The nature surrounding us is full of wonders. Although nowadays, we are aware of the reasons behind many natural phenomena, this still doesn’t cancel their beauty and significance – oftentimes, these are even enhanced by knowing about their underlying causes, mechanisms, and governing laws. And of course, even nowadays, there ...Read More
The nature surrounding us is full of wonders. Although nowadays, we are aware of the reasons behind many natural phenomena, this still doesn’t cancel their beauty and significance – oftentimes, these are even enhanced by knowing about their underlying causes, mechanisms, and governing laws. And of course, even nowadays, there are plenty of mysteries to be solved, for instance, in cell biology or in quantum physics. Nature is a very broad concept, hence, nature essay topics can focus on anything starting with the laws governing the evolution of the universe and ending with a depiction of nature in poems, novels or other works of literature or in other arts. Browse the list of nature essay topics in this category for more inspiration.
Introduction Not some aliens, but humans themselves are destroying the planet Earth. Earth is a beautiful planet that has the blessing of water. Humans are making the water on earth acidic, and ocean acidification is the proper term for it. The phrase ocean acidification is...
Do the geometrical patterns of a flower, snowflake, and seashell happen by a chance? How about the possibility of producing productive pairs of rabbits? Why there are a precise number of seeds in a sunflower fill the space effectively without leaving any gap? And why...
Water is a principal component of nature and it is the major source of life in our ecosystem. It covers 70% of the total earth surface but actually, represents 0.05% of the earth’s total mass. The total volume of water present on the earth’s surface...
The need for water for developmental activities cannot be overemphasized. People use water for various purposes, and this need transcends all geographical barriers and locations. Water goes through processes and components of the earth’s climate system, and it is an important ingredient to each phase...
Each and every one of us, human beings, has a great impact on the water cycle, including myself. Every day I use resources and have a major impact in into this cycle. We often use resources without thinking much about it. We simply take it...
The water or hydrologic cycle has to do with the way that “water moves through the land, ocean, and atmosphere in a continuous process”. The cycle has four major parts which allow said cycle to function and run. These parts are evaporation, transpiration, condensation and...
Earth has been considered the Blue Planet for its abundant water that encompasses the majority of the earth’s surface, making it appear blue. It is one of the most commonly used substances and is required for the survival of all living things. Hydrology is the...
Plop! There I went, diving into a flowing clear stream all the way from the top of Mt. Everest. I’ve been on quite a journey, you see, floating up to this big white puffy cloud now. Oh, wait! I haven’t even told you my name....
This is an essay on environmental issues in 150 words. Industries have positively impacted economic stability, but they have also greatly harmed the environment. In modern times, industries are seen as the backbone of nations, yet they pose a serious threat to environmental sustainability and human health....
For primitive beings like us, life seems to have one single purpose — gaining time. It is going through time that also seems to be the only real purpose of each of the cells in our bodies. To achieve that, the mass of the cells...
The orthodox neoclassical theory considers natural resources to be a potential source of income and accentuates the positive role of natural resources in economic development. Despite the potentially beneficial impact of natural resource wealth on economic prosperity, empirical research has shown that natural resource-abundant economies...
The management of forest resources in Zanzibar has recently sparked a serious debate among people discussing the causes of the mismanagement of forest resources in the region. Some feel that mismanagement is influenced by socioeconomic factors such as poverty and low family income. Others believe...
Indeed, Africa is greatly rich in natural as well as human resources, which are basis for the prosperity of a given country. However, the continent is globally the poorest and underdeveloped. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater...
The Vikings society was Shaped by the sources they had in their land and agriculture This caused a deficiency to feed the growing population. This affected them by the way they lived. For thereafter they were people who raided and were sea rovers. They also...
The relationship between human practices and the effects on the environment is and always has been cyclical in nature. This relationship can be traced back to individual values and how these values affect choices made on a personal level as well as an interpersonal level....
The aim of this essay is to investigate the causes why the majority of people believed. The Bermuda Triangle is cursed to provide a conclusion. The Bermuda triangle may also be known as The Devil’s Triangle or Hurricane Alley. Which was written about by Larry...
In this day and age we live in, our lives are taken over by technology. We cannot imagine our lives without it and listening to stories that my mom tells about how they grew up without internet or cellphones, sound like a nightmare to me....
A night shift is an irregular working hours mainly scheduled for work at night. In Philippines, a hospital night shift is typically starts at 10 pm to 7 am, or 9 pm to 6 am for 8-hour shifts, and 6 am to 6 pm for...
I am from the forest that surrounds my grandparents humble cottage. It is always exploding with life. Birds whistle their own tunes as they swoop through the trees gracefully while the cows moo in the fields. The forest was my escape from reality. It was...