By definition, the act of lobbying is to seek influence. In 2016 The United States Congress received almost thirty million dollars in influence. Lobbying can be used for good, but many times the money is used to further the cause of corporate interests. These interests...
As laws are voted on by members of congress many times there are people working behind the scenes attempting to influence politician’s decisions. These lobbyists argue their position to politicians along with financial resources in order to gain the support of congressman on their view...
This essay will critically analyze the claim that ‘Lobbying is about who you know, not what you know’, drawing upon relevant research conducted by Bertrand et al, Salisbury et al and Parvin. There is an alternative claim that lobbying is about who you know and...
The EU lobbying system is not a recent circumstance. The European citizen (an individual or organization) became an active role in the decision-making process by cause of the Treaty of Lisbon “Any European citizen, any legal entity, be it NGO, S.A. or L.T.D., has the...
In this essay, I will discuss about lobbying activities in countries like Canada, the U.S, and Britain. Furthermore, I will discuss whether lobbying should be regulated or not. Lobbying has an effect on policy making and decision making. It is directly linked to democracy and...
In this competitive corporate world, the importance of having a certain set of accounting standards is immense for the complete accuracy, reliability, and clarity of financial information. The trading community is increasing rapidly which requires exhibiting fewer earnings management within the company, timely loss recognition,...
A party leader is an individual who acts as the official representative for a political party in a country or a legislature. Depending on the country’s political system, they may be referred to as the chairperson, secretary, or president. The party leader is usually responsible...
The functions an interest group performs through lobbying politicians holds an intrinsic link with the democratic process of a country, and such a link allow for these groups to have a direct impact on both the policy makers and the public at large. Interest groups...