
Discussion About Victimology and How It Has Developed since The 1990s to Now

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14 min read

Published: Jan 21, 2020

Words: 2800|Pages: 6|14 min read

Published: Jan 21, 2020

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Historical overview
  3. Paradigms
    Victim precipitation
    Lifestyle model
  4. Routine activity approach
  5. Conclusion
  6. Works Cited


It has been located through a variety of academics that as time is going by way of the time period victimology or victim has not been described in a single precise definition primarily based at the truth that there are many distinct causes that makes one character to be referred to as a sufferer for example when you have a look at a definition of a victim from a crook legalistic angle, the victimologists angle and the constructionist angle, these kind of definitions range from every other however at the stop they all communicate approximately a victim. The term victimology is not new. In reality, Benjamin Mendelsohn first used it in 1947 to explain the clinical look at of crime sufferers. Victimology is reviewed as a subfield of criminology, and the two fields do percentage much in common. Just as criminology is the examine of criminals –what they do, why they do it, and the way the crook justice responds to them. Victimology is the observe of victims, it is the observe of the reasons of victimization, its results, how the crook justice device incorporates and assists sufferers, and how other elements of society inclusive of media deal with crime sufferers. In this undertaking the following dialogue may be positioned the label of victim in a broader framework of social construction, first I can talk the records of victimology or sufferer, secondly I will speak the paradigms and paradoxes of sufferer, thirdly I’m able to speak the theories if victimology in addition to the sensible application of the theories in a case have a look at and it is going to be followed by using the conclusion.

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Historical overview

Historically, the Latin time period victima become used to explain individuals or animals whose lives were destined to be sacrificed to please a deity. It did now not necessarily mean pain or struggling, simplest a sacrificial function. In the nineteenth century, the word victim have become linked with the notion of harm or loss in trendy (Spalek 2006). Within the modern criminal justice device, the word sufferer has come to explain any individual who has skilled harm, loss, or trouble because of the illegal action of some other individual, institution, or enterprise (Karmen 2004). The term victimology first regarded in 1949, in a book about murderers written by forensic psychiatrist Fredric Wertham. It turned into used to describe the observe of people harmed by means of criminals (Karmen 2007). Today, as defined in our Preface, victimology refers generally to the clinical study of victims and victimization, which includes the relationships between victims and offenders, investigators, courts, corrections, media, and social actions (Kamren 1990).

As formerly mentioned, the term victimology changed into coined inside the mid-1900s. Crime changed into, of path happening previous to this time; therefore, humans have been being victimized long before the scientific observe of crime commenced. Despite the fact that they have been no longer scientifically studied, victims were identified as being harmed through crime, and their position within the crook justice system has developed through the years. Before and at some point of the middle a long time (approximately 5th thru the sixteenth century), the weight of the justice machine, casual as it became, fell on the victim. Whilst someone or property changed into harmed, it changed into as much as the sufferer and the sufferer’s circle of relatives to are looking for justice. This changed into typically archived thru retaliation. The justice system operated underneath the precept of Lex talionis, an eye for an eye fixed. A crook could be punished due to the fact she or he deserved it, and the punishment could be identical to the harm precipitated. Punishment based on those notions is regular with retribution. Early criminal codes incorporated those standards. The code of Hammurabi changed into the idea for order and in reality in Babylon. Within the code, recuperation of equity among the offender and the sufferer became careworn. Word that the early response to crime focused at the victim, now not the country. This attention on the sufferer continued until the Industrial Revolution.


A paradigm is mostly thought-about to be a bigger word than simply a ‘theory’. Kuhn (1962) defines a paradigm as ‘an elementary image of the topic matter inside a science’, whereas a ‘theory’ is entially describes a selected development. In association to victimology every of the 3 major paradigms studied additionally talk over with ‘theoretical perspectives’) and it represents a precise read of society in association to queries relevant to victimology. Every of the three major victimological paradigms are going to be reviewed.

The primary paradigm is the positivist or the law or order paradigm, the historical history of the paradigms says that the law and beliefs is essentially based upon conservative Criminology, of which the roots cross lower back to nicely before the 1970s. However, it is probably authentic to mention that regulation and order ideological have an effect on crime sufferer regulations virtually started across the time while the victims’ ‘movement’ began to make an effect on criminal justice rules in the U.S in the early 1970s. There are particular crimes which are derived from the paradigm , first with admire of the definition of against the law ‘sufferer’ this is conceived narrowly, restrained mostly to people who’ve suffered private crimes of violence and crimes in opposition to property completed specifically by way of strangers. Such crimes are typically attack, murder, rape, and theft. Those are crimes that right away create a robust worry of crime and may be used by law and order advocates to play on the emotions and fears of the general public (McShane & Williams 1992:35). One important complaint of the ideology is that while proponents of this perspective have made strong political and emotional use of the appeal that the sufferings of crime sufferers bring (Grabosky 1987), and it has served the proponents pursuits, the pursuits of sufferers themselves were not always served. This is due to the fact there is little proof that the adjustments instituted to date are preferred through victims and are actually benefiting them.

