In 2006 East Africa Community Council of Ministers met to discuss the need for regional integration with regard to e-Government and e-Commerce. As a result of this meeting, EAC Task Force on Cyberlaws in close collaboration with the EAC secretariat with support from UNCTAD recommended...
Traditional security systems work to avoid crimes as much as possible. Real-time Surveillance gives an opportunity to prevent crimes before they can happen. Implementing security measures are also very time consuming and usually requires human interference. An autonomous security system will make security economically viable...
The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights were greatly influenced by Classical Republicanism and the Natural Right Philosophy. The founding fathers referred to Classical Republicanism greatly in the making of the U.S. Constitution. The country we are today today is due largely to the...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) focuses on human rights. One human right that is important and should be justified with the UDHR is discrimination based on sexual orientation and hate crimes towards those that identify themselves differently from others. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,...
Throughout many years there has been a debate on whether the US should lower the drinking age to 18 or have it remain it at 21. In the 1980’s the drinking age was raised to 21 to decrease the number of fatalities occurring and to...
This essay would be examining state consent under international law. Furthermore, it would also be examining how international law is grounded on the actual consent of state in the establishment of obligations, talking about the basic issues of consent under international law. Lastly, the essay...
When drafting the constitution of the United States the founding fathers took great precautions in ensuring that no one branch of government became too powerful and established an authoritarian regime. In order to do this the drafters of the Constitution implemented a system of checks...
When the Federal Bureau of Investigation was created, it was to make sure people followed federal law and judicial policy, they had no investigators on the staff that were going to be permanent to the team. When it was first established in 1906, it hired...
Today, the social structure and class turns highly fragmented based on the socioeconomic background of people. For instance, people who live in high-end suburbs in America cities are found upper-classes and those who live in cities with crumbling infrastructure and low-achieving schools could be classified...
During the creation of the Constitution in 1787, Constitutional Framers were faced with the responsibility of crafting an improved court system after the failure of The Articles of Confederation. When analyzing the beginning stages of the judicial branch, we must necessarily look at the debates...
Apocryphally labeled a novel confined to the voracious appetite of mental illness, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath truly explores the societal ills in the role of young women in the 1950s. Despite the inevitable and universal recognition of internal strife, The Bell Jar’s main...
The roots of republican government and democratic ideals are firmly planted in James Madison’s “The Federalist No. 51, The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments.” Written on February 6, 1788, this essay is one of three...
The climax of Tennessee William’s A Streetcar Named Desire occurs in “Scene Ten,” when Stanley ultimately rapes Blanche, his sister-in-law. Many audiences and readers have debated whether or not this act was premeditated or done impulsively, as to some the play is laden with evidence...
“Insufficient facts always invite danger” declared Spock to Captain Kirk as the U.S.S. Enterprise was on deep alert after discovering a sleeper cell in space with seventy-two unconscious super-humans inside (Coon, 1967). His tone cautionary, Spock expressed through this quote the necessity to base theories...