Introduction Buddhism, originating over 2,500 years ago in India, has grown to become one of the world's major religions, with millions of adherents across the globe. Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, Buddhism is often seen as more of a philosophy or way...
Buddha felt that nothing was really permanent. He asked himself what is this life like? Buddha thus conveyed his message to his father, wife and son. They gave no importance to religious rituals. He tried to find out why the brain was engaged. He added...
Siddhartha Gautama was born 2500 years ago in a small kingdom in ancient India. His mother Queen Maya was returning to her parents home for the birth of her child, the journey was extremely long for the queen to make so on the way the...
From 7 century, the Buddhism Culture spread in Japan and it came from China. Temples were built in throughout of Japan for hoping Japan’s peace and quiet. This time was called the Tenpyo Culture and it is a gorgeous aristocratic and Buddhistic culture. In that...
Siddhartha Gautama or Gautama Buddha was born in the 6th century BCE and was the next air to the thrown in India. His parents believed their son (Siddhartha Gautama) was going to be something extraordinary and they both decided to ask an astrologer to consult...
Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He was the son of Sadhana the ruler of Kapilvastu. Gautama was born in Lumbini (Present Nepal) in the 5th century BCE. He was the prince of Sakya tribe in Nepal. At the age of 16 he got...
Out of the three sages: Lao-tzu, Confucius, and Buddha, I believe Buddha is the most compelling. Before he transformed into Buddha, he was known as a version of Siddhartha Gautama, the son of a prince who grew up sheltered, in a powerful and wealthy family...
The Beat Generation has always been associated, and rightfully so, with themes connected to sexuality. Beat writers were, and still are, famous for advocating sexual liberation and free love, being open about their homosexuality when that was the case (like Allen Ginsberg did for all...
The knowledge that one has cannot be simply given to others. Rather, being guided by a familiar person allows for this knowledge to be gained and interpreted. In his novel Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse gives the story of a young adult, Siddhartha, who is set off...
What began as the response of a young man to the suffering he witnessed, which occurred centuries before Christ was born, became a global philosophy that millions of individuals would eventually model their existences after. That young man was Siddhartha Gautama, and that philosophy is...
The concept of modern Buddhism and pre-modern Buddhism differs as society developed throughout the years and had to change their social construct and beliefs to adapt to the changes throughout the world. This paper will acknowledge what the religion Buddhism is and who is Siddhartha...
In the Buddhist way of life, the Buddha taught his followers to study in order to gain wisdom to guide their life. And what did the Buddha advise them to study? He advised them to study two sources: – the first source from which to...
Introduction Buddhism as a religion was founded between the late 6th century and the early 4th century BCE by Siddhartha Gautama after he attained Enlightenment (Nirvana) and shared his message throughout northeastern India, teaching anyone who was willing to learn about the Middle Path, regardless...
Understanding Samsara Samsara literally means “wandering-on.” Many people think of it as the Buddhist name for the place where we currently live—the place we leave when we go to nibbana. However, in the early Buddhist texts, it answers not the question, “Where are we?” but...
The most common known Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautama, was born around 563 bc in a place now known as Nepal. He was a part of a royal family, meaning that they were extremely wealthy, he was brought up in a life of luxury as a prince....
Just as you will find vast amounts of individuals on this planet, additionally, there are billions of different inclinations and dispositions. From the Buddhist thing of perspective, a broad selection of religions is necessary to suit the diverse requirements of people that are different. Buddhism...
The Buddha is a role model for Buddhist life as he sets an example of a way people can achieve a life with an understanding of suffering and provides answers to life’s major questions. He realises that he had the answer in him all along,...
Fashion comes with various facets that include clothing, footwear, makeup, body piercing or accessories, which come in various forms. Mostly fashion goes with a particular time after which it becomes obsolete until it recurs again. Some of the products that we buy are both fashionable...
Most people pray to the gods, or angels, or saints for various requests such as good health, fertility, wealth, protection from any kind of harm, peace, happiness, courage, strength which has and still is part of the various cultures for more than two thousand years....
From reading the notes and comparing all of the philosophers that we have studied, it became evident to me that all of their works in some way attempted to explain the nature of reality and all of their writing dealt with the relationship between subjective...
Introduction The study’s epicenter of discussion is the comparison between the Indian Buddhist logic, initiated by the founder of Buddhism – Gautama Buddha and then carried further and deeper into the intricate and finer details by the various scholars of the Buddhist school of thought,...
Achieving peace of mind can be a challenge, but with the right help, this challenge can be easier. The sculpture of Green Tara is one of the sculptures that most caught my attention because it is very easy to relate this sculpture to real life,...
‘Religion is a lot of feelings concerning the reason, nature, and inspiration driving the universe, especially while considering religion the arrangement of a superhuman association or workplaces, generally including respectful and stately observances, and routinely containing a moral code managing the lead of human endeavors’,...
The purpose of this ethnography essay is to show Buddhism in America and how its contemporary application. Also to shows its ability and how can be a utility for society without being ostentatious and changing social fabric to the point of confrontation. The ethnographers wanted...
Abstract This paper investigates the role of Buddhism as a philosophical system and in the socio-cultural context as well. I would like to investigate about how Buddhism despite not having a distinctive and clear sense of metaphysics, it still managed to be one of the...