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Top 15 Opinion Essay Topics
Public Opinion Essay Topics
Personal Opinion Essay Topics
Opinion Topics in History
Good Opinion Writing Topics: Elementary
Opinion Essay Topics: Sports
Opinion Essay Topics on Culture
Nursing Opinion Essay Topics
Social Media Opinion Essay Topics
Education Opinion Essay Topics
 Literature Opinion Essay Topics
Psychology Opinion Essay Topics
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Great Opinion Essay Topics for Everyone

opinion essay topics

Extended List of Opinion Essay Topics and Ideas

An opinion essay is about expressing your point of view. You can fully agree with a certain statement, partially or express complete disagreement. In this case, each argument in support of your point of view should be devoted to a paragraph. In this type of essay, you indicate your opinion in the introduction and conclusion.

Choosing a balanced approach, you should not only describe the problem from two sides (one paragraph - points for, and the second - points against) but also indicate which position is closer to you. In this case, it is advisable to start with an idea that is less close to you and devote the second paragraph to the one you adhere to. You must indicate your position in three places: in the introduction, in the conclusion, and in the topic sentence of the second paragraph.

In the introduction, the author expresses his opinion, starting with the words in my opinion. In the first paragraph, he indicates the position that is less close to him, and in the second, the one to which he is more inclined. At the same time, he gives consistent and convincing arguments in support of his opinion with the help of introductory constructions on the one hand, on the other hand. In the conclusion, the author uses the introductory phrase in conclusion and summarizes his opinion with the phrase I am still convinced that.

Next, we will look at opinion essay topics that will help you get inspired to write your own work.

Top 15 Opinion Essay Topics

Here we will analyze the 15 most popular topics for an opinion essay.

  1. Do you think that technology has reduced the social interaction of people?
  2. How has science influenced modern education?
  3. How do you feel about dating apps?
  4. Do you think social media filters are bad for mental health?
  5. Do you think smartphones can be used in the classroom?
  6. How do you think social media should be censored?
  7. How do you think the Internet harms or benefits?
  8. Is global warming real and how can it be combated?
  9. Is it true that strict parents harm children more than they help?
  10. Do you think parents should provide privacy to their children?
  11. Is it true that it is easier for a younger person to learn a language?
  12. Do you think medical marijuana should be banned?
  13. Is it true that all legends are based on false facts?
  14. Is it normal for college students to be tech-savvy?
  15. Is it true that dolphins carry death to the dam?

Public Opinion Essay Topics

Public opinion papers topics include the general beliefs, desires, and reasoning of most people.

  1. Can we continue to trust news resources and channels?
  2. Do you think health insurance should be more affordable?
  3. Is it true that domestic violence harms the public?
  4. Do you think that abortion can remain legal?
  5. Do you think the legalization of cannabis is more harmful or beneficial?
  6. Does owning a firearm make people feel safer?
  7. Do you think national parks are endangered?
  8. How do you think social networks affect the split of the public in the country?
  9. Can mass depression be considered a global health problem in the country?
  10. Should school help parents control the amount of time their children spend on gadgets?
  11. How can you fight fake news?
  12. What solutions to economic inequality would you suggest?
  13. Can we trust the voting system?
  14. Does our country need to reform its military policy?
  15. Do you think that the death penalty should be abolished everywhere?
  16. Do you think it is possible to fight corruption in the police?
  17. How can the rise of homelessness be tackled in the country?
  18. Do you think the public will ever be satisfied with their president?
  19. How does the appearance of a person affect his mood and performance?
  20. Is it necessary to play sports in schools on a mandatory basis?

Personal Opinion Essay Topics

Here are some ideas for opinion essays on personal topics.

  1. Is it true that social networks contribute to the development of depression in adolescents?
  2. Do you think that respect is a key aspect of success in a person's life?
  3. How do you think close friendships should imply ethics?
  4. Can self-pity harm a person?
  5. How do you know when a romantic relationship is over?
  6. In your opinion, should the public education system provide healthy nutrition to students?
  7. Is it acceptable that students' homework takes up all their free time?
  8. How important is rest to ensure good academic performance?
  9. Does travel really help broaden your horizons and worldview?
  10. Is it true that journaling has a positive effect on a person's emotions?
  11. How do you think students should be allowed to use e-books during class?
  12. Can I feel safe at school?
  13. Is bullying really a sign of a person's insecurity?
  14. Does a modern business need offices?
  15. Should the age limit for drivers be raised to 18?
  16. Do you think working women can be good mothers?
  17. Does military training really have a positive effect on the development of a person's character?
  18. How can evil parents harm their children?
  19. Does a person need time management?
  20. What benefits and harms can energy drinks bring to the human body?

