Introduction The art of filmmaking is an amalgamation of various elements, each contributing to the narrative's depth, emotional resonance, and visual appeal. One of the quintessential tools in a filmmaker's arsenal is the use of camera angles, a technique that can shape the viewer's perception...
Introduction The film “Buen Día, Ramo,” directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Carlos López Estrada, stands out as a poignant narrative that delves deep into the complexities of human relationships and the passage of time. Released in 2019, the film narrates the story of Ramo, a...
Christopher Nolan’s 2010 film Inception is a complex and thrilling movie that explores the complexities of the human mind and the power of dreams. The film follows the story of Dom Cobb, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who is a skilled thief in the world of...
Through intense visuality and the complex connections among various characters, Woody Allen in Annie Hall suggests an inextricable connection between geographical location and identity in terms of class, religion, politics, and interpersonal relationships. Within the film, key characters are presented, defined and developed for the...
The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic American novel that has been adapted into several films over the years. Each adaptation brings its own interpretation of the story, characters, and themes, resulting in differences that can be observed when comparing the...
When you think of a “Goodfella”, an image of a kind, humble, and maybe even honorable man comes to mind. Maybe someone like your father or a mentor like a coach, or teacher. In the movie, directed by Martin Scorcese, Goodfellas may seem like all...
Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma is a Mexican drama film that follows the life of Cleo, a maid who works for a middle-class family in Mexico City during the 1970s. The film has received numerous accolades, including a Golden Lion award at the 75th Venice International Film...
Set in a dystopian Los Angeles of 2019, Blade Runner follows Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), an ex-policeman brought out of retirement to eliminate a group of renegade replicants who have illegally arrived on Earth. During this anti-hero’s quest, he forms a relationship with a young...
The 1930s was a decade marked by economic depression, political turmoil, and social change. However, despite these challenges, the 1930s also witnessed a significant evolution in the world of entertainment. From the emergence of new technologies to the rise of iconic figures in the entertainment...
The media depicts people in different perspectives that leave individuals with the urge to dig into their true character and complications hidden in their reputation. Citizen Kane, produced and directed by Orson Wales is among the highly rated and most famous films in the world...
Adam Sandler’s Impact on Comedy In the world of comedy, Adam Sandler is a polarizing figure. Loved by some and criticized by others, Sandler has carved out a unique niche in Hollywood with his distinct brand of humor. In this essay, we will delve into...
The medium of film has no limits, showcasing engaging characters, captivating story, and being able to manipulate an audience’s emotions towards a specific theme explored, to the point that us as an audience are aware of the manipulation in the film. This is seen in...
Karen Dufilho’s animated short film, Geri’s Game, has captivated audiences since its release in 1997. The film tells the story of an elderly man named Geri who plays a game of chess against himself in a park. The film has received critical acclaim for its...
The American film Gone with the Wind (Victor Fleming, 1939) is a romance story that surrounds the American Civil War from the confederate perspective. The film glosses over the political problems while still being directly impacted by the results of the war. The appeal of...
The Outsiders, written by S.E. Hinton and adapted into a movie in 1983, is a classic coming-of-age story that explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and societal divisions. In this essay, we will compare the book and movie versions of The Outsiders, focusing on the portrayal...
Description “Reservoir Dogs” is a crime film released in 1992 written and directed by Quentin Tarintino. The film depicts six gangsters that use color-based aliases who plan to rob a jewelry store for diamonds. The film is very violent in nature and has many examples...
Napoleon Dynamite is a cult classic film that has garnered a dedicated fan base since its release in 2004. Directed by Jared Hess, the film follows the awkward and eccentric high school student Napoleon Dynamite as he navigates the challenges of adolescence and forms unlikely...
Moonlight was directed by Barry Jenkins, adapting the unproduced play called In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue by Tarell Alvin McCraney. Moonlight is a coming of age movie of a young African American man through three stages of his life. Barry Jenkins’s first film, Medicine...
Citizen Kane, directed by Orson Welles in 1941, is hailed as a cinematic masterpiece and a landmark in the history of film. The movie tells the story of Charles Foster Kane, a wealthy and powerful newspaper tycoon, whose life is the subject of investigation following...
The Language of Color and Light Words and pictures are the fundamental method of communication within a film. They propel plot and provide a way for the audience to understand the thoughts of the characters. However, one of the most important methods of communication within...
Edward Scissorhands, directed by Tim Burton, is a film that is rich with symbolism. The film follows the story of Edward, a man with scissors for hands, who is taken in by a suburban family. Throughout the movie, there are various symbols that carry significant...
Introduction The film, Schindler’s List, is a very valuable source in understanding the Holocaust. It played a pivotal role in educating audiences about the Holocaust because of its high emotional value, full coverage of the Holocaust chronologically, and its accurate depiction of the Nazi ideology...
Comcast is a well-known telecommunications conglomerate that operates in various sectors such as cable television, internet, telephone services, and more. The company’s mission statement plays a crucial role in guiding its operations, strategic decisions, and overall business philosophy. In this essay, I will analyze Comcast’s...
Rebel archetypes in movies are portrayed as the mean person or character that does not care about any rules they are being told.when you hear rebel people assume they are talking about a bad person or the villian but really it can be any character...
Slumdog Millionaire, directed by Danny Boyle, is a film that tells the story of Jamal Malik, a young man from the slums of Mumbai who finds himself on the verge of winning the jackpot on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire....
The history of cinema is marked by several influential and groundbreaking films, and among them, “The Birth of a Nation” stands out as both a cinematic masterpiece and a deeply controversial work. Directed by D.W. Griffith and released in 1915, this silent epic is celebrated...
Horror films have long been captivating audiences with their ability to elicit fear, shock, and disgust. Within this genre, the concept of the abject has gained particular attention among scholars and critics alike. Derived from the French philosopher Julia Kristeva, the term “abject” refers to...
This is an amazing film that plunges into the conceptions of truth and justice. The film opens on the gates of Rashomon during a heavy downpour. As the camera cuts to closer shots of the building, two men come into focus. I could feel their...
Stand and Deliver is a 1988 film that tells the true story of Jaime Escalante, a high school math teacher who defies the odds to inspire and educate a group of underprivileged students in East Los Angeles. The movie addresses a variety of social and...
Introduction The 76th edition of the Locarno Film Festival in 2023 had a significant impact on world cinema. This essay explores various aspects of this impact, highlighting how the festival influenced audience engagement, industry participation, global film representation, its historical significance, and its acknowledgment of...