Transgender Athletes and LGBTQ Discrimination: Finding the Solution: [Essay Example], 3093 words

Transgender Athletes and Lgbtq Discrimination: Finding The Solution

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Words: 3093 |

Pages: 7|

16 min read

Published: Aug 31, 2023

Words: 3093|Pages: 7|16 min read

Published: Aug 31, 2023

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Work Industry: Discrimination of Transgender and LGBT
  3. Transgender Battle for Acceptance
  4. Treatment of LGBTQ and Transgender Athletes
  5. Fighting Stereotypes in LGBT Community
  6. Conclusion
  7. Works Cited


As generations have gone by and as new expectations from the community form, the judgment and cruelty of society seem like a never-ending cycle toward people. In specific, people who identify to be gay or transgender have the criticize worse than any other individual. Due to society building an image in which implies that a male must be with a female and female must be with a male. As well as a male who is born into a male body must stay a male and a female who was born into a female body must stay a female. Any difference from the expectations created by society, including transgender athletes, builds a range of mistreatment, judgment, and even harassment toward the people who identify to be different. As time has passed, society has built stereotypes that limit a person who identifies to be transgender or gay to be themselves and instead makes the individual face the discrimination of the community in the work industry, schools, sports, homes, and public places.

Work Industry: Discrimination of Transgender and LGBT

As society continues to form new stereotypes day by day and reinforce old stereotypes, the work industry has become an environment in which transgender and gay people experience discrimination and harassment. For example in the article, “Gay and Transgender People Face High Rates of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment,” Crosby Burns emphasizes, “ Studies show that anywhere from 15 percent to 43 percent of gay people have experienced some form of discrimination and harassment at the workplace. Moreover, a staggering 90 percent of transgender workers report some form of harassment or mistreatment on the job,” (Burns 2). In other words, Crosby Burns means that studies have proven that up to almost half of the percentage of people who declare to be gay are being harassed or judged for being themselves. Moreover, the majority of percentage have shown that transgender workers suffer from harassment or poor treatment from peers at work. I agree with this evidence proving how society is building stereotypes that limit people from being themselves because I have seen many incidents on the news in which consists of transgender and gay people trying to file a lawsuit against their jobs due to the discrimination and inappropriate behavior toward them. Cases in which are usually not continued or even acknowledged which makes transgender and gay people feel unheard. Moreover, in 'Gay and Transgender People Face High Rates of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment,” Crosby Burns states, “Eight percent to 17 percent of gay and transgender workers report being passed over for a job or fired because of their sexual orientation or gender identity,” (Burns 6). To emphasize in another approach, Crosby Burns is saying that people who are gay or transgender are turned away and not hired for being declared to be gay or transgender. I agree with Burns statistics proving that society’s stereotypes don’t let people be themselves because a person I know has had an experience related to the statement being made by Crosby Burns. A person I am related to told me a story about how they were attending an interview for a job they had applied to. Even with the professional attire, the respectful and polite tone of voice and the manners being shown, once it was let out that the person being interviewed was gay they interview was cut short. With a confused look and a disgusted reaction, the person gave thanks to the interviewer for their time and left. With the demonstration that people’s job is now unsafe and a zone in which harassment and discrimination are taking place, the stereotypes that the people of society have built don’t allow a gay person or a transgender person to be who they are free.

Transgender Battle for Acceptance

Adding onto the idea, shools from grade levels starting at kindergarten have been a setting in which transgender people and gay people are targeted as well. With the idea of growing up is difficult for any human, being judged and reminded daily of how unaccepted and different an individual may only make it much more difficult for a person to adapt. For instance, the article, “Beyond the Binary: Discussing Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Identity in K-12 Schools,” the ADL conveys, “90% of transgender students heard negative remarks about someone’s gender; expression sometimes, often, or frequently in school,” (ADL 9 ). The ADL is saying that the majority of the percentage of transgender students witness and experience judgemental actions and words related to gender being said to them and others around them in school. Name-calling that is related to gender toward a transgender adolescent may be seen as a harsh act, bullying, and even harassment. Especially in an environment such as school, which is supposed to be a place where students go to learn, not experience judgment and prejudice. I agree with the ADL’s statistics supporting the idea that society makes stereotypes restricting an individual to be themselves because I have witnessed name-calling and pushing happening in my school. In simple terms, out of respect for the individual who had to go through the horrible incident, while sitting at a table during lunchtime with a friend, who identifies as gay, a student passes by and blurts out a hurtful and rude statement. The victim was never doing anything to bother or intimidate anyone and was still judged painfully. Furthermore, the discrimination against the individuals who all they want is to feel accepted drive these people into other negative actions. For example, in 'Beyond the Binary: Discussing Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Identity in K-12 Schools,” the ADL implies, “Almost half of all transgender students have skipped a class or a day of school in the past month because they felt unsafe or uncomfortable,” (ADL 12). In other words, the ADL is saying how transgender students are ditching their classes due to not feeling safe and welcomed. Meaning that as a result of the poor treatment toward transgenders, they’re being exposed to poor choices which will lead to facing certain consequences of their chosen actions. I agree with ADL’s statistics proving that society builds stereotypes that make transgender and gay people feel intimidated to show them true selves because I currently have a transgender classmate in one of my classes in which sometimes decides not to show up to class. The next day my classmate will come into class quietly and act in a reserved manner. Implying that some type of name-calling or other situation has happened since a school day was missed. Out of respect for the individual's privacy, it’s best to simply let the person know that they are not alone and that it’s best to talk about their emotions. With evidence, it’s shown that schools are no longer just a place for students to learn, but society has made school an environment in which transgender and gay people will be discriminated against for identifying as who they desire to be.

