Teaching is not just a job; it’s an art form that involves blending various elements to create an effective learning environment. Among these elements, creativity, perseverance, and respect stand out as foundational pillars. Each plays a significant role in shaping the educational experience for both...
James Baldwin’s essay “A Talk to Teachers” serves as a powerful reflection on the complex relationship between education and society, particularly in the context of race and identity. Written during the civil rights movement in 1963, Baldwin addresses educators directly, urging them to reconsider their...
Education is a fundamental right of every child, and the responsibility of providing this education falls on the shoulders of teachers. However, there has been an ongoing debate about whether teachers should be allowed to physically discipline their students. While some argue that physical punishment...
Introduction The role of educators has been changing all the time, keeping up with what society needs and new teaching ideas. Want to really get what’s involved in teaching? It’s smart to talk directly with those who are leading the way in education. This essay...
Effective Teaching: A Multifaceted Approach Effective teaching is a bit like juggling; it’s not just one thing but a whole bunch of strategies, techniques, and methods all coming together to help students learn and stay engaged. At the heart of it, effective teaching is about...
Teaching is often considered one of the noblest professions, and for good reason. The impact a teacher can have on a student’s life is immeasurable, shaping their future and influencing their personal and professional development. However, not all teachers are created equal, and the passion...
Getting Started You know what’s funny? I never thought I’d end up teaching. It just kind of happened during my second year of college when I started tutoring kids in math to make some extra cash. But here’s the thing – that random job totally...
What got me interested to be an educator in the first place was when I was in primary school. I remembered that I enjoyed observing teachers sharing their knowledge in front of a classroom. The passion grew stronger when I was given an opportunity to...
Introduction In this era of globalization, English has been considered to be the third liaison language after mother tongue and the area studied for students in Indonesia. As Fromklin says, “English has been called’ the lingua franca of the world”. With the changing times, the...
The teaching has grown with my many years of teaching experience. As I reflect on my beliefs regarding teaching and learning, I find that my mission as a college professor has three basic components; to promote positive learning, to spark enthusiasm for learning, to provide...
Learning is a complex process that requires a lot of effort, so sometimes it can be difficult to prove to students that studying is fun, and you have to find smarter ways to prove it. Is an undeniable fact that cannot be rejected or excluded...
The Professional Regulation Commission recently came out with the “Revised Guidelines on the Continuing Professional Development Program for all Registered and Licensed Professionals” through Resolution No. 2013-774 series of 2013. The resolution adopted by the PRC is a revision of the guidelines on the Continuing...
Knowledge and Understanding In 7th grade of the English subject, the teacher used group work strategy, where students have to write a narrative story. The desks were five for each group and there was an enough space to walk through the class is wide. Also,...
Teaching and learning English has established itself along recent history as a necessity in a more and more globalized world. English has surpassed the use of Latin as the language used for communication between people who did not share a common language. The colonial history,...
Society, when viewed from a closer perspective, is coarse. This means that it is composed of different types of individuals, each with different strengths and weaknesses, abilities, talents, skills, and intelligence. It’s just like looking into a microscope with grains rice as a specimen. You...
The military powers or even the country’s economy does not project a direct and significant bearing to the state of its education system. Actually, it is the system that does most for one country. A system which spreads progress to the various fields, e.g. the...
This essay is focused on my philosophy of education. My philosophy on education was formed quite early as a result of my day to day learning in public school, and consequently, it has been undeniably inaccurate. I was a hard-working, driven student, with little inclination...
There is a significant gap in the educational attainment of children that live in poverty and their counterparts. The research, Improving Literacy Achievement in a High-Poverty School: Empowering Classroom Teachers Through Professional Development, was aimed at reducing the difference in the educational attainment amongst children,...
During the discussion with my group, I had many emotions and thoughts that ran though my head. Most of these feelings were negative feelings like anger, isolation, disgust, and the fact that what we saw during the film blew my mind as the things that...
Critical pedagogy is an ideal of democratic schooling which aims to challenge inequity and is committed to social justice. Critical pedagogy aims to challenge inequality through uncovering, learning, and then challenging systems of oppression. Critical pedagogy also relies upon the assertion that difference is socially...
There is a gap between learner and reality. Teaching material is a term used to describe the resources used by teachers to deliver instructions. Learner Teacher Support Material is the combination of all collected material prescribed by the Department of Education, District and a School...
Everyday an individual keeps learning. The process of learning is universal and continuous. The learning mostly happens to allow an individual to overcome problems. There have been theories that say problem solving is the highest level of learning, hence making it the sole purpose of...
Communicative approach in language teaching comes from the theory that language is communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop what Hymes calls “communicative competence”. Hymes used it to compare Chomsky’s theory of power with that of a linguistic language. According to Chomsky, linguistic...
There are some students in every class whom we call ‘weak students’, ‘low performers’, ‘poor performers’, ‘low achievers’ or ‘underachievers’. Most of these students are trapped in the vicious cycle of underperforming which leads to lack of motivation and further disengagement and disinterest from school...
How do writers write? How do their ideas seem to get generated? What happens to these ideas after they are recorded? To what extent do these writers attend to the development and clarification of these ideas? To what extent and at what point during the...
Reshma Saujani is the founder of Girls Who Code (a non-profit organization aiming at closing the gender gap in technology). As she started her career in politics, Reshma Saujani discovered that a lot of women end up choosing careers that they are sure they will...
The openness of the incoming teacher applicant to real-life situations in the class can help improve teaching style. This practice attempts to reach the applicant early on in their practice, and expose the applicant to experiences that exceed many aspects, styles and approaches to teaching,...
Whether you have designs on medical or culinary school, the importance of perspective taking is paramount to success. This is the crux of Henry Rosovsky’s argument in favor of a liberal education as the foundation for all other academic endeavors. Henry Rosovsky is a former...
Genre Analysis SLR Outline Introduction Importance of understanding genre-based writing for language teachers Literature Review Definition and purpose of genre analysis Key terms in genre analysis: ‘genre’, ‘stages’, ‘register’ Role of genre analysis in language teaching Genre Analysis Identification of the genre of the assigned...
As moral values, perceptions, taboos, and lifestyles evolve with each generation, an opposing interruption in human social interaction has cunningly begun paralyzing the generation of youths under the guise of revolutionary technology. Though our interactive reach impressively spans worldly distances and communicative access across oceans...