Introduction David Hockney, a big name in the pop art scene, sure has made his mark with some pretty colorful and interesting pieces. One of his standout works is "American Collectors" from 1968. It's a painting that really digs into the rich lifestyles and all...
Introduction David is the main character in the film “Tsotsi,” because he lives in secrecy he also goes by Tsotsi in the story. Living a life of crime, he took to the shacks of Soweto in order to hide from his wrongdoing. The story is...
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary nature is define as, “The physical world and everything such as plants, animals, mountains, oceans, stars, etc., that is not made by people.” Many people in our society today would say nature is just animals, trees and rocks. Not many people...
When thinking of sculptures, one of the first that comes to mind is David. This statue was created of marble between 1501 and 1504 and stands over 14 feet high. David is a symbol that represents strength and anger. The statue had intended political connotations...
In his memoir Catching The Big Fish, David Lynch reflects on himself as a director. Additionally, he discusses various arts outside of cinema. Though he provides insight into his other arts, an analysis on how these arts overlap and influence each other is unfortunately absent....
Lobster is one of my much-loved seafood dishes due to its delicate rich flavored meat, however, after reading this article I have a change of mind. “Consider the Lobster” by David Foster Wallace is a controversial article to whether or not it is humane to...