I visited an animal shelter for my community service. I saw and learned things there that relate to our class discussion of inequality and social norms. Specifically, I want to talk about puppies and kittens being adopted more, and animals with “defects” being adopted less....
In the years spanning the twentieth through twenty-first centuries, global climate change and environmental degradation have steadily worsened due to human activity. Fracking, emissions, industries, modern agriculture, and poorly managed waste are just some of the many devastating ways that the human community has contributed...
Introduction Ecology is a branch of biology that deals with the scientific analysis of how organisms are distributed, their abundance, interactions, and relations in and with their respective environments. Some of the critical areas of focus include animal and plant populations, animal and plant communities,...
Save the People of the Forest Orangutans are a unique species of ape that inhabit the Southeast Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. They have interesting living conditions, feeding habits and procreation cycles that help their environment, yet they are critically endangered. Orangutans are hunted...
Conservation and Preservation When looking over both the Conservation and the Preservation side of the later Progressive Reform Movement, two major figures stand out: Gifford Pinchot, and John Muir. Pinchot became the chief forester of the USDA on 1905, and his views were centered in...
What is conservation biology? Conservation biology is the scientific field that focuses on documenting biodiversity, studying human impact on species, genetic variation, and ecosystems. The field focuses on studying methods to prevent extinction of species, maintain genetic diversity, and to protect/restore biological communities and their...
Introduction Joseph DesJardins, an influential environmental ethicist renowned for his work “Environmental Ethics,” delves into the critical issue of “Responsibilities to Future Generations” in the fourth chapter of his book. DesJardins underscores the world’s burgeoning population and the consequential challenges it poses. The relentless rise...
The Environmental Ethics of the American Diet We are living in an “era of climate change”; environmental advocacy and sustainability are issues that are increasingly discussed by mainstream media and politicians (Freeman). Greenhouse gases and energy usage are at the forefront of the climate change...
Environmental ethics may refer to morals and perceptions of the human race towards maintaining the well-being of the natural biodiversity and making life generally admirable for survival. These notions should be enhanced and promoted in order to ensure that the natural biodiversity is taken care...
You could already have visited a zoo or a safari park at one point of your life or maybe even more than once. Many people argue about animals being kept in zoos. Some people think zoos are a good thing and some people don’t. The...
Statement of the problem: Animal testing has been around for centuries, starting with ancient Greek physicians who used animals for testing of medicines and anatomy of animals. It was only during the 12th century when physicians first pushed the practice of surgery procedures on animals...
The majestic tiger, once revered and admired, now finds itself on the brink of extinction, facing numerous threats to its survival. As one of the most iconic and endangered animals in the world, the tiger’s plight serves as a sobering reminder of the urgent need...
This topic is to create awareness among the people about the care, management and nutrition of pets as well as stray animals (street animals). I believe that animals have feelings like humans too so, caring about animal welfare is kindhearted thing to do. Animals are...
The Environmental Protection Act relates to the structure and authority for waste management and intends to strengthen pollution controls and support enforcement with heavier penalties. Previously there had been separate environmental regulation of air, water, and land pollution, however, this act looks at all three....
The effect of Chinese Green building three-star assessment standard on occupant’s satisfaction requires more research. This Article presents the findings from a comparative analysis of occupant’s satisfaction levels to Three-Star certified and non-certified office buildings in relation to the building overall, building performance and several...
The LEED certifications depend on a 100-point scoring system. In order to attain the lowest level of certification a hotel must meet a minimum of 40 points. Whether you are building a brand new hotel from the ground up or are currently operating a full...
Recycling is one the best ways to have a positive impact on the place we are living right now. Recycling is one of the most important key factors for both us and the environment. If we continue to recycle even more, the harmful impacts on...
The protection of the environment is a shared responsibility that transcends borders and industries. In today’s world, the concept of environmental stewardship has become an integral part of corporate social responsibility. To thrive in a competitive global landscape, many industrial and corporate entities have embraced...
Waste management or waste disposal is all the activities and measures necessary to manage waste from the beginning to final disposal. This includes monitoring, regulation, and refuse collection, transportation, processing and disposal. It also encompasses legal and regulatory frameworks related to waste management, including recycling...