
The Civil War – a Sectional Fight Between North and South

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Words: 2772 |

Pages: 6|

14 min read

Published: May 14, 2021

Words: 2772|Pages: 6|14 min read

Published: May 14, 2021

Table of contents

  1. The Election of 1860
  2. Sumter to Gettysburg
    The War within the West
    The Emancipation Proclamation
    Grant and Sherman
  3. The Election of 1864
  4. Aftermath

The call Civil War is misleading due to the fact the conflict became no longer a class war, but a sectional fight having its roots in political, economic, social, and psychological elements so complex that historians nevertheless do not agree on its basic reasons. It has been characterized, in the phrases of William H. Seward, because the 'irrepressible war.' In any other judgment the Civil War was regarded as criminally stupid, a needless bloodletting introduced on by means of arrogant extremists and blundering politicians. Both views take delivery of the truth that during 1861 there existed a situation that, rightly or wrongly, had grown to be appeared as insoluble by peaceful means.

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In the days of the American Revolution and of the adoption of the Constitution, differences among North and South were dwarfed with the aid of their not unusual hobby in setting up a new nation. But sectionalism step by step grew stronger. During the 19th century the South remained almost absolutely agricultural, with an economy and a social order largely based on slavery and the plantation gadget. These together established institutions produced the staples, especially cotton, from which the South derived its wealth. The North had its own terrific agricultural resources, was continually extra advanced commercially, and became also expanding industrially.

Hostility among the 2 sections grew perceptibly after 1820, the year of the Missouri Compromise, which became meant as an everlasting option to the problem wherein that hostility was maximum simply expressed the question of the extension or prohibition of slavery within the federal territories of the West. Difficulties over the tariff, which led John C. Calhoun and South Carolina to nullification and to an extreme states' rights stand, and problems over internal improvements had been additionally concerned, but the territorial issue almost constantly loomed biggest. In the North ethical indignation expanded with the rise of the abolitionists inside the 1830s. Since slavery turned into unadaptable to an awful lot of the territorial lands, which ultimately could be admitted as unfastened states, the South became more tense about retaining its function as an equal within the Union. Southerners hence strongly supported the annexation of Texas, sure to be a slave state, and the Mexican War or even agitated for the annexation of Cuba.

The Compromise of 1850 marked the quit of the length that might be called the technology of compromise. The deaths in 1852 of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster left no leader of countrywide stature, but most effective sectional spokesmen, which includes W. H. Seward, Charles Sumner, and Salmon P. Chase within the North and Jefferson Davis and Robert Toombs inside the South. With the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) and the resultant struggle over 'bleeding' Kansas the factions first resorted to capturing. The South became ever alert to guard its 'strange organization,' even though many Southerners recognized slavery as an anachronism in a supposedly enlightened age. Passions aroused via arguments over the fugitive slave legal guidelines (which culminated within the Dred Scott Case) and over slavery in well-known were in addition excited by way of the sports of the Northern abolitionist John Brown and by way of the vigorous proslavery utterances of William L. Yancey, one of the main Southern fireplace-eaters.

The Election of 1860

The 'wedges of separation' because of slavery break up massive Protestant sects into Northern and Southern branches and dissolved the Whig birthday celebration. Most Southern Whigs joined the Democratic birthday celebration, one of the few final, if shaky, nationwide establishments. The new Republican party, heir to the Free-Soil birthday party and to the Liberty birthday party, turned into a strictly Northern phenomenon. The vital point became reached in the presidential election of 1860, wherein the Republican candidate, Abraham Lincoln, defeated three warring parties Stephen A. Douglas (Northern Democrat), John C. Breckinridge (Southern Democrat), and John Bell of the Constitutional Union birthday celebration.

