The Silent Retreat: Indian Removals as Represented by Hobomok and The Pioneers Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay The historicity of the Indian removals that took place...
In the book, The Fire Next Time James Baldwin the author and narrator of the book writes about his childhood growing up in Harlem and what he witnessed and learned as he grew up. When Baldwin was fourteen he saw Harlem in a completely different...
The year 1819 produced some of the greatest literary works known today, including those written by Lord Byron, John Keats and Percy Shelley. While these literary experts wrote great works of literature or poetry, few have managed to outlast the test of time. Some works,...
Introduction The pressure to obey expectations of familial roles provokes a conflicting sense of self among both youthful protagonists. Within Tillie Olsen’s “I Stand Here Ironing” (Olsen, 1961), the clarity of Emily’s self-image is greatly hindered by her expectation to conform to her mother’s forced...
American popular culture pervades not only America itself, but many other cultures as well, and it says so much about the people and society as a whole that it attempts to define. American Indians are a group not usually connected with the network of popular...
“And they lived happily ever after.” This picturesque phrase can hardly be described as a typical ending to a Flannery O’Connor work. In a ‘standard’ O’Connor piece, one can expect to find several allusions to religion, sardonic situations, and demented characters. “The Life You Save...
It is natural for people to like or love one person more than another, but it may not feel as natural to the one who is not loved more. In Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Francie and her mother, Katie, fight and argue...
Martin Luther King Jr.’s “The Drum Major Instinct” speech was a sermon that was told at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia on February 4, 1968. During the time of the Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther King Jr. was a strong supporter in the Movement....
Introduction Death is a dark event that can influence anyone forever, as shown in John Irving’s A Prayer for Owen Meany. Although these influences typically have a negative connotation, death in this book has more of a positive impact on the narrator’s life. Owen’s death...
Edmund Burke once said, “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” In today’s society, power is taken and used in manipulative ways by prominent people in the public eye. We see celebrities pay their way out of punishments all the time. Julian Hayden...
During the 1600s, women were stereotyped to behave obediently, remain uneducated, and follow the traditions of their own culture. Although these social norms are clearly oppressive and offensive, to fight against these expectations was a brave act, as Bethia Mayfield demonstrates. In the novel Caleb’s...
Authors often use religious allusions to further the significance of a novel. It is when the reader recognizes and understands these influences that the importance of the novel can be truly understood. In John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck utilizes numerous Christian references to...
What would you do to break the everyday routine of life? Just for one day, to be part of something new, and to engage in random activities. How far would you go to feel alive again? A wealthy suburban man named Neddy Merrill, who the...
According to William Faulkner, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” mimics this quote by providing a glimpse into the events of a blood line that is so seemingly doomed by its history that its present and future generations are...
Claude McKay, born Festus Claudius McKay, was a key figure in the Harlem Renaissance, a key to the literary movement of the 1920s. A Jamaican American poet, McKay used the point of view of the outsider or a ‘persona’ as a reoccurring theme in his...
Each year, hundreds of people from Central America decide to migrate on a dangerous journey through Mexico to the United States. Every migrant who decides to travel to the United States goes knowing their life is at risk. They make this their journey hoping to...
The Whitening of Souls: A Note on Shame, Internal Monologues, and White Hegemony Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay In James Weldon Johnson’s The Autobiography of an...
Set during the throws of the Cold War offensive and the threat of the domino theory in Asia, Graham Greene’s fiction annexes his experiences as a war correspondent in Indochina during the years 1951 – 1954 into his works, impart reasoning and voice into a...
Michael Frayn wrote the novel ‘Spies’ to present a partly-autobiographical novel in 2002. Frayn grew up in Ewell, Surrey, during World War 2. He had a precious and happy early childhood until his mother died when Frayn was 12 years old. Frayn got to change...
Introduction: Perks of Being a Wall Flower is a well-known movie based off of the 1999 published book by Stephen Chbosky. It follows the story of a character named Charlie, who is entering his freshman year of high school. Background: As if transitioning into high...
Introduction: Just Mercy: A story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson was completely eye opening. A true reflection on our-selves, I think. How we understand people that are different than us in any way. Background: Just mercy focuses on the injustice and racism against...
According to Walter Benjamin’s “The Storyteller,” storytellers are a dying breed, and the novel only contributes to the death of storytelling. If that is true, then Willa Cather’s My Antonia is a fan fueling flames on the somber coals of storytelling. Cather uses various instances...
In a certain Nobel Prize acceptance speech delivered in Stockholm in 1950, William Faulkner famously declines to accept the end of man. Elaborating, Faulkner goes on to promise that “man will not merely endure: he will prevail.” This faith, he insists, has its roots in...
I believe that, in the book “The Outsiders”, the Socs, socialites or social rich kids from the west, are more of a disgrace and menace to society than the “greasers”, the poorer students from the east. The Socs’ idea of fun is throwing big parties,...
When people hear the words war, death, mental health, and pain, the last thing you would probably think about is satire. However in the book Catch 22, author Joseph Heller uses satire to bring light to all of these subjects, point out flaws in characters,...
In the book A Prayer for Owen Meany, there are many different characters that were appeared in the story. All of those characters have a very strong characteristic, and had a lot of thoughts on different things, and had their own ideas. Although not every...
A Prayer For Owen Meany
American Literature
Though set in different times of American history, the revisionist novel Montana 1948 written by Larry Watson explores the corruption of justice and the nepotistic community of Bentrock. Similarly, the allegorical play ‘The Crucible’ set in the 1950s in the McCarthysim era depicts a society...
Montana 1948
American Literature
Literary Criticism
Eugene O’Neill’s classic American tragedy Desire Under the Elms tells the story of characters that are driven by a number of common, and therefore competing, desires. Many believe that O’Neill intended the Desire Under the Elms to refer to the desire between Eben and Abbie,...
The 19th century was a time of great development, especially so in the realm of knowledge and representation of disability in literature. Although physical disabilities receive the majority of the attention, mental illness does appear in many works even though it may not be openly...
Every human is different, everyone has their own obstacles and fears, for some it might be heights, spiders or clowns, for our protagonist in the short story The Swimmer by S.J. Butler the fear is about life itself, where every little decision you take can...