William Morris was a famous artist who mainly focused on his wallpaper and fabric designs. While he was mainly known for his art, even today, he had many other notable careers and accomplishments, one of them being that he founded the Arts and crafts Movement....
William Morris
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Although he is primarily known for his elaborate fabric and textile designs, William Morris was also a poet, novelist, illustrator, architect, translator, and social activist. Born in 1834, Morris was alive during the market revolution, during which new technology made mass production possible. Morris challenged...
During the Industrial Revolution, in the middle of the 19th century, different industries were developing, economic growth was impressive and a huge new world of cities was emerging. However, it took its toll on both people’s working conditions and their morale as well as on...
Starting with a famous quote of William Morris: Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. This quote is quite self explanatory that things you keep in your house should be beautiful and useful whereas...
William Morris was a British textile designer who lived from 1834 till 1896. He graduated from Exeter College, Oxford and, upon graduation, became an architect. After several years of being a successful architect, he decided to become a painter. The decision was influenced by fellow...
It is argued whether William Morris should be considered an artist or a craftsman because of his focus on vessels. While the creation of vessels in the ancient world was a seen as a craft because of the mass production and use of these vessels,...
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