Lincoln's victory became the sign for the secession of South Carolina (Dec. 20, 1860), and that nation become accompanied out of the Union by means of six different states Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Immediately the query of federal belongings in these states became crucial, specially the forts inside the harbor of Charleston, S.C. (see Fort Sumter). The outgoing President, James Buchanan, a Northern Democrat who become both truckling to the Southern, proslavery wing of his party or genuinely trying to prevent warfare, pursued a vacillating course. At any rate the query of the forts changed into nevertheless unsettled while Lincoln become inaugurated, and in the meantime there have been numerous futile efforts to reunite the sections, extensively the Crittenden Compromise presented by Sen. J. J. Crittenden. Lincoln resolved to maintain Sumter. The new Confederate authorities under President Jefferson Davis and South Carolina were equally determined to oust the Federals.

Sumter to Gettysburg

When, on Apr. 12, 1861, the Confederate commander P. G. T. Beauregard, acting on commands, ordered the firing on Fort Sumter, hostilities formally commenced. Lincoln at once referred to as for troops for use in opposition to the seven seceding states, which have been quickly joined through Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee, completing the 11-country Confederacy. In the first important navy marketing campaign of the struggle untrained Union troops under Irvin McDowell, advancing on Richmond, now the Confederate capital, were routed by way of equally inexperienced Confederate soldiers led by way of Beauregard and Joseph E. Johnston within the first war of Bull Run (July 21, 1861). This fiasco led Lincoln to deliver up George B. McClellan (1826–85), fresh from his successes in W Virginia (admitted as the brand new kingdom of West Virginia in 1863).

After the retirement of Winfield Scott in Nov., 1861, McClellan was for some months the leader Northern commander. The in a position organizer of the Army of the Potomac, he though failed in the Peninsular marketing campaign (Apr.–July, 1862), in which Robert E. Lee succeeded the wounded Johnston as commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Lee planned the diversion within the Shenandoah Valley, which, brilliantly executed by way of Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson, labored perfectly. Next to Lee himself Jackson, with his famous 'foot cavalry,' became the South's finest preferred. Lee then went on to keep Richmond within the Seven Days battles (June 26–July 2) and become triumphant in the 2nd struggle of Bull Run (Aug. 29–30), very well trouncing John Pope. However, he also failed in his first invasion of enemy territory. In September, McClellan, whom Lincoln had restored to command of the defenses of Washington, checked Lee in Maryland (see Antietam campaign). When McClellan failed to assault the Confederates as they retreated, Lincoln eliminated him once more, this time completely.

Two subsequent Union advances on Richmond, the primary led via Ambrose E. Burnside (see Fredericksburg, battle of) and the second with the aid of Joseph Hooker (see Chancellorsville, warfare of), led to resounding defeats (Dec. Thirteen, 1862, and May 2–4, 1863). Although Lee misplaced Jackson at Chancellorsville, the victory caused him to strive every other invasion of the North. With his lieutenants Richard S. Ewell, James Longstreet, A. P. Hill, and J. E. B. (Jeb) Stuart, he moved through the Shenandoah Valley into S Pennsylvania. There the Army of the Potomac, beneath still any other new chief, George G. Meade, rallied to stop him again inside the best warfare (July 1–3, 1863) of the war (see Gettysburg marketing campaign).

With the vastly superior sea energy constructed up by means of Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles, the Union installed a blockade of the Southern coast, which, though in no way absolutely effective, despite the fact that constrained the South's foreign trade to the uncertain possibilities of blockade-walking. In cooperation with the military the Union navy also attacked along the coasts. The forts guarding New Orleans, the biggest Confederate port, fell (Apr. 28, 1862) to a fleet beneath David G. Farragut, and the city changed into occupied by using troops commanded via Benjamin F. Butler (1818–93). The advent of the ironclad warship (see Monitor and Merrimack) had revolutionized naval struggle, to the last gain of the commercial North. On the other hand, Confederate cruisers, constructed or bought in England (see Alabama claims) and captained with the aid of men along with Raphael Semmes, destroyed or chased from the seas a lot of the U.S. Service provider marine.

