Marcus Tullius Cicero once said, “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” This is true to Liesel, the main character in The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak, because her body is as if it does not have a soul since she...
In the following essay, I will talk about one of Edgar Poe’s poems “To Helen” that was written in 1831 and was revised in 1845. The poet wrote this poem not only to express his admiration for Helen’s beauty (Helen of Troy), but also express...
George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four depicts a dystopian society, in which civilians are constantly being monitored through day-to-day life. With issues such as criminalization of free thought and the use of technology, in the novel, Orwell has predicted what is happening today, which makes Nineteen...
‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost is a poem about the difficult and stressful choices in life. The poem was written in 1915 during World War One. The Poem is a narrative poem and is the best known of Frost’s poem. The Road Not...
In the novel, Lord of The Flies, by William Golding, he portrays many themes throughout the book. Several boys are stranded on an island and have to figure out how to survive. Golding tries teaching us about loss of innocence, civilization versus savagery, power versus...
The novel Burmese Days is a historical fiction piece written by George Orwell that takes place in a small town within the British ruled province of Burma. Set in the 1920’s, the storyline takes place towards the end of British imperialism where each culture’s role...
Life is an unexpected combination of ups and downs. This continues to be true and evident in James Joyce’s short story “Araby”. This story is centered on a young, unnamed boy who is undergoing many challenges. These include family issues, first love, and growing up...
Both Elizabeth Dickinson and Robert Frost are renowned poets, and their poems have contributed fabulously to the world literature. Dickinson’s poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” is one of her great works that were published in a series of poems in 1890. Dickinson’s...
Macbeth is the work of William Shakespeare, a famous British dramatist product. It is one of four tragedies of Shakespeare. It created outstanding character images, a spectacular storyline and the strength of the tragedy that shocked the soul to stay a deep impression. Made-to-order essay...
‘Romeo and Juliet’, written by William Shakespeare and first published in (1597), is a tragedy dealing with the themes of love, hatred and conflict. Language and actions conveyed in the 21st century reflects the basic understanding of what existed in the Elizabethan era. It reveals...
Over the past few decades, George Orwell has been considered a neo-conservative enthusiast regarding the Cold War. In my contention, the cold war was pursued by three world superpowers, very similar to those that appear in Orwell’s novel, 1984. The novel was a mordant yet...
Frankenstein, as a classic novel, deals with many topics that are related to human nature and behavior and that can be applied regardless the time when the story is read. One of these messages found in Frankenstein for modern society is the need to look...
Have you ever asked yourself ‘Did I make the right choice?’. Most of us have faced a situation in which we have to choose important decision in our life. The poem, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost states that in life we come upon...
Words are very powerful and one of the most common ways we communicate with each other. The novel, The Book Thief, tells a story of a young girl named Liesel, and certain challenges she faces in Nazi Germany in 1939 through the eyes of death....
A four letter word that in some cases holds more worth than life itself, love. Love is a common theme throughout the story of Romeo and Juliet, whether you are relating it to friendships, family, or relationships. Many love stories conclude in tragedies, whether it’s...
Poetry is often inspired by the events and context of the time that it is created. During the 1900’s, racism was extremely prominent, and it inspired various authors to craft their work around the scenarios that people of color experienced. Racism comes in many forms...
Introduction People have moments where they forget things, then remember specific moments in life that make you wonder. Memory is essential to one’s mental state, either could be a harmful or a good memory. The poems that will be discussed throughout the paper are “Forgetfulness”...
The short story,” The Moths” written by Elena Viramontes is a story that uses many elements of literature to address points such as religion, death, family, and coming of age of a fourteen-year-old chicana. The girl finds spiritual knowledge and understanding of who she is...
Introduction Art in general has become a popular medium for sending and communicating strong messages concerning life and the society as a whole. Poetry and visual art have become some of the most common forms of art used to address social, political and economic issues...