Fauvism, the first twentieth-century movement in modern art, was a very short lived movement between 1905-1907 that was the product of a rapidly and radically changing culture. Innovation and experimentation were becoming fundamentals in the art world as a break from traditionalism meant that art...
Fauvism For artists, the twentieth century began five years late. Late it might have been, but when it got going, it was decades ahead of it’s time. In 1905 nothing was as “modern” as modern art. It was to remain that way throughout the century....
Essay Futurism began in Italy in the early 20th century. A group of Italian artists were interested in Mechanical & Technological arena’s and the speed at which developments were occurring. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to...
Modernism is the deliberate departures of traditional with the use of innovative formation of expressing distinguish in many styles in literature on 20th century. In arts, the radical break of the past and concurrent searches for new forms in expression (Rancheti, 16). Modernism has fostered...
In the late Middle Ages, the Italian peninsula became a battleground for the lords that rose to power in the region and the surrounding areas. This paper will discuss how an increase in Florentine wealth brought on by the rise of the merchant class eventually...
The Renaissance is the time period in Europe immediately following the Middle Ages. It was witness to the discovery and exploration of new continents, the founding of new ideas, and innovations to powerful tools, such as paper, the compass, and gunpowder. It is a time...
Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian renaissance genius born April 15 of 1452. Much of his early years are a mystery and are undocumented. His father was Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci and his mother was Caterina, a present from the Middle East....
While Kehinde Wiley’s “The Two Sisters” and Jan Van Eyck’s “The Double Portrait” are both greatly detailed portraits, each one contains its own style, form, content, and context that give the paintings a unique presence in its own way. Kehinde Wiley’s “The Two Sisters” is...
Art Deco (1920-1940) also known as style moderne, was a movement in the decorative arts and architecture that originated in the 1920s and developed into a major style in western Europe and the United States during the 1930s. Its name is short for Arts Décoratifs,...
Habermas concedes that modernity has thus failed. However he refuses to abandon the project. Rather he insists on learning from the mistakes of those extravagant programs, which tried to negate modernity. So, the project of modernity should be continued to establish a connection between modern...
Perspective – this is what makes the drawings seem realistic; even after knowing the anatomy and the structure of the human figure, figures or images might not seem realistic unless you can relate the various parts of the figure to the eye level or to...
The Darkness of the Philosophies The Enlightenment era made a very strong impact on art we create today. The Enlightenment era had three philosophies: neoclassical, romanticism, and realism. All three of these ended up tying together in immense ways. A revolution had begun in 1789,...
Roy Lichtenstein, a pop artist of the 1960s, became well-known for his use of comic strips as high art. Using comic inspired images, Lichtenstein would create emotionally taxing scenes of damsels in distress. Sometimes Lichtenstein would use actual comics and crop them so they only...
Andy Warhol Andy Warhol was an artist who was famous for his works in pop art. He was best known for paintings of Campbell’s Soup cans, and has also used various methods in creating artwork. His works focus on the expression of people, and also...
Pop Art The pop art movement beginning in the mid-1950s was one of the biggest modern art movements ever, it is considered to have been the art movement that preceded postmodern art. Pop art is often associated with comics, Campbell’s soup can labels, and the...
Barbara Kruger. That is a name that many people recognize in today’s society. Kruger is a contemporary artist who focuses mainly around feminism. She specializes in techniques of production, visual formats, and verbal style. Kruger creates photographs and puts a sentence over the top of...
Transcending Time and Place: Baroque and Contemporary Art If not to convey the author’s way of seeing, then what is art? Some artists leave a meaningful impression with their viewpoints on certain themes. Two such artists who have left their mark through their artwork are...
When you hear the word “Renaissance Man”, the first name that usually pops up in a person’s head is that of Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci is the epitome of the Renaissance humanist ideal. He was not only an outstanding painter, but also an engineer,...
When we hear the word “art”, there may be several images that come to mind: an optically masterful painting made entirely of dots, an abstract piece with splashes of color, or even such masterpieces as the Mona Lisa. But how did all these styles come...