The piece of artwork that has influenced me and my work personally the most was “The Weeping Woman” by Pablo Picasso. Picasso has been someone I’ve studied throughout my lifetime and has been a huge influence to many. There are many different styles and techniques...
“The Arnolfini Portrait” by Jan van Eyck is a 1434 oil painting on oak panel. It a full length dual portrait, of the Italian merchant Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini and his wife, in their home in the Flemish city of Bruges. It is one of...
Seen by most as just splotches on a paper, art has showed beyond doubt that its use is as magnificent as its grandeur. Art is used in many different ways all around the globe and now appears in various forms because of it. Art can...
Paul Nash s paintings delt with the Battle of Britain. Mainly from the point of view of the brave R.A.F. pilots, and what they may have seen during thier one on one engagements with the Luftwaffe. Nash also did paintings of the areal battle s...
Both Goya’s 3rd of May and Picasso’s Guernica are anti-war masterpieces and both represent tragedies in Spain resulting from attacks by foreign entities. Though born a century apart, these artists originated in Spain and chose to express outrage over the violation of their countrymen via...
The theory that an artwork could be either true or false is very much an interesting question, one that is almost impossible to answer because of the differing perspectives of the artist and the audience of such artwork. There are also many different contexts and...
As a basic tool of human existence, memory determines our actions and reactions to stimuli, creating a link between what has passed and what is yet to come in search of patterns and similarities between people and events past and current. Memories can serve as...
Art is not a necessary part of survival. So why does it matter? This short essay about art tries to answer the question of its importance. Oftentimes art is overlooked and viewed as an unimportant skill or ability to have. However, art has many qualities...
The Camera degli Sposi (1465-1474) by Andrea Mantegna is a prime model of an artwork that attempts to defeat spatial constrictions through an illusion of depth. The work is an example of trompe-l’oeil painting, which employs realistic imagery to create optical illusions of continuing space...
In “Ways of Seeing, ” art critic John Berger discusses different perspectives of how people believe and go on with life. Berger stated, “The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe. ” For purposes of my discussion, I’m...
During the time period that France was undergoing a structural rebuilding, by Baron Georges Haussmann, E’douard Manet was painting “The Old Musician”, and was unaware of the controversy this particular painting would bring him. Manet was an artist with a novel approach to art, contrasting...
During the time both when Claude Monet was alive and now dead, he has had many opinions by different audiences. Some have been positive but some have also been critical. This was due to at the time of his original works, impressionism was still frowned...
Johannes Vermeer was a Dutch painter who lived from 1632-1675. He was known for painting scenes of domestic middle-class lifestyles. He was known for artwork but wasn’t known for painting many paintings in his lifetime. Before going into detail about the Love Letter by JohannesVermeer,...
The two main inspirations for my artwork are David Padworny and Joshua Miels. They have inspired me in their style and their application of paint techniques. These artists, along with my own development have allowed me to express my interpretation of the theme of migration....
Throughout the centuries, animals have appeared in works of art. Cultural beliefs are the main principles and values upon which an entire community exists. This is made up of several parts: traditions, which rituals; values, which are philosophies; and culture, which is all of a...
Homesickness by Rene Magritte was painted in 1940. It is an 80 x 60 cm. oil on canvas, and is currently located in the Galerie Isy Brachot in Brussels. In the painting, there is a man wearing black clothes with wings standing on a bridge...
The “Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear”, painted by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh in 1889. The painting captures van Gogh’s self-inflicted wound following his infamous incident of self-mutilation where he intentionally sliced his left ear with a razor blade following a heated argument with...
While observing Pear Tree, by Gustav Klimt and Rocky Mountains, by Albert Bierstadt, It is quite evident to spot innumerable differences between the two works. However, there are also some similarities between both paintings that hide beyond the differences. These similarities rest within the formatting...
Claude Monet was a leading artist of the nineteenth century Impressionist movement. In fact it was Monet’s painting Impression, Sunrise (1872), which is credited for the origins of the movement’s name. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater...
Designed in 1825 by William Burn, the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art was originally known as the John Watson School. It was intended to function as an institution for fatherless children. However it was opened as the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in...
I have chosen to base my personal study on psychedelic art and music during the 60s and 70s because I am extremely passionate about the art that came out of this time period, in the form of audio and visual work. I have grown up...
On the 3rd of June 1992, the High Court of Australia decided that terra-nullius should not have been applied to Australia as the land was in fact occupied by the Aboriginal Peoples. The Mabo Decision acknowledged and declared native land rights to Indigenous Australians which...
When selecting which pieces of art I wanted to compare, I came across a few options that I liked. I decided to choose Aphrodite and Eros as well Filiform Aphrodite. Both statues obviously are meant to represent Aphrodite but look completely different. Made-to-order essay as...
The painting is based off the traditional catholic belief that the Virgin Mary was physically crowned the “Queen of Heaven” by her son, Jesus after her assumption, a moment which was popularly painted in 14th century Florence. Yet Tintoretto’s depiction of the coronation, in the...
May Day Central Park painting is an oil canvas painting. The background has a green lawn and a few children running around. The features are in three dimensions an effect mostly created by effects of shadow, light and brush strokes. The people in this painting...
The landscape of our earth has been interpreted differently by countless artists through many unique forms. Landscapes have been a common subject for art and are a way for artists to express how they observe the world through their mediums as well as to explore...
‘Black Iris’, oil on canvas, 36 x 29 7/8 inches, 1926, The picture ‘Black Iris’ which can be called Black Iris III, is an oil painting in 1962 by artist Georgia O’Keeffe (American, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 1887–1986 Santa Fe, New Mexico). The size dimensions of...
“The most interesting thing about artists, is how they live”, quoted by a renowned French artist himself, Marcel Duchamp, whom had made works that of the representation of the unusual and in-understandable. You see artists, are somewhat similar to scientists. They are undermined geniuses whom...
The following works of art all depict the human body: Woman of Willendorf (Paleolithic, 28,000-25,000 BCE), Pharaoh Menkaure and Queen Khamerernebty (Egypt, 2490-2472 BCE), and the Dying warriors of both the east and west pediments of the Temple of Aphaia (Archaic into Classical Greece, 480...
John Singer Sargent’s piece Rio di Santa Maria Formosa, was a near and dear painting he had created based off his many trips to Venice. Starting these trips in the 1880’s, he frequently painted watercolor scenery, often in a gondola. This painting in particular was...