Upon the emergence of the cinema at the start of the 20th century, the landscape of material culture became a more widespread phenomenon and film productions became a profound artefact due to the information it provided on the culture of users and creators. Induced by...
Martin Scorsese, an American-Italian filmmaker produced and directed “The Wolf of Wall Street” that was released to the public in 2013. This film tells the story of Jordan Belfort, who was a stockbroker living a luxurious life on Wall Street in the late 90s. Belfort...
In the film Wall Street directed by Oliver Stone (1987), and the play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare (1623), it is shown that corruption plays a large role in the lives of everyone. To begin with, the director and playwright both suggest that the ambitious...
Belfort was born in 1962 in the Bronx borough of New York City to a Jewish family. He was raisedin Bayside, Queens. Between completing high school and starting college, Belfort and his close (related to the time when a person is a child) friend Elliot...
Criminal Justice System Interventions and Policies in the Wolf of Wall Street Law should protect citizen from criminals like Jorden Belfort, who use power and position to defraud the people and economy. In The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film), we see an example of...
Wall Street was a movie of controversy consisting of a young man, Bud Fox, doing all he can to attract high-quality clients with high investments, in order to climb to the top. With a particular man in mind, Gekko, Fox put everything at stake to...
The movie Wall Street starts out with Bud Fox, a young stock broker for a smaller firm, compared to ones like Pierce & Pierce or Goldman Sachs. For a while, Fox has been eager to work for a man named Gordan Gekko, a man who...