An Unnecessary Death: Trayvon Martin's Case: [Essay Example], 2924 words

An Unnecessary Death: Trayvon Martin's Case

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Published: Feb 8, 2022

Words: 2924|Pages: 6|15 min read

Published: Feb 8, 2022

On February 26, 2012 two lives were drastically changed for the worst. Seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin was gunned down and his young life ended. This story became just one of the many unarmed shootings of the twenty-first century in America. Trayvon Martin who was just seventeen years old when the incident occurred. A Miami Gardens native, a son, a brother, and a friend. Martin was just visiting his father in Sanford, Florida. For the famous NBA All-Star weekend in 2012 that was being held just miles away in Orlando, Florida. Martin left his father’s girlfriend condo, as he walked to the store for some snacks and unfortunate events took place that caused him to not return home to his family. This shooting caused a chain of events after it, events that could not have been foreseen. From the Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) take over, celebrity involvement, weeks of coverage on every major news outlets and cycles, and to the startup of the Black Lives Matter Movement. The Black Lives matter Movement is a movement and organization across America that campaigns for the African-American community, and go against racism towards the minority community. This Particular incident changed the way the world perceived police officers as a whole. There were marches, protests, and public statements from Martin’s and Zimmerman’s family and friends. The other life that was affected by this tragedy was George Zimmerman born on October 5, 1983 who was the lead watch at the residential community The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida. Zimmerman was allegedly following the deceased home due to him looking suspicious and the recent burglaries in the neighborhood who description Zimmerman said Trayvon Martin fit. Both lives were changed forever on this tragic Sunday, and that’s what some people seem to forget to remember. One life ended, and one life was destroyed. This fatal shooting even sought out the attention of the sitting president at the time President Barack Hussein Obama. From the first initial report, Zimmerman told witnesses and the officers who as first on the seen that shooting was self-defense and he was in fear of his life. The shooting incident initially investigated by Sanford, Seminole County Police. Eventually, was handed over to special prosecutor Angela Corey, and also investigated by the Federal Bureau of investigation. A separate investigation that was also launched to determine whether or not Trayvon Martin civil rights had been violated.

The forensics team treated this high profile case as thorough as possible. Laboratory reports dated for March 01,2012 by C. Taylor was submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. There was forensics collected from Exhibit DMS-21 (the gun) swabs collected from the grip, trigger, the slide, and the holster. Buccal swabs were also collected from Zimmerman. Trayvon Martins fingernail scraping Exhibit ME-2 was collected from his left and right hand. Trayvon clothing Exhibit ME-8, Exhibit ME-12 was also collected such as his shirt, hoodie, and pants. The results of the scientific tests were: gun was inconclusive for the trigger and slide but the subject was at least one male individual. Results for the grip did match the individual subject George Zimmerman. No determination could be made on whether or not Trayvon Martin had contribution to the gun. Trayvon Martin shirt consisted of stain A, B, and D which showed the chemical presence of blood. George Zimmerman DNA was also found in Stain A. Stain D was a mixed DNA profile. Exhibit ME-12, the hoodie, was consisted with the chemical presence of blood from Trayvon martin. George Zimmerman clothing items Exhibit DMS-16 and Exhibit Dms-19, one item was George Zimmerman’s jacket consisted of fourteen blood stains. Some of the stains was consisted with matching Trayvon Martin and some matched George Zimmerman as well. There was also mixed DNA that was considered inconclusive. But, was identified as at least two male individuals. The evidence results showed that it was many partial minor DNA matches to Trayvon Martin. There was also one Gunshot Residue (GSR) collection kit administered for George Zimmerman. GSR was detected and identified as a result by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). GSR results does not determine that and individual only fired the weapon, but that the individual could have been just exposed and around when the gun was fired. Trayvon Martin phone was also taken into evidence but was not tested for prints. The medical Examiner report also stated that the bullet entered the left chest at intermediate range, entrance of the wound was the pericardial sac and right ventricle of the heart. After the shooting there was interviews conducted form Zimmerman and all witnesses. Zimmerman corroborated to the fullest extent. He even went back to the scene of the crime with investigators where he reenacted that traumatizing events. From the beginning Zimmerman has said he was acting in self-defense. Zimmerman reported seeing someone suspicious in his community neighborhood as he was on patrol. He said the suspect (Trayvon Martin) was not only walking but looking at all the houses as if he was scoping them. Zimmerman than called the Sanford Police to let them know what was going on due to their being recent burglaries. Zimmerman then got his car and followed Trayvon Martin through the community. From the beginning Zimmerman has said that Trayvon snuck up on him from behind him and jumped out the bushes, and asked why he was following him. After, they exchanged words and Zimmerman said that’s when Trayvon attacked him and that he was laid on the ground and Trayvon was on top of him brutally beating him. He felt in that moment that he had no choice. Zimmerman said he felt he was in fear of his life and what Trayvon would do. At this time Zimmerman reached for his gun while he was still supposedly on the ground and shot young Trayvon martin in the chest to stop him from hurting him even more. “On March 12, 2012 Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee said until we can establish probable cause to dispute [Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense] we don’t have grounds to arrest him”. Sanford police and investigators received tremendous amount of backlash for not making an arrest. But with the evidence given there was no cause. “On March 22, 2012 Sanford Police Chief Bill lee was placed on paid leave. The following day State Attorney Angela Corey, appointed by Florida Governor Rick Scott’s as a special prosecutor, began an independent review of the evidence with the assignment of determining whether the case warranted prosecution.” As mentioned previously the FBI opened and investigation to determine whether or not Trayvon martin’s civil rights had been violated. “The federal investigation examined whether Zimmerman violated civil rights statutes at any point during his interaction with Martin, from their initial encounter through the fatal shooting. This included investigating whether there is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman violated Section 3631 by approaching Martin in a threatening manner before the fatal shooting because of Martin’s race and because he was using the residential neighborhood. Investigators also looked at whether there is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman violated Section 3631 or Section 249, by using force against Martin either during their struggle or when shooting Martin, because of Martin’s race.” (US Dept of Justice) On March 19, 2012, The FBI did not find enough sufficient evidence to support that Trayvon Martin’s civil rights had been violated. Furthermore, after this event, without even convening a grand jury. “On April 11, 2012 Zimmerman was charged with second degree murder. His lawyer Mark O’Mara reported to CNN that Zimmerman had turned himself in.” (CNN) With his bail only set at $150,000 Zimmerman bonded out of jail. “Weeks later, Zimmerman bond was revoked and he was sent to jail after evidence surfaced that Zimmerman’s wife had misrepresented the family’s finances at the bond hearing. After a second bond hearing in July of that year, a new bond was set at a $1 million and Zimmerman was re-released.” (Famous Trials) Zimmerman stuck by his defense that he only pursued chase (even though 911 dispatcher told him not to do so) was due to recent burglaries in the neighborhood and there was a recent notification given to Zimmerman about two recent burglaries. There was also a notice in The Retreat at Twin Lakes newsletter. “Zimmerman enters a written not guilty plea and waives his right to appear at his arraignment.” (CNN)

