Brown v Board of Education was a landmark case that had a monumental influence on the United States educational system. Although Brown v Board of Education helped pave the way for the civil rights movement by starting and attempting to desegregate the public school system,...
Writer, educator, and activist, Jonathan Kozol, in his famous novel, Savage Inequalities, recounts on the extensive problems in America’s schools. Kozol’s purpose was to bring attention to and evaluate the disparities in education between schools of different classes and races. These issues vary in potential...
In the United States we use accreditation and licensure to verify that predetermined and standardized criteria are met. For any business or organization to run successful these processes must be encountered. Accreditation is a voluntary process by which a nongovernmental being grants a time-limited recognition...
Education is a central aspect of life. It determines one’s future and socioeconomic status. Since 1980 the tuitions and fees for higher education have increased by over 400 percent, as a result, there has been a high dropout rate. The reason is that students simply...
Changing patterns of fertility in the country and the immigration in the country has led to population diversity. The demographic difference has led to the racial disparity between various ethnic communities. The differences in education will be manifested in different ways for example in Academic...
My Declaration of Independence from Unnecessary and Gratuitous Homework, The opportunities the American education system has provided to me, my peers, and my parents before me have bettered our lives immeasurably. The opinion of many officials in the system is that rigor amounts to success...
Introduction to Standardized Testing In most high schools, students in their junior year usually face the challenge of a test called the “American College Test” or the ACT. This is a standardized test designed for college admissions in the United States. Many students believe this...
Throughout the history of America, the United States has been one of the most developed countries in the international community. Success through economics and diplomacy has improved America as a political entity and a social one. However, it is very surprising that English has not...
After eleven years of post-soviet education, I had to adjust to a new paradigm of learning. For the very first time, I was introduced to self-education and independent research, principles which lie at the heart of western thought but were not encouraged by my teachers...
Standardized testing has long been a staple in the American education system, designed to provide a uniform measure of student performance across various demographics. However, the reliance on these tests raises significant concerns regarding their effectiveness and impact on students’ learning experiences. In this essay,...
Introduction Immigrant domestic life has its own particularities beyond cultural and language differences. It is not uncommon that immigrant families live together with extended family members, all contributing to surviving harsh living conditions. Many times, families are comprised of mixed legal statuses; some members are...
This was a very interesting article. I feel education is presently at the face of the nation’s political agenda: everyone, regardless of political persuasion, wants to see an improvement in the performance of America’s schools. This accord ends suddenly though when seeking ways to determine...
Introduction In Mike Roses’s “I Just Wanna Be Average,” he reflects on when he was in vocational school, where he saw it as the lowest of the low classes. Despite accidentally being placed on the wrong “track” for school Rose chose to stay. Mike Rose...
Introduction In the eyes of the education system, students are no more than the test score they receive. The narrative “I Just Wanna Be Average,” follows young Mike Rose as he recounts his high school career and how he developed as a student under different...
Introduction Since the beginning of time, education has been the foundation of human development, not only as human beings but as a society too. Education has always been the key to a blooming society: from experiments to discoveries, hypotheses to theories, and imagination to reality....
Education Inequality
American Education System
America’s societal values often prioritize athleticism and popularity over intellectual pursuits, resulting in the marginalization of “nerds.” In his essay “America Needs Its Nerds,” Leonid Fridman argues that this cultural bias against intellectualism is detrimental to the nation’s progress and development. He contends that valuing...
The cost of education in the United States has risen exponentially over the past few decades, with the average cost of tuition and fees at public universities increasing by 212% since 1987. Additionally, the student loan debt in the country has reached $1.7 trillion. Despite...
Abstract Standardized testing has been a long-standing practice in the American education system, dating back to the Industrial Revolution. However, recent studies have raised concerns about the effectiveness and impact of these tests on students and educators. This paper aims to explore the history of...