William Wordsworth and William Blake were both distraught by the plight of man in the early nineteenth century. Their separate but somewhat unified visions of man's problems are displayed in their poems "Lines Written in Early Spring," (lines 5-24) and "London," respectively. They both make...
The Romantic Era was a time when people embraced imagination, emotion, and freedom – quite a contrast to the preceding Neoclassic Era, which emphasized the values of reason, judgment, and authority. The values of the so-called Romantics are embodied in the poetry which developed during...
Aesthetic critics and writers of the 18th century wrestled with a number of questions regarding beauty, nature, mimesis, art, and the sublime and how they all related to one another. One of these queries concerned mind and matter – that is, whether beauty is a...
In Ben Jonson’s Volpone, Celia represents the epitome of femininity in Renaissance literature. She is beautiful, submissive, quiet and helpless to resist her husband’s control over her every movement. Although it is disturbing that her gender renders her a victim to male characters such as...
In the Anglo- Norman lay Lanval, an eloquent and intricate account of the Arthurian courts, Marie de France develops an array of issues that include the hypocrisies and virtues of the court, the desire for escape, as well sex and gender. In this essay, I...
With the occurrence of the Black Death in 1348, the social fabric of medieval society began to breakdown. With the Black Death taking over in the European countries many parts of society began to see their fall. Areas such as family relations, gender relations, class...
Because of the Enlightenment, Western attitudes toward reform, faith, and reason became hopeful and interested in being included in the enlightenment because it was such a great evolution of philosophy and science. One of the major things that influenced the philosophes was the emergence of...
For more than 1000 years, medieval type of Christian theology, in particular, the Scholastic tradition have dominated European philosophy. Commencing at about 1400 in Italian soil, although, Europe faced a radical intellectual era commonly known as a renaissance, which concentrated on cultural and science resurgence...
Engaging Du Bois’ work with an objective of extracting useful insights to establish an intellectual and social initiative makes one deal with his concept regarding color line and the role that he dispensed both in African history and for human history. Arguably, his analysis pertaining...
Printing Advances the Protestant Reformation Before the 14th century, books were much too expensive for the common people. Churches had their Bibles and scholars had their precious copies of books. Books were rare. There were often people who disagreed with the Church, or perhaps believed...
The Protestant reformation (more accurately known as the Lutheran upheaval) is the product of the observance of a ridiculous amount of corruption amongst the highest ranking officials within the Catholic Church. Yet despite its origins, its events, people and publications left a lasting impact on...
The Protestant Reformation was primarily instigated by Martin Luther in 1517 as a result of the publication of his ninety-five theses, which divulged unconventional ideologies regarding religion, catholicism, and the church and state of Europe during the 1500’s which was condemned as heresy by the...
The Protestant Reformation, which erupted after the great Martin Luther published his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517, plunged Europe into religious turmoil. Lasting throughout the sixteenth and into the seventeenth century, resulting in the Thirty Years War and French Wars of Religion. After these wars, religious...
A scientist can truly be viewed as revolutionary when their di Robert Andrews Millikan was born on the 22nd of March in 1868 as the second son of Reverend Silas Franklin Millikan (Father) and Mary Jane Andrews Millikan (Mother) in the town of Morrison, Illinois....
The late 19th and early 20th century was widely regarded as the Age of Imperialism. During this time, Europe and America aggressively expanded their influence around the world. This was done through methods such as America’s “white man’s burden”, and Europe’s economic need due to...
From the fifteenth century to the nineteenth century, only ten percent of Africa had been colonized by European powers. This ten percent of colonies were typically located on the coast of the continent in order to be used in the slave and ivory trade. The...
Imperialism refers to the state of a nation superimposing its political, economic and social life over another state. It is known to have various effects on the target group. European nations are known to have practised imperialism for a long time with the age of...
The political cartoon portrays the country that was the most aggressive to extend its authority over other nations. The huge character that probably is in a tailoring shop is a representation of the United States of America while the other characters who are angrily watching...
In the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance, there was an emergence of creativity and imagination. These ideals were portrayed throughout the fields of human inquiry — artwork and entertainment being especially affected. A powerful example of such a newly creative dramatic style is the...