Growing up facing a lot of challenges and hardships, I always appreciated my teachers’ positive impact on my life because they believed and supported me even when peers and people close to me did not. Also as a teacher’s son, it was motivating to see…
When people say that they are inspired by a piece of artwork, they are often referring to the finished piece rather than the process that created what they are viewing. This is definitely not the case when I say that I am inspired by a…
Perhaps my greatest accomplishment thus far is managing to survive kindergarten. I was definitely a weird child; not weird in the sits-in-a-corner-eating-paste sense, but certainly strange and, at times, overly cautious. During circle time, I made my own circle away from the group. During story…
I gasped when I peeked into Christine’s sketchbook, a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and eye-popping characters. Hoping to see more of her drawings, I eagerly tried to befriend her. Although Christine covered her sketchbook at first, she slowly let her guard down and opened it….
When I first flipped open the art guide for our Academic Decathalon materials last year, a single painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze immediately caught my eye, unknowingly igniting the flame of an idea in my intrigued mind. It was a simple piece that most of my…
In a drab little apartment- streaked gray by pollution- nestled in the dusty streets of Bogota, Colombia, my mother once asked me at the age of three years old what I wanted to be when I grew up. Surrounded by a patriarchal and heavily misogynistic…
As the sunlight began to dim, my panic rose. The street signs were incomprehensible, and any request for assistance only resulted in a barrage of unfamiliar German. I found myself hoping for a rapid rescue, yet I knew that I needed to find my own…