During the trial, Zimmerman’s lawyer Mark O’mara initially asked for an immunity hearing due to Zimmerman claiming self-defense. Zimmerman claimed to be following the “stand your ground” law. Zimmerman and his lawyer then opted out because there was no option for Zimmerman to retreat. “Judge Debra Nelson issued several rulings on pretrial motions on May 28, 2013. She ruled against allowing evidence related to martin’s prior fights, marijuana use, and familiarity with guns. She also denied a request by the defense to take the jury to the crime scene. Finally noting the tense circumstances surrounding, the trial, Judge Nelson ruled that the jury would remain anonymous and be referred to by numbers only.” (Famous Trials) The jury was decided on June 20, 2013, there was a six female jurors selected five white jurors, and one mixed race juror. The prosecution needed to prove without a reasonable doubt that Travon Martin was not being suspicious by walking that night. But that he went to the store for his brother. The prosecution also had a witness that was the 911 dispatcher that night saying repeatedly that there was no need to follow Trayvon Martin. The prosecution had several witnesses from The Retreat community who either heard or seen some of the altercation between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. The prosecution would assume that they had a star witness. After the police witnesses were perceived more for George Zimmerman. Trayvon was on the phone before he started being followed and during the altercation. Prosecution’s star witness Rachel Jeantel was talking to her friend and still on the line all the way up until the gun shot. You would think this would make her a slam dunk witness. Due to inconsistencies in her story, her age, and reason why she couldn’t attend Martin’s funeral threw the prosecution for a loop. “Jeantel also testified that she thought it was Trayvon's voice calling for help on the 9-1-1 recording. After less than an hour of direct examination, Jeantel endured five hours of sometimes withering cross-examination from defense attorney Don West. She was forced to admit on cross that she'd lied to avoid going to Trayvon's funeral, lied about her age when first contacted concerning the case, and at various times had offered several different accounts of what happened. The tough questioning made Jeantel hostile and even caused her to say she was leaving at the end of the day and not returning to the witness stand.” (Famous Trials) The prosecution also called witnesses from the residential community. Multiple witnesses heard someone yelling “HELP”, witnesses heard or seen tussling or fighting. Witnesses from the community either testified that they heard or seen fighting. Due to the darkness some could not recall which person was on top during the fight, or who was at the bottom. A witness named Jonathan Good shedded some light on that night for the jury. Good was able to recall events that other witnesses could not. Due to Good residing in the townhome that was near the confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin. Good even tried to intervene by calling out asking “What was going on”. “He also described the person being straddled as having the lighter colored-skin. He testified that he saw 'multiple' downward thrusts of an arm from the person on top that 'looked like punches' and heard the person on the bottom cry for help. When he turned to go inside his townhouse and call 9-1-1, the gunshot rang out in the night. Shown photographs of both Zimmerman and Martin, Good identified Martin as the person on top and Zimmerman as the person on the bottom. He also aided the defense by stating that in his opinion it was Zimmerman's voice screaming for help.” This statement provided truth to what Zimmerman had been saying that Trayvon Martin was on top of him during their physical altercation. The prosecution witnesses were more aided towards helping Zimmerman’s case when it came down to the actual testimony, especially the police officers. Detective Christopher Serino for example testified that there was evidence that Zimmerman followed Martin after being told not to. Zimmerman’s comment “f*$%?# punks” lead Serino to question Zimmerman’s level of hostility. Both Officers Ricardo Ayala and Doris Singleton of Sanford Police testified that Zimmerman did not seem angry and that Zimmerman was not being confrontational. The 9-1-1 recording shook America when it was released, which you would think this tape would be in favor for the prosecution. Instead, the recording was proven to help neither the prosecution nor defense due to experts not being able to tell who voice was yelling for HELP. The prosecution did not get the sympathy that they had hoped for at the begging of the trial. The main facts of the prosecutions closing arguments was that walking home from the store is not a sign of suspicion. Yes, Zimmerman never seen Martin before and he was very acquainted with the residents who lived at The Retreat but that doesn’t make him suspicious. Martin could have just been a new family in the neighborhood. You should be able to walk to the store and back home without being followed, and having a feeling like you need to defend yourself at all times.

