In the world of literature, certain stories stick with us long after we've turned the last page. One such story is "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park, which intertwines the lives of two characters—Salva and Nya—against the backdrop of war-torn Sudan. While...
Introduction to a Struggle In the world of literature, few narratives strike as deep a chord as “A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park. This poignant tale weaves together the true story of Salva Dut, a young boy from South Sudan who becomes...
Introduction Madagascar is like a treasure chest of nature, ain’t it? It’s the fourth biggest island on Earth and famous for its crazy variety of plants and animals. About 88 million years ago, it broke away from Africa and has been doing its own thing...
Introduction You know, colonialism in Africa is a pretty complicated topic. It’s like this big puzzle that historians are still trying to piece together. Sure, we often hear about the bad stuff—like exploitation and cultural loss—but there were some upsides too. This essay is gonna...
John Carlins book, Invictus, is a gripping portrayal of the transformative power of forgiveness and reconciliation in the wake of the apartheid era in South Africa. Drawing on extensive research and interviews with key figures, Carlin provides a nuanced and insightful account of how the...
Africa, a continent known for its rich cultural diversity and natural beauty, is also home to a significant challenge: widespread poverty. Despite its vast resources, Africa faces complex issues related to poverty that have persisted for decades. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted...
Youth unemployment stands as a pressing challenge in South Africa, casting a shadow over the aspirations and potential of the nation’s young population. As a pivotal demographic group, the struggles faced by young people in accessing employment opportunities have far-reaching implications for both individual futures...
Unemployment, a persistent challenge faced by many countries, holds particularly significant consequences in South Africa. With an economy marked by both promise and disparity, the effects of unemployment reverberate through various facets of society. This essay delves into the multifaceted impacts of unemployment in South...
Teenage pregnancy is one of the most famous topics for an essay According to the WHO, teen pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a girl under the age of 20. Pregnancy can occur after the onset of ovulation, which can occur before...
Saving the life of a pregnant woman is the only condition in which abortion is allowed to be performed in Nigeria. According to the abortion laws of the Criminal Code, a woman is liable to face a jail sentence of seven years imprisonment if she...
Introduction Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger, known to us as Paul Kruger, played a major role in shaping the History of South Africa with his contribution and involvement during the Angelo-Boer War and a strong sense of fighting for the independence of the Transvaal against the...
“At ordinary schools they tease you. People are cruel. They forget to accommodate you. You are an inconvenience.” This is a quote from Lane Wahl – a South African student with a visual impairment. Children with disabilities are legally allowed to attend “normal” school. In...
What is South African Music? South African Music reflects the complex history of African and Western traditions, and of conflict and determination. South Africa lies at the very southern end of Africa and it is home to a myriad of indigenous cultures – it is...
After succeeding the throne in 1816, Shaka KaSenzangakhona wanted to create the Zulu Empire. In order to achieve this, Shaka implemented a military conquest which to a large extent provided base for an expansion of the empire. This essay will give an explanation of why...
Introduction The African lion (Panthera leo) is Africa’s largest carnivore. Historically the apex predator of the savannahs of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa, the lion is of great ecological importance. Further, its dominating status over such a vast region which has lead to global popularity...
Introduction Coal has been a source of energy for various countries within and around the world for many decades. This rock is formally identified as a dark, hardened sedimentary rock of which is formed by decayed plant substances which are then further burnt and used...
If it accepted that one’s vision of the future is shaped by an interpretation of the present and past, then any discussion of the conditions of post-apartheid South Africa requires a thorough understanding of apartheid. An active dispute over the nature of apartheid ids identified...
Introduction The motive of this essay is to state and define the term racism. It is commonly the belief in the superiority of one group of people to another, which often feedback in injustice and discrimination based on their lives where individuals come from. However,...
At first glance, one would not understand the depth and significance of Athol Fugard’s work. One of his works is Master Harold and the Boys which is an especially significant playwright because it was written by a white South African during the apartheid era in...