“Maleficent may be known as a wicked villainess but she didn’t start off that way.” Maleficent is not your typical fairy-tale villainess, as the eponymous movie reveals. This story of a powerful fairy and her journey of betrayal, love, and redemption is beautifully portrayed by...
Narratives are cultural devices that represent their era, playing an important academic role in reflecting and developing the values, ideas and attitudes of their context, and even warning the audience about what could happen in the future. Appropriations are a clear example of this where...
Children are like sponges, they are constantly soaking in representations of the world and the people in it, which make them an incredibly impressionable audience. As technology advances, children are bombarded with media from the day they are born. The many subliminal messages that media...
Unfortunately, sometimes ambition gets in the way of true love. It can destroy a relationship, friendship, or family. As women, we have learned to guard our hearts a little more carefully for this exact reason. Whatever a man’s motive is, whether it be success or...