Getting sympathy from the jury for the defense was not an easy job either. The defense would need to prove that Zimmerman had no choice but to fire his weapon in self defense. The defense had a witness who lived in the community give a testimony about a break in that was months before the Martin shooting. Showing that the witness had confided in Zimmerman about the burglary and Trayvon fit the sane description. The defense even went overboard Even went over board to suggest that Zimmerman was unfit to go up against Trayvon Martin. The defense called Adam Pollock to the stand, the owner of the kick boxing gym that where Zimmerman worked out at from time to time. “Pollock testified that Zimmerman was unathletic and 'grossly obese.' Pollock told jurors Zimmerman was 'a very pleasant, very nice man' who was 'physically soft' with 'not a lot of muscle' and 'not a lot of strength.” (Famous Trials) the jury heard first hand from the forensics specialist Dr. Vincent Di Maio that the evidence shows Zimmerman’s gun was touching Trayvon Martins hoodie. Which would corroborate his self defense story that he was on the ground and Trayvon was on top. “ Di Maio also describes Zimmerman’s head lacerations, temple sounds, and bloodied nose as consistent with having his head banged into a side walk and being punched in the nose, as Zimmerman claimed had happened.” O’Mara had herd of Zimmerman’s family and friends call the 9-1-1 tape into question on whether her or not it was Zimmerman’s voice or Martin’s. Zimmerman’s mother and father especially, testified that the voice screaming for help was in fact their sons. The defense would use this opportunity to sway the jurors into believing his family and friends the people who knew him his entire life. If you have people who have known someone their entire life testifying on their behalf on how they all believe it was Zimmerman’s voice what jury wouldn’t be swayed. The defense even had the lead detective and on e of the Sanford police officers testify that when Trayvon Martin’s, father, Tracy Martin heard the 9-1-1 recording he did not believe that was his son’s voice screaming for help. But later Tracy Martin changed what he first believed, and said that he do believe that was his son screaming for help. The defense had made some solid and valid points, and witnesses to corroborate. Some of the most important accusations. Zimmerman was the person who was on the ground not the one straddled on top, he was the person outside screaming for help, and that he was in fear of his life when he fired his weapon on that Sunday night in 2012.

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After sixteen hours of deliberation the six woman jury found George Zimmerman not guilty. This enraged Trayvon Martin’s mother, father, family, and friends. They were in shock. Trayvon supporters all around the world felt as if justice for this seventeen year old boy. “Reaction to the jury's verdict varied. Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said he was 'stunned' by the verdict and Al Sharpton called it a 'slap in the face of the American people.' Tracy Martin described himself as 'broken hearted' and Trayvon's mother said, 'Lord, during my darkest hour I lean on you...I will love you forever Trayvon.' (Famous Trials) The pressure of feeling that justice was not served and their sons killer was free to go changed their lives forever. The jury was believed to have been split, at one point during deliberations three not guilty verdicts and three who felt that Zimmerman was guilty of his crimes. What may the jurors change their minds? How did it go from being a split jury, to being unanimous? George Zimmerman went home a free man on this day. Even though the trial was over his life still did not move on from the trial. 

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson
This essay was reviewed by
Dr. Oliver Johnson

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