Pride & Prejudice: A Latter-Day Comedy is a 2003 American romantic comedy directed by Andrew Black. The film is an updated adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
The film comedy version takes place around Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah with five female roommates, and the story revolves around one of these roommates. Elizabeth (Kam Heskin) is quite an oddity in Happy Valley. She is a 26-year-old grad student and isn't married yet; she is more interested in first taking care of her education.
Three guys, though, attempt to help her lose her focus. Jack (Henry Maguire) is a somewhat good friend and handsome suitor, but Elizabeth just isn't interested (probably because Jack needs rides and money to go out on dates). Collins (Hubbel Palmer) is a big, fat, delusional goob, whose delusions concerning Elizabeth's love culminate in him proposing to her. Darcy (Orlando Seale) starts out as an English snob to Elizabeth, but later finds himself "strangely attracted" to her. Darcy and Jack have a past with each other, and this in turn reinforces Elizabeth's dislike and distrust for both of them.