The second one paradigm is the novel paradigm, the main ideas of the radical paradigm are demarginalisation, pre-emptive deterrence and minimal use of prison. The historic historical past of this paradigm says that in most Anglo-Saxon nations between the overdue Nineteen Sixties and early Eighties conservative forces often used the victim rhetoric to with no trouble develop their positions and ideology. Given that in this era progressive criminologists did no longer efficiently venture the approach, it became not surprising that a brand new paradigm arose to oppose each the prevailing criminological paradigms. In England this became known as ‘left realism’ or ‘radical left realism’, and many victimologists additionally refer to the paradigm as ‘radical’ victimology (‘idealists’ discover references to ‘radical’ tricky). Radical victimology questions the role of the country and the law in defining the social creation of the victim wrongdoer relationship and it’s miles in addition divided into paradigms which is the pathetic sufferer that is used by feminists who are subjected to violence by guy and the heroic sufferer paradigm meaning prisoners of conscience, those people who are idealistic and courageous like Nelson Mandela.

The third paradigm is the important paradigm, till the Nineteen Eighties, the reaction to law and order labelled as ideology was in large part this paradigm become broadly founded upon the novel Criminology paradigm, which advanced throughout the Nineteen Fifties and was primarily based mainly on Marxist theories. Radical criminology now could be a multifaceted paradigm knowledgeable and subtle by using more recent theoretical views, along with crucial prison concept, submit-modernism, submit-colonialism and various kinds of feminist concept. Perhaps a higher label nowadays is ‘critical Criminology’ (White & Haynes 1996: bankruptcy 11). As discussed underneath, within victimology in the Nineties an extra pragmatic strand of the ‘idealist’ paradigm has been articulated, which has been termed ‘crucial Victimology’ (Mawby & Walklate 1994). This paradigm perspectives crime now not as a made from pathological individuals, because the positivist paradigm, but in large part a result of social inequalities. It says that it is unemployment, poverty and racism that provides the reasons of crime, this paradigm additionally disagrees with the emphasis of the law and order ideology on individual duty, and as a substitute advocates that it isn’t individuals who want to take duty for crime, however instead society as an entire. On this way, in addition they task the law and order concept of self-reliance. The paradigm argue that any move toward the abolition of, or a massive reduction of the electricity of the crook justice gadget (which includes police and prisons), is faulty, because it will result in more lawlessness and is a sign of ethical weakness.


These theories had been evolved to offer factors for the variations in victimisation risks as well as the clustering of victimisation in positive areas and amongst sure agencies (Williams & McShane, 1994:223). For you to advance a higher know-how of sexual harassment and rape of woman students in tertiary institutions a disapproving evaluate of applicable fashions and procedures particularly, the victim precipitation idea, life-style model and the routine activity approach.

Victim precipitation

The first systematic take a look at of victim involvement in crime turned into conducted in the past due Nineteen Fifties by way of Marvin Wolfgang. The time period he introduced, “sufferer precipitation,” have become a famous descriptor for all direct-contact predatory crime (e.g., murder, attack, forcible rape, robbery). While implemented to murder, victim precipitation is restricted to those instances in which “the sufferer is the primary in the murder drama to resort to bodily pressure towards the following slayer” (Wolfgang 1958, p. 252; see additionally Wolfgang 1957).

Victim precipitation typically involve an evidence of the way an character’s behaviour may additionally make a contribution to his or her victimization and the idea is most commonly associated with crimes like homicide, rape, attack and robbery. Like all criminology theories, sufferer precipitation pertains to how and why crime takes place. While most theories focus on the acts and intentions of the culprit, sufferer precipitation seeks to understand the interaction among the sufferer and the wrongdoer. Underneath this principle, the sufferer is considered an active player within the crime. This occurs in ways: first, the sufferer is the participant within the crime who acts first; and second, the sufferer encourages or provokes the wrongdoer to commit the crime. Those are the primary components of the sufferer precipitation idea.

Lifestyle model

Lifestyle version one of the most and predominant fashions explaining differential risks of victimisation is the lifestyle exposure version developed by Hindelang, Gottfredson and Garofalo in 1978. The factor of departure of the life-style exposure model of personal victimisation is that the likelihood that a character might be victimised relies upon to a brilliant quantity at the lifestyle of the character. In widespread, the life-style may be defined as “patterned methods in which individuals channel their time and strength by using conducting a number of sports” (Fattah, 1991:319). Hindelang, Gottfredson and Garofalo (1978:241) but, define lifestyle because the “habitual day by day sports, both vocational nine paintings, school, maintaining residence) and amusement activities “. People every day sports may additionally obviously deliver them into touch with crime, or they merely boom the chance of crime that victims revel in. Time spent in a single’s home commonly decreases victim threat, while time spent in public settings increases hazard variations in lifestyles are socially decided by means of people’ collective responses or variations to various position expectations and structural constraints. Both ascribed and carried out fame traits (e.g., age, gender, race, earnings, marital popularity, training, occupation) are vital correlates of predatory crime due to the fact these repute attributes carry with them shared expectations approximately appropriate behaviour and structural barriers that each permit and constrain one’s behavioural picks. Adherence to these cultural and structural expectations leads to the status quo of recurring activities patterns and associations with others similarly situated. These life and associations, in turn, are anticipated to beautify one’s publicity to unstable or susceptible conditions that increase individuals’ possibilities of victimization.