Treatment of LGBTQ and Transgender Athletes

As schools are meant to be a place of education, sports are meant to be an environment in which students get to distress themselves and forget all their responsibilities for a quick moment. However, even sports have become a habitat in which transgender and gay people are attacked and judged. They’re held back by people who believe participating in a sport with the gender they identify as is wrong and leads the individuals to suffer from situations worse than just judgment. For instance, in “Mind, Body, and Sport: Harassment and Discrimination – LGBTQ Student-Athletes,” Susan Rankin signifies, “LGBTQ student-athletes generally experience and perceive a more negative climate than their heterosexual peers. These negative experiences with climate adversely influence their athletics identities and reports of academic success,” (Rankin 11). In another approach, Susan Rankin is stating how transgender athletes often face negative treatment towards them which leads them into bringing on an outcome that isn’t at the best ability in their chosen sport. The treatment they’re being faced with leads them into performing in a poor manner which will eventually lead to bigger problems for the individual. I agree with Susan Rankin's statement supporting the idea that stereotypes are intimidators of transgenders and gays to let them act freely because there have been cases on the news in which parents of student-athletes sign petitions to get rid of transgender athletes who participate in sports. Leading the victim to feel attacked and unfree of doing what he or she wished. After finally being able to identify as the gender they desire and to be turned down and unaccepted by society drives the person into doubting their way of performing in their sport. Often leading to performing poorly since they’re now being put on the spot and being watched over their every move. Furthermore, in “Mind, Body, and Sport: Harassment and Discrimination – LGBTQ Student-Athletes,” Susan Rankin expresses, “Thirty years of research underscore the disproportionately higher rates of depressive symptoms, substance use/abuse, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among queer-spectrum and trans-spectrum youth,” (Rankin 12). Susan Rankin is paraphrasing how in student-athletes that identify as transgender or gay there has been a higher percentage of depression, drug abuse and suicidal thoughts due to being rejected into playing the sport they wish. Suicide thoughts amongst the group on individuals who identify themselves as gay or transgender will often lead to actual suicide attempts that will increase the percentage rates amongst young people trying to commit suicide. Drug abuse in student-athletes will increase poor performance since drugs affect the human body in many negative ways. I agree with Susan Rankin’s information proving the idea of society's stereotypes not allowing a person who identifies as transgender or gay be free because articles that tie transgender and gay people being addicted to drugs and being depressed have been released. Scholarly articles that give real-life situations in which the rejection of being able to join a sport or clubs due to their gender identity drive these individuals to suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. Society makes transgender people feel unwelcomed and out of the “ordinary” to society which will often lead them to stop themselves from joining the sport or club they desire to be in. Proving that becoming a student-athlete has become a questionable topic, society continues to build images of how people are expected to act and be in which restricts transgender and gay people to be themselves.

Fighting Stereotypes in LGBT Community

To continue the idea, a home is to be viewed as a safe zone in which there is no judgment and away from society’s expectations. However, the majority of families with transgender and gay people experience the worst type of judgment of home. Discrimination from your own family will cause a more hurtful and unforgettable feeling within a person that will be carried throughout their life. Moreover, in “LGBT Youth and Family Acceptance,” Sabra Katz-Wise voices, “Similarly, the vast majority of transgender and/or gender-nonconforming youth are born to cisgender and/or gender-conforming parents, who often possess negative attitudes toward those who violate societal expectations for gender identity, expression, and roles, and expect their children to be cisgender and gender-conforming,” (Katz-Wise 10). In other words, Sabra Katz-Wise is implying how it is the individuals who identify as gay or transgender that are born into families that don’t accept transformations of genders or children who are gay. Meaning that children who are rejected by the rest of society are rejected by their own families as well. Leading individuals to feel alone in a world full of people who judge and refuse to accept differences. I agree with Sabra Katz-Wise’s studies supporting the idea of how images created by society block transgender and gay people into being themselves because the friend who experienced name-calling at school also went through a stage in which his parents refused to accept his choice of gender likes. Explaining in tears how his parents didn’t want to acknowledge having a son identifying as gay due to fear of what the rest of the family would say. The friend was constantly being told it was simply confusion and it was only a matter of time till his thoughts cleared up. Bottling up his emotions only drives him into a dark sadness in which help needed to be found. Moreover, as the rejection of his parents hurt my friend emotionally, they’re cases in which individuals feel unloved and could grow a possible hatred toward their parents. For example, in “LGBT Youth and Family Acceptance,” Sabra Katz-Wise asserts, “More specifically, sexual minority youth relative to heterosexual peers and siblings report less secure attachment to their mothers and their mothers to report less affection for them,” (Katz-Wise 12). Sabra Katz-Wise is conveying how the young individuals identifying themselves as transgender or gay feel a rejection from their parents that lead them into feeling unloved and unwanted. This can also lead to the child growing resentment and grudge against their parents since they’re implied with the image of how a parent is supposed to love their child no matter the circumstance. Feeling the rejection and loneliness with contradicting the image of parents and their child. I agree with Sabra Katz-Wise’s studies proving the idea of society's stereotypes building a limitation amongst transgender and gay people because as my friend went through the situation of experiencing rejection from his parents, I would hear him explain how he feels like a disappointment to his parents, unloved and unwanted. With tears in his eyes, he would look toward the ground and tell me all he felt as he would not receive any sort of affection from his mother or his father. With no support from either parent, he felt as doors were closing on him and with the rejection came along a feeling of loneliness and no image of parents. With a demonstration of rejection from family toward a transgender or gay child, society's expectations have built its way into people’s closed doors to simply depict how an individual can’t be who they want to be.