The War within the West

That the 'warfare turned into received inside the West' has turn out to be axiomatic. There the rivers, with no trouble flowing both north (the Cumberland and the Tennessee) or south (the Mississippi), invited Union penetration, as they did no longer in Virginia. In Feb., 1862, the Union gunboats of Andrew H. Foote pressured the Confederates to retire from their post Fort Henry on the Tennessee to their stronghold on the Cumberland, Fort Donelson. There, on Feb. 16, 1862, Grant, commanding the Army of the Tennessee, gained the primary splendid Union victory of the war, and Nashville promptly fell without a struggle. Farther down the Tennessee, Grant become fortunate to get away defeat in a bloody contest (Apr. 6–7) with Albert S. Johnston and Beauregard (see Shiloh, struggle of). Minor Union successes at Iuka (Sept. 19) and Corinth (Oct. 3–four) observed, while the counterinvasion with the aid of the Confederate Army of Tennessee underneath Braxton Bragg become stopped by way of Don Carlos Buell at Perryville, Ky. (Oct. Eight, 1862). William S. Rosecrans, Buell's successor, then stalked Bragg through Tennessee, fought him to a standoff at Murfreesboro (Dec. 21, 1862–Jan. 2, 1863), and eventually, with the aid of outmaneuvering him, pressured the Confederate general to withdraw S of Chattanooga.

Union gunboats had cleared the higher Mississippi (see Island No. 10; Fort Pillow), main to the fall of Memphis on June 6, 1862. Grant's Vicksburg marketing campaign, at first stalled by way of the raids of Confederate cavalrymen Nathan B. Forrest and Earl Van Dorn, turned into pressed to a successful lead to a outstanding motion in which the army, represented by means of David D. Porter, also had a hand. The Union now controlled the whole Mississippi, and the trans-Mississippi West became severed from the rest of the Confederacy. The preventing in that region (see Pea Ridge; Arkansas Post) had held Missouri for the Union and led to the partial conquest of Arkansas, however after the autumn of Vicksburg, the struggle there, except the unsuccessful Union Red River expedition of Nathaniel P. Banks and a last desperate Confederate raid into Missouri through Sterling Price (both in 1864), turned into largely restricted to guerrilla pastime.

The Emancipation Proclamation

Britain in no way formally recognized the Confederacy (neither did France) and maintained peaceful family members with the Union in spite of the provocation overdue in 1861 of the Trent Affair, which changed into adroitly treated through Secretary of State Seward. Charles Francis Adams (1807–86) at London and John Bigelow at Paris were capable diplomats, however probably extra important in prevailing popular aid for the Union in England and France become the Emancipation Proclamation, which Lincoln issued after Antietam. This act appeased for a time the anti-Lincoln radical Republicans in Congress, amongst them Benjamin F. Wade, Zachariah Chandler, Thaddeus Stevens, and Henry W. Davis, with whom Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton had been allied. Not all Unionists were abolitionists, however, and the Emancipation Proclamation turned into not implemented to the border slave states: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri had all remained unswerving. For Lincoln and kindred moderates, such as Postmaster General Montgomery Blair, the healing of the Union, no longer the abolition of slavery, remained the predominant objective of the warfare.

The Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg in July, 1863, marked a specific turning point in the war. Both sides now had pro, similarly valiant soldiers, and in Lee and Ulysses S. Grant each had a superior preferred. But the North, with its large population and relatively sizable industry, loved an incredible cloth gain. Both facets additionally resorted to conscription, even though it met resistance. Under Stanton, successor to Simon Cameron, the general management of the Union navy becomes more green. Problems of corporation nevertheless remained, however, and Henry W. Halleck continued inside the tough position of navy adviser, with the title of preferred in leader. The Joint Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, prepared in Dec., 1861, tried to influence the movements as well as the appointment of Union generals (its efforts were mainly robust on behalf of Hooker). The chairman, Benjamin F. Wade, changed into frequently at odds with Lincoln, and the committee's investigations and excessive-surpassed movements decreased morale some of the Union forces.

