Introduction Step one would be to identify the issues. Be certain of what the problem is exactly. Other people might have differing opinions on how to solve that problem. Identifying the issue allows you to know just what would be suitable to solve the problem....
In today’s digital age, the internet is an essential tool for communication, education, and commerce. However, as much as it has transformed our lives for the better, it also comes with a myriad of challenges that can affect users on various levels. From cybersecurity threats...
Common sense is a term frequently invoked in everyday conversations, often used to refer to a person’s ability to make sound judgments and practical decisions in ordinary situations. It is considered a fundamental element of human reasoning and is often praised as an invaluable trait....
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern society, the interplay between critical and creative thinking has become more vital than ever before. This essay delves into the significance of critical and creative thinking, their symbiotic relationship, and their transformative impact on society’s progress, innovation, and problem-solving....
Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) is one of the four social construction models, it directs clients to seek a solution rather than searching for an explanation about their problems. Solution-Focused Therapy as stated in the essay is focuses on the future with minimal discussion of the clients’...
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy was developed by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and their colleagues at the beginning of the 1970s in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Solution-focused brief therapy explored in this essay as future-focused, goal-directed, and focused on the solution psychotherapy approach. The solution-focused was an...
As Einstein once said himself, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when creating them”. Not only is this one of my favourite quotes, it’s a quote I try to remember and stick by when I address a problem....
It should be to no one’s surprise that humans are of the most intelligent creatures alive. But what warrants this “intelligence”? Arguably humans are the best problem solvers, and this is accredited to our large and extremely developed prefrontal cortex. Figure 1, shows the prefrontal...
Academic Help Seeking: A Framework for Conceptualizing Facebook Use for Higher Education Support Research Article Assignment The name of the article I read is Academic Help Seeking: a Framework for Conceptualizing Facebook Use for Higher Education Support. The article was posted in TechTrends for the...
In the following situation of one of the most successful airline companies a certain turn of events resulted in a loss of £15 million in sales, delays and re-bookings, rescheduling and compensation payments. Due to a busy summer, check in staff at the airline was...
Problem-solving As years pass by, my problem-solving skills are becoming more prevalent. Although this may be surprising to many people, I obtain my problem-solving skills through mathematics. Note that it does not come from repeated drills in computations, but from more complex math problems that...
It’s a Saturday afternoon, when a drunk man tries to destroy a Lamborghini’s windows with an axe. It’s a Monday night, and your TV suddenly stopped working and Monday Night Football is on. Both of these examples are times of conflict. When in times of...
In Democratic Discipline in Your Classroom, Rightmyer explains to us through a personal example of her own how children can be led to play and learn together in peace in a classroom. In her example, the classroom becomes a democracy, and children take an active...
Epistemology involves the study of the criteria by which individuals knows or does not know what constitutes or warrants scientific knowledge. Epistemology is the basis on what scholars imagine could be the contents of knowledge and its shape in the real world. Additionally, epistemology can...
In this paper I will explain the concept of Ockham’s Razor, followed by an example. Then I will go through the three theistic arguments of Anslem and Aquinas, and explain two of the arguments; to see if it works with Razor’s argument or not. And...