Routine activity approach

The routine activity approach turned into advanced through Cohen and Marcus in 1979. Kennedy and Silverman (1988:1) state that this technique turned into stimulated by using the work of Hawley (1950) on human ecology and Shaw and McKay’s paintings on juvenile delinquency in city areas (1942). The habitual hobby technique uses regularities in behavioural recurring to expect criminal victimisation. The routine hobby technique is a distinctly current technique that is related to the rational choice angle. Which means that this version is based on freedom of desire and movement which yield a more complete photo or model of crime (Williams & McShane, 1994:250).Routine activities may be described as “recurrent and well-known” activities which give for primary populace and character desires, whatever their biological or cultural origins (Cohen & Felson, 1979:593, Felson, 1997:913, Miethe, Stafford & long, 1987:184). Those consist of formalised paintings as well as the provision of widespread meals, shelter, sexual outlet, amusement, social interplay, mastering and childrearing. These sports can also arise at home, in jobs far away from home and in other sports focused far from home. Cohen and Felson’s (1979:588-589) conceptualisation of predatory crime centers around 3 important elements for the committing of predatory crime. They argue that the following elements must converge, specifically a motivated offender, a suitable target and the absence of capable guardians.

A motivated offender A prompted perpetrator Felson (1987:911-912) maintains that a whole lot approximately crime can be found out by inspecting wrongdoer routines. In keeping with him offenders searching for the least attempt this means that that they want the shortest path to spend the least amount of time at the crime. Likewise offenders pursue the most obvious objectives relying on their senses. The approach additionally assumes that daily moves and preferred mobility can either growth or lessen capacity victimisation and that offending may be deterred, displaced or maybe endorsed relying on sure environmental and social conditions (Cohen & Felson, 1979:590). These theorists regard a influenced wrongdoer as a given reality and for this reason do no longer provide any explanation of what motivates individuals to dedicate crime.

Suitability of the target In keeping with Mannon (1997:15) the questions most in all likelihood requested right here are: who are the most probable victims? And what makes those targets (sufferers) most appropriate? Four additives, particularly value, physical visibility, accessibility and inertia make contributions to a target being regarded as appropriate for against the law. Fee refers back to the financial and symbolic desirability of the item even as visibility applies to the perceptibility and/or the chance of being noticed by using capability offenders. Accessibility implies the availability and the convenience with which a criminal can approach the goal without drawing any attention. Ultimately, inertia refers to the convenience with which the goal may be obtained consisting of factors which makes it difficult to overpower a target in addition to the sufferer’s ability to provide forceful resistance. In this regard, Cohen and Felson (1979:560) are of the view that for any crime to occur there should be something really worth stealing, or an appearance of wealth. those researchers assert that habitual activities have an impact at the suitability of the goal in that a routine pattern of behaviour can also boom the possibility of a convergence of individuals specially locations at particular times.

Target or victim is directly linked to the third condition in the routine activity approach namely, absence of capable guardians

Absence of a capable guardian Williams and McShane (1994:222) state that for any crime to occur the occasions should be such that no person or nothing need to or must distract the encouraged perpetrator. Cohen and Felson (1979:560) refer to successful guardians as normal citizens going about their day by day exercises in addition to mechanical devices which include locks, alarms and protection cameras. In other phrases, it includes ordinary human beings enacting casual social manipulate via looking and sanctioning.

It’s far hypothesised that with the convergence in area and time of encouraged offenders, appropriate objectives and the absence of capable guardians, the chance of being a sufferer will increase. Cohen and Felson (1979:561) similarly argue that the shortage of any of these elements is enough to prevent a criminal offense from going on. As an example, if an encouraged offender encounters a uniformed police officer with a tremendous deal of coins, then the third element might be lacking and the chance of crime could be decreased if no longer removed altogether.

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In conclusion, these discussion was about victimology and how it has developed since the 1990s to now and how paradigms and theories have helped to understand the term victim.

Works Cited

  1. Karmen, A. (2016). Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology. Cengage Learning.
  2. Mawby, R. I. (2007). Victimology: A Text/Reader. Sage Publications.
  3. Von Hentig, H. (1948). The Criminal and his Victim: Studies in the Sociobiology of Crime. Yale University Press.
  4. Daly, K. (2017). Feminist criminology. Routledge.
  5. Dignan, J. (2018). Understanding Victims and Restorative Justice. Routledge.
  6. Walklate, S. (2004). Gender and Crime: An Introduction. McGraw-Hill Education.
  7. Hall, N. (2018). Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State, and Law and Order. Springer.
  8. Roberts, A. R., & Yeager, K. R. (2019). Evidence-Based Victimology: Research, Theory, and Practice. Routledge.
  9. Karmen, A. (2013). Crime victims: An introduction to victimology (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  10. Homicide Studies. (journal) Sage Publications.
Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson
This essay was reviewed by
Dr. Oliver Johnson

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