Grant and Sherman

On the Georgia-Tennessee line in Sept., 1863, Bragg, having temporarily halted his retreat, critically jolted the Federals, who were saved from a complete rout by using the marvelous stand of George H. Thomas, the Rock of Chickamauga (see Chattanooga marketing campaign). Grant, newly appointed very best commander in the West, moved quickly to the scene and, with William T. Sherman, Hooker, and Thomas's fearless troops, drove Bragg again to Georgia (Nov. 25). After Knoxville, occupied in September, withstood Longstreet's siege (Nov.–Dec.), all Tennessee, hotbed of Unionism, turned into now properly restored to the Union. In Mar., 1864, Lincoln, for many years an admirer of Grant, made him commander in chief. Leaving the West in Sherman's capable arms, Grant got here east, took private price of Meade's Army of the Potomac, and engaged Lee within the Wilderness campaign (May–June, 1864). Outnumbered but nevertheless lively, the Army of Northern Virginia turned into slowly and painfully forced again closer to Richmond, and in July the tenacious Grant started the lengthy siege of Petersburg.

Although Jubal A. Early received at Monocacy (July 9), threatening the city of Washington, the Confederates have been not able to repeat Jackson's a hit diversion of 1862, and Philip H. Sheridan, successful inside the grand manner at Cedar Creek (Oct. 19), honestly ended Early's activities in the Shenandoah Valley. For his element, Sherman, opposed first via the wily Joe Johnston and then with the aid of John B. Hood, gained the Atlanta campaign (May–Sept., 1864).

The Election of 1864

On the political front, a movement inside the Republican celebration to shelve Lincoln had collapsed because the tide grew to become inside the Union's prefer. With Andrew Johnson, Lincolm's personal preference for Vice President over the incumbent Hannibal Hamlin, the President become renominated in June, 1864. The Democrats nominated McClellan, who still had a sturdy famous following, on an ambiguous peace platform (largely dictated via Clement L. Vallandigham, chief of the Copperheads), which the ex-fashionable repudiated. Even so, Lincoln became without problems reelected.

After the fall of Atlanta, which had contributed to Lincoln's victory, Sherman's troops made their destructive march thru Georgia. Hood had did not draw Sherman back by invading Union-held Tennessee, and after the conflict of Franklin (Nov. 30) Hood's military was nearly absolutely annihilated by using Thomas at Nashville (Dec. 15–16, 1864). Sherman offered Lincoln with the Christmas present of Savannah, Ga., and then moved north via the Carolinas. Farragut's victory at Mobile Bay (Aug. 5, 1864) had effectively closed that port, and on Jan. 15, 1865, Wilmington, N.C., became additionally reduce off. After Sheridan's victory at Five Forks (Apr. 1), the Petersburg strains have been breached and the Confederates evacuated Richmond. With his retreat blocked by means of Sheridan, Lee, accurately giving up the futile contest, surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse (see under Appomattox) on Apr. 9, 1865. The surviving Confederate armies additionally yielded once they heard of Lee's capitulation, thus ending the warfare that resulted in some 620,000 casualties (with more current estimates suggesting the range might be 750,000 or extra).

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The long conflict changed into over, but for the victors the peace became marred by using the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the finest parent of the battle. The ex-Confederate states, after enduring the unsuccessful tries of Reconstruction to impose a brand new society on the South, were readmitted to the Union, which were stored and wherein slavery changed into now abolished. The Civil War added loss of life to greater Americans than did every other war, together with World War II. Photographs by means of Mathew B. Brady and others display some of the horror in the back of the information. The battle value untold billions and nourished instead of canceled hatreds and intolerance, which continued for decades. It hooked up the various patterns, mainly a robust vital authorities, which can be now taken as a right in American countrywide lifestyles. Virtually each battlefield, with its graves, is both a country wide or a nation park. Monuments commemorating Civil War figures and events are conspicuous in nearly all huge Northern towns and are even greater severa inside the upper South.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson
This essay was reviewed by
Dr. Oliver Johnson

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