Las Vegas, this super-hot state in the summer with just less than 500 thousand residents in the 1970s has quadrupled in the last 4 decades. Local news stations have been reporting about a bunch of Californians moving to town because it is getting more difficult...
I have to admit my bias, because I believe that Scorsese cannot do wrong—ever. Even his lesser-known or critically panned films are above the “great film” line, and Casino is certainly no exception. He created a dynamic, slick, spectacular movie with the aid of avid...
Pieces Of Advice That Will Help You to Select the Best Vape Shop in Las Vegas Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay When you are a fun...
Standard Digital news also aired the same event, giving a similar storyline but in a different version. As written on their website, 58 people were killed. Among the wounded in the incident were 515. A comparison between the two reports shows a reduction in the...
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a movie infamous for its depiction of various types of drug use, particularly concerning Psychedelics. The plot is driven by journalist Raoul Duke and his lawyer Dr. Gonzo on their drug fueled trip to cover stories in Las...
On October 1st, 2017 in Las Vegas during a country music festival a 64-year-old man with no criminal records was able to rain bullets from a high-rise hotel onto a crowd killing 59 people. This event brought up major discussions on what can be done...
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