A remarkable grant-winning novel, If Beale Street Could Talk, which was distributed in 1974 and pursues a youthful dark couple whose lives are destroyed by a bogus criminal allegation, is a harbinger of James Baldwin's late style. Baldwin's abstract writing spread over the 1700s when...
There are different forms of oppression in this world. Many young people now complain that they have no freedom, complain that they are too busy, and complain that there is no private space. No more time to do what you like. But when I think...
Set in two different continents and spanning over 250 years, Homegoing is a historical fiction novel written by Yaa Gyasi. The novel follows the stories of two families descended from half-sisters, Effia and Essi, who never meet each other. Although the families have immensely different...
As the transatlantic slave trade began, many Africans were being displaced into the Americas while some of their counterparts remained in Africa. Throughout this process, many of the people were having trouble distinguishing their identities and discovering the place they truly belonged. This was a...
Homegoing, by Yaa Gyasi, demonstrates the oppression brought on by colonialism, imperialism, and slavery. The novel follows a family’s lineage dating back to the eighteen century. Gyasi illustrates the struggles faced by each generation in the family, which further establishes the cycle of oppression. “Homegoing...
Throughout Homegoing, Esi’s family line progresses in a more positive and family oriented direction through her family line juxtaposed to Effia’s African family lineage. Through suffering, discrimination, and slavery, Esi’s family lineage learned to build off one another and to try to give their child...
Imagine being stripped away from home, forced to do something you didn’t want to do, not being able to carve your own path in life. This was the case for Esi and Effia two half-sisters both from Ghana but have never met. One captured into...
In the abnormally structured text Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, there are different forms of unequal treatment explored. The primary form of derogatory treatment exposed in the novel is racial inequality, however, we see throughout every single chapter a situation where this racial inequality mixes with...
Anita Desai’s unquestionable existential concern helped her to create an epitome aura, with a chiseled style, she got differentiated her from other novelists of the younger generation, she is the only novelist who shows some sort of similarity to Arun Joshi. But still Arun Joshi...
Anita Desai’s “Fire on the Mountain” presents a masterful narrative that intricately interweaves elements of Greek tragedy with the complex lives of its characters. Through the lens of Nanda Kaul, her great granddaughter Raka, and their interactions with society and nature, Desai crafts a story...
Neil Gaiman’s books feature young protagonists who are not like other ‘normal’ kids of their age. The protagonists are precocious, naturally curious to explore. Neil Gaiman’s books have a fairy tale aspect combined with dark themes and follow a similar pattern. In Neil Gaiman’s book...
Introduction Charles Bukowski’s well-known poem Bluebird depicts a metaphorical and invisible bird that inhabits in his heart. In one’s first reading, the poem leaves an impression which incites the readers to search for inner bluebirds inhabit in their own hearts. In the poem, Bukowski completely dominates the...
Acne-scarred, transient, alcoholic; These are a few words that describe Charles Bukowski. Born Heinrich Karl Bukowski in Germany on August 16, 1920, his parents moved from Germany to California when Bukowski was young where they settled, and he grew up and went to school. Growing...
Charles Bukowski is known for being an underground author writing about the underbelly of America, specifically Los Angeles where he was born, both in non-fiction novel writing and poetry. Bukowski writes in blatant, honest and some could call it a pessimistic point of view. Ham...
For generations men have been taught to “be a man” through expression of toughness, bravery, violence, and through sex. According to dictionary.com, toxic masculinity is defined as a cultural concept of manliness that glorifies stoicism, strength, and virility which can be harmful to ones mental...
In the play, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Tennessee Williams advocates the view that denial of the truth surrounding one’s circumstances disrupts the relationship dynamic between that person and others around him or her. Williams develops this view of denial through describing the dysfunctional...
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a film that was released in 1958 and was directed by Richard Brooks. The movie was derived from a play with the same title written by Tennessee Williams, the renowned playwright. The movie centers around the tumultuous relationship...
The play, “The Good Woman of Setzuan” by Bertolt Brecht is a work of epic theatre and revolves around the life of the protagonist Shen Te, that consists of marked elements of façade and survival in the society and the gender norms. The play aims...
Bertolt Brecht wanted his works to revolutionise theatre’s bourgeois values and generate a social and political shift. As an influential dramatist, he developed a firm impression that theatre should make us; ‘think about power and the way our society works and it does this with...