Opinion Topics in History

Here are some historical topics for opinion writing.

  1. Benefits of learning the history of other countries.
  2. US role in World War II.
  3. Religion and State: An Unobvious Connection.
  4. Why do students need to study subjects that they will not need in the future?
  5. History of cinema: how did it all begin?
  6. Echoes of Slavery Today: The Black Lives Matter Movement.
  7. Views and true intentions of Che Guevara.
  8. Benefits of capitalism.
  9. Causes of the Caribbean Crisis.
  10. Causes of the Cold War.
  11. The difference between the monarchy in Spain and Great Britain.
  12. Religion and the Amish: A Conservative Religious Movement in Christianity.
  13. Displacement by the British colonizers of the indigenous population of the United States.
  14. The viability of communism today. 

Good Opinion Writing Topics: Elementary

Here are good opinion writing topics for an essay on elementary themes.

  1. Time management in elementary grades.
  2. The role of extracurricular reading in education.
  3. The role of social networks in shaping the personality of a child.
  4. Creative subjects as the basis for the versatile development of the student.
  5. The role of pocket money in the development of interpersonal relationships between primary school students.
  6. No use of smartphones during lessons.
  7. The influence of pets on the socialization of students.
  8. Food and education: they are more connected than you think.
  9. Change as an important part of your child's socialization.
  10. Drawing and singing: two things you can't refuse.
  11. The role of classical music in stimulating the brain activity of students.
  12. Warming up between classes is a way to improve the learning process.
  13. Gamification of classes: pros and cons.
  14. Is it worth it to completely replace physical media with digital ones?
  15. What is the complexity and size of the ideal homework assignment?

Opinion Essay Topics: Sports

Here are some sports topics for essay writing.

  1. How do you think the use of doping in sports is ethical?
  2. Does success in sports really depends on eating a healthy diet?
  3. Do athletes have a life after retirement?
  4. Is it possible to justify sporting achievements by getting serious injuries?
  5. Is it true that athletes must meet high moral standards?
  6. Is it true that successful coaches make their teams successful?
  7. How much do professional athletes get paid?
  8. Is it true that female athletes are engaged in traditionally male sports?
  9. The role of the Olympic Games in strengthening friendly relations between countries.
  10. Is there any ethics in sports exports involving animals?
  11. Can a break from sports be beneficial?
  12. Do good shoes really provide a part of success in sports?
  13. Do college athletes deserve professional coaching?
  14. Is it true that athletes are less susceptible to depression?
  15. Is it true that basketball players are more vulnerable to racist discrimination?

Opinion Essay Topics on Culture

Here are some cultural opinion topics.

  1. The role of modern pop music in shaping public attitudes.
  2. Unrealistic beauty standards of today.
  3. Electronic music as a tribute to universal digitalization.
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of online communication.
  5. The Internet as a Cause of Inappropriate Expectations in Interpersonal Relationships.
  6. Globalization of the fashion industry as a reason for the destruction of cultural heritage.
  7. The cycle of fashion.
  8. K-pop as a unique phenomenon in modern culture.
  9. Rock and pop industry: they have more in common than you think.
  10. YouTube as the main platform for identifying talents.
  11. Copyright in the music industry.
  12. Twitch and Instagram as tools for female objectification.
  13. Digital technologies in politics.
  14. Features of the cuisines of the people of the world.
  15. Pacifism in modern culture.

Nursing Opinion Essay Topics

Here are some best opinion nursing essay topics 

  1. Cases of exaggeration of the powers of nurses.
  2. Features of communication of medical staff with relatives of patients.
  3. The problem of interaction between medical staff and patients planning a gender transition.
  4. Digitalization of work processes of medical staff.
  5. Digitalization as one of the reasons for the reduction of medical staff.
  6. Forced vaccination: pros and cons.
  7. Globalization of medical control of the population.
  8. The role of homeopathy in modern medicine.
  9. The problem of alternative medicine.
  10. The problem of euthanasia in different countries.
  11. Patient Data Privacy.
  12. Expansion of the ban on the free sale of drugs.
  13. Genetics and diseases.
  14. The effectiveness of patient participation in the treatment process.
  15. Gender dependence of the nursing profession.