As a person’s home is a source of judgment, the opened, the public and the cruel world have been a source of high discrimination and mistreatment toward gay and transgender people. Being out in public as a transgender or gay person comes along with stares, gossips, and mumbles from strangers. Many incidents in which people are denied access to certain destinations. For example, in “No Link between Trans-inclusive Policies and Bathroom Safety, Study Finds,” Julie Moreau voices, “Research has shown that transgender people are frequently denied access, verbally harassed or physically assaulted while trying to use public restrooms,” (Moreau 5). In other words, Julie Moreau is saying that there have been real-life situations in which people have been denied the right to use the restroom and some cases have even gotten physical. Being seen as different and stared down is one aspect, but being told and even physically touched just to deny the access to a restroom has become the eye-opener to gay people and transgender people that they’re unliked. I agree with Julie Moreau’s information proving that society has made expectations too cruel on gays and transgenders because real-life situations in which people who identify as transgender try to take care of the business but are turned away. An incident that took place in a mall proves that public places have become a cruel reality for individuals. As a transgender female tried entering the women's restroom, another woman stop her and states to her that she does not belong in the women's restroom. The individual filled with embarrassment and just walked away. These people ask themselves as to why there isn’t anything done to protect them from the cruelty of society. Also, “No Link between Trans-inclusive Policies and Bathroom Safety, Study Finds,” Julie Moreau states, “While Title II of the Civil Rights Act protects access to public accommodations — including hotels, restaurants, and places of entertainment — based on “race, color, religion, or national origin,” there is no federal law that protect people’s rights to access public spaces based on sex, sexual orientation or gender identity,” (Moreau 16). Julie Moreau is saying that there isn’t an actual legal law that has been passed that protects transgender people from being discriminated against and turned away. Meaning that it’s legal for people to criticize a transgender male or female walking into the restroom with the gender they identify as. I agree with the evidence of Julie Moreau proving my claim of society making expectations that restrict gay or transgender people to be who they want to be because the incident that took place in the mall ended with no action against the lady, who had no business being rude and judgemental toward the transgender female, being taken. Implying that it’s appropriate for society to turn down transgender people into using the restroom of their choice. The lady continued being at the mall and went throughout her day believing she didn’t do anything wrong, while the transgender female fled the scene in tears and humiliation. With proof that the public is a cruel place that has built expectations against transgender and gay people, the individuals who desire to be accepted and free realize that everywhere they go, there will be a form of judgment.

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In conclusion, people’s jobs, schools, sports, homes and public places have become an environment that contains discrimination due to the stereotypes that society has built against transgender and gay people leading individuals to feel intimidated to being who they are. Transgender and gay people have proven to face the cruelty of society and people in which have either made some individuals stronger or have broken some individuals. The time of change has arrived and it starts with one person to make a positive action. With one person, a group can be formed in which its motive will be into bringing awareness to the daily challenges that transgender and gay people face day by day. Everyone has their challenges, but to stand united and strong for those who need the voice will be a fight that society’s stereotypes can’t stand.  

Works Cited

  1. Burns, C. (n.d.). Gay and Transgender People Face High Rates of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment. Center for American Progress.
  2. ADL. (n.d.). Beyond the Binary: Discussing Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Identity in K-12 Schools. Anti-Defamation League.
  3. Rankin, S. R. (2014). Mind, Body, and Sport: Harassment and Discrimination – LGBTQ Student-Athletes. Campus Pride & the LGBT Sports Coalition.
  4. Katz-Wise, S. L. (2015). LGBT Youth and Family Acceptance. The Fenway Institute.
  5. Moreau, J. (2017). No Link between Trans-inclusive Policies and Bathroom Safety, Study Finds. NBC News.
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Dr. Oliver Johnson

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