The dictionary definition of revolution is “a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system.” Countries like America and Mexico would not exist or be where they are now if it weren’t for rebellions. Most cultures wouldn’t exist if...
In the book Mansa Musa and the Empire of Mali Mecca was a city of Saudi Arabia which was a holy spot where the Muslims yearly heavily assembled called the Hajj happens. It is trusted that a Muslim should take a visit at this heavenly...
Introduction Medieval Europe shared some similarities with medieval Japan, yet they also shared conflicts. One including their soldier or their warriors, those who struggled for their land. In medieval Europe, they took horses and in Japan, they took samurais, they fought in different ways. They...
The Knights of Medieval Europe and Samurai of Shogunate Japan shared a number of similar characteristics such as a strict code of behaviour which emphasised honour and loyalty, and both were mounted warriors that relied heavily on their swords. However, the Samurai also had the...
Within the Middle Ages there were countless wars to be found. There was however, one war in particular which would remain in the World’s history books as one of the bloodiest wars of the Middle Ages. England and France have never had any sort of...
The Significance of the Mali Empire in Human History The Mali Empire is an empire well-known for its wealth and religious influence in West Africa. The empire was established in 1235 Common Era by King Sundiata Keita and began through the merging of smaller Malinke...
According the stories of Boccaccio, Margery Kempe, and Abelard and Heloise, it can easily be assumed that religion, culture, and social life in medieval Europe did bring restrictions to the activities of women. Although some women who lived in medieval Europe do show cases of...
Introduction Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni has been considered to be one of the most inspirational and talented artists that lived during the early modern world. The western world during his time was undergoing possibly the most significant period of change since the fall of...
Films about the Middle Ages are inherently modern creations. They tend to reflect the concerns and preoccupations of their modern context rather than those of the people who lived throughout the Middle Ages. One could argue that it is natural for contemporary issues to influence...
Edgar Allen Poe is a well-known writer, editor, and critic. Edgar is best known for his stories and poems. He wrote many of them around the idea of romanticism. He is one of the main authors known for Romanticism in American Literature. Made-to-order essay as...
During the Middle Ages the rule of law limited executive power and the influence that each ruler had. The period is split into two, with the early Middle Ages coming first (until 1100) followed by the High Middle Ages (1100-1350). Feudal constraints were important in...
Introduction There are many political problems existent in Mongolia. In 2017, the fifth presidential election was held and even though more than 66 percent of the people voted, not a single candidate secured the necessary 51 percent of votes to win. Consequently, the presidential election...
Mongolia is a country located between two great powers Russia and China. This is a unique positioning in the international affairs arena, which requires it’s foreign and security policies to be balanced with its two neighbors and countries beyond. Therefore, Mongolia does not face immediate...
Mongolia is a Central Asian country bordered by China and Russia, known for its huge tracts of largely empty grassland, frozen winters and nomadic history. Mongolia is an independent, landlocked nation. Mongolia’s absolute location is 46.8625 North and 103.8476 East and is located in both...
Introduction The Middle Ages began around 900 AD and ended around 1300 AD. This period is often referred to as the “Dark Ages.” For most people, it was indeed a “dark” age due to the lack of centralized government and the prevailing feudal social classes....
The period of time between four hundred AD and 1400 AD should not be referred to as a “Dark Age”. Since this historical argument uses the term, Dark Age, it’s best mentioned as a depression of some sort or a fall with the cultural or...
The Dark Ages, when you hear something like that term you would probably think of a bad time. A time that no one wants to think about, and that people assume to be terrible and wrong. But is that really true? I believe that this...
Introduction: The Evolution of Chivalry “What is a man if not chivalrous?” was a sentiment as common as the air our colonial ancestors breathed. Unfortunately, much like the polluted air we are subjected to in the 21st century, this sentiment has become tarnished and decayed....
Between the years 1300 and 1600 was when Europe started to look for inspiration. To find this inspiration they looked at when Greece and Rome were at the height of their empires. The Catholic Church was corrupt which faced many problems. There were people brave...