Social Media Opinion Essay Topics

Here are some social media essays writing ideas.

  1. Social networks as an element of approval in education.
  2. The impact of social media on everyday life.
  3. Censorship on the modern web.
  4. Problems with using digital sources of information in education.
  5. Eco activity in social networks.
  6. The role of influencers in changing the moral values of society.
  7. Social engineering as a scourge of modern society.
  8. Cyberbullying and reality.
  9. Children and social networks: are restrictions necessary?
  10. Digitalization and modern culture.
  11. The role of Twitter in politics.
  12. Smartphones and parental controls.
  13. Piracy on social media.
  14. Popularization of deep fakes.
  15. Success in reality and success in social networks: is there a difference?

Education Opinion Essay Topics

Here are the best interesting education essay themes.

  1. Should children be taught to write in elementary schools?
  2. Should students be allowed to carry phones to school?
  3. What benefits do students get from participating in extracurricular activities?
  4. Do you think it is worth raising the age of graduates?
  5. Do you think e-learning is effective enough?
  6. The role of gamification in increasing the involvement of students in the educational process.
  7. Why is learning a foreign language critical for a student?
  8. Why grade is not an indicator of a student's mental development?
  9. Are e-books dangerous?
  10. Is it acceptable to punish students by teachers?
  11. How reliable can online sources be for research?
  12. Should students study only those subjects they like?
  13. And how relevant are Gender Schools today?
  14. Are there any advantages to distance learning?
  15. What is the role of Latin in modern education?

 Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Here are some literature opinion essay topics.

  1. What caused gender bias in 17th-century English literature?
  2. What is the satire in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
  3. How did Shakespeare present love and death in his works?
  4. Do you think English grammar should be preserved?
  5. The more a person reads, the better he can write.
  6. How do you think reducing the amount of literature in college will positively affect the level of education of students?
  7. Do engineering students need English?
  8. How can essay writing help in building a successful career?
  9. Taras Shevchenko as an image of Ukrainian society.
  10. Is Martin Luther King Jr. the voice of the African American people?
  11. How can science fiction contribute to the development of technology?
  12. Does reading have a positive effect on PTSD patients?
  13. How quickly will e-books be replaced by paper ones?
  14. Should the works of the classics become free?
  15. How to get kids to read? 

Psychology Opinion Essay Topics

Here are the best topics for an essay on psychology. 

  1. What is causing the rise of racism in the United States of America?
  2. What is the importance of personal perception?
  3. Is love really a chemical reaction
  4. Identify examples of the effective use of propaganda.
  5. How important is it for people to understand non-verbal communication?
  6. What are the most pressing issues in the field of social cognition?
  7. How to force yourself not to put off homework until later?
  8. How do commercials affect the human brain?
  9. Is it true that laughter is good for a person?
  10. What are the consequences of cyberbullying?
  11. What non-standard methods can increase productivity in the workplace?
  12. How does aging affect human behavior?
  13. Are there effective treatments for a personality disorder?
  14. Does exercise really have a positive effect on the human brain?
  15. Is it the right decision to give a small child access to a smartphone?

Opinion Essay Sample for Students

Here are interesting ideas for opinion essays for students.

  1. The problem of the high cost of education in capitalist countries.
  2. Issues of the safety of public places.
  3. The attitude of different generations to social networks.
  4. The value of the institution of marriage in modern society.
  5. Maternity leave and the problems of restoring former labor duties.
  6. Antidepressants as an addiction.
  7. The out-of-school pastime of students.
  8. Gender and economic inequality in third world countries.
  9. Interpersonal relationships and the covid-19 pandemic.
  10. IVF privacy issues.
  11. Changes in US government policy related to Russian aggression.
  12. The environmental aspect of using private transport.
  13. DNA examination in the investigation: how expedient is it to rely on its results?
  14. The problem of life imprisonment in states that have abolished the death penalty.
  15. The influence of the opinion of the people of the United States on the foreign policy of the state.
  16. The effectiveness of the state in solving drug addiction problems.

We hope that the topics that we have suggested will help you write a good topic for an essay. In case you need help with writing a paper, you can always refer to our free database, which contains thousands of essays and topics for writing them. On our website, you will find many prompts and topics you can write about  in good opinion essays.