate the users in achieving their goals. There is a gap to be bridged, with computer...
Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of integrated technology that authorizes interaction of distinctively connected computing devise which could be rooted with other interfaces like humans or machines, associated via wired and wireless networks, to attain contextual data from the domain its been disclosed...
On 9th August, IBM Blockchain announced on Twitter the formation of TradeLens, a joint venture between IBM, a leading multinational computer manufacturing company and Maersk, an integrated transport and logistics company. Michael White, the head of TradeLens, stated that the blockchain-based platform was launched to...
Cognitive computing aims to simulate human thought processes in a computerized model. To this end, cognitive applications use deep learning algorithms and neural networks and leverage the latest technological solutions such as data mining, natural language processing, and pattern recognition. Made-to-order essay as fast as...
Dr.A.V.Senthil Kumar proposed an Opportunistic Routing (HFSA-SORA) Algorithm that introduced the concerning of the range map from local and global spectrum sensing information and achieving the research certifies the possibility of range maps to serve range aware functions and facilitates a new paradigm for multi-hop...