Throughout the entirety of my lifespan I have been able to interact with the diversity that the world has been able to offer. This is inclusive of the many people with different social backgrounds, different races, different beliefs and orientations, and different beliefs. This being...
Sita Devi established gender norms and made an impact on Hindu women and feminists alike. Her epic, the Ramayana, was primarily about her husband, Rama. She played the role of a perfect wife, loving and serving only her husband. She significantly set the bar for...
Dharma: The Imperative of Caste Law Humans, being inherently selfish, require motivation in order to work. For some, this motivation may stem from the desire for material things or collection of power. On occasions, people have problems committing to their work. These concepts have traveled...
Exploring the Ramayana: Cultural Impact and Significance This project illustrates the methodology behind creating the ‘Pet Ramayana’ or ‘Contemporary Popular Children’s Illustrated Edition of the Ramayana.’ I conducted research on various versions of the Ramayana and concluded that it is an important religious epic. However,...
Introduction Brittney Andrade Tuesday, March 20th, 2018. HUMA 1860 – The Nature of Religion: An Introduction TUTR 07 Iconography of the Supernatural and Divine: Lakshmi In Hindu mythology, there are both gods and goddesses. Worshipping goddesses can be seen as a source of power and...
The Star of the Ramayana is described as a perfect woman: loyal, brave, and modest are a few of the most commonly used words in relation to the incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi. Sita was significant in many ways, and vital to the stories of...
Known as the hugging machine in the South, especially in Kerala, it is astounding to see how flocks of people worship the kind lady Mata Amritanandamayi.A preacher of selfless love and wanting a world filled with peace and calm, she strives to make a difference....
Religious values are known as a crucial factor in the cultures of all countries. Traditions, monuments, duties are part of all religions. Hinduism and Buddhism have significant issues that are people curious about. Hinduism and Buddhism have a special role in the composition of the...
Abstract Good Governance is the basic necessity for keeping the peace and harmony in any humanity. We all the time hear the mention ‘Rajya of Ram’ as an model form of good governance that tells us about ‘The Empire of Rama’, there was no starvation,...
Religion and history go hand in hand. Religion was created to tell our history: where we came from, and what higher being we have to thank for our existence. It also tells us what our beliefs are, and about life after death. Every religion dates...
The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic well known for its 18TH book, the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita means the “Song of the Spirit” and contains dialogue between Sri Krishna and Prince Arjuna. In the book Arjuna is a leader of the Pandavas and...
Achieving peace of mind can be a challenge, but with the right help, this challenge can be easier. The sculpture of Green Tara is one of the sculptures that most caught my attention because it is very easy to relate this sculpture to real life,...
Introduction In this current day, humans have based their moral and ethical ideas on various belief systems. The process of beliefs that occur after death can be divided into two primary groups: those who believe you live only once and those who believe it’s possible...
When asked to imagine something perfect, like a perfect circle, people across the globe imagine a concentric round figure fulfilling a set of standards. The term perfection, however, loses its static nature when applied to such concepts as the perfect human being. Throughout history people...
Dasavatharas The ten avatars of Lord Vishnu are Matsya (the fish), Kurma (the turtle), Varaha (the boar), Narasimha (the half beast and half man), Vamana (the dwarf priest), Parashurama, Sri Rama, Balarama (the elder brother of Krishna) or Buddha – due to different versions, Sri...
Caste System It is believed that if one has a good life, following good karma and dharma, then they will be paid by being reincarnated as a person in the next highest level in the Caste System. However, if one is evil during their life,...
Hinduism is one of the oldest and most complex religions in the world, with a rich history and diverse set of beliefs and practices. This essay aims to provide an overview of Hinduism, including its background and history, core beliefs, rituals and practices, social norms,...