Across cultures, fire has been considered both a life-sustaining and destructive force - it has the ability to warm and the potential to burn. The duality of fire parallels that of a Homeric hero's pursuit of honor. On one hand, the pursuit is an enticing...
In the annals of human history, the tale of David and Goliath stands as a testament to the triumph of the underdog against overwhelming odds. Set in the Elah valley, this iconic battle between a shepherd boy and a formidable giant has captured the imagination...
Erich Auerbach describes a model for a hero from the Hebrew bible that he believes is nearly all inclusive. Joseph and the story of his journey through slavery and imprisonment up to royalty exemplifies the journey from the deepest humiliation to exaltation, aided by God’s...
Introduction Hubris, excessive pride or arrogance, is a recurring theme in Greek mythology, driving the narratives of various characters and leading to their eventual downfall. This essay explores the manifestations of hubris in the characters of Pentheus, Antigone, and Oedipus, drawing comparisons and contrasts between...