Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia was founded on September 23, 1932, by a man named by, Ibn Saud. Ibn Saud was trying to look for his ancestral home city and he tried to conquer that. Later then Ibn Saud found Saudi Arabia where his ancestors were...
“Happy Endings” is an interesting short story by Margaret Atwood, which aims at showing that the end of a narrative is not as important as the middle. I choose this story because as a reader I understand clearly that, the middle of the story is...
Henrik Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the People” is a compelling drama that scrutinizes political concepts such as democracy. Throughout the play, Ibsen explores how democracy can be manipulated and its potential to dehumanize individuals. It is remarkable how Ibsen illustrates this through Dr. Stockmann, exemplifying...
The story you are about to read is a folktale. It is a story told by an older person to children especially on a night when the moon is high and bright in the sky. The children would gather and sit at the foot of...
Women’s Bodies as Political Instruments Because Gilead was formed in response to the crisis caused by dramatically decreased birth-rates, the state’s entire structure, with its religious trappings and rigid political hierarchy, is built around a single goal: control of reproduction. The state tackles the problem...
Sinclair had intended to expose the horrible conditions faced by immigrants as the tried to survive in Chicago’s Meat-Packing District in his 1904 novel, The Jungle. While he did an admirable job of showing the unfair labor, housing, and economic conditions in Packingtown he did...
A delightful novel diverts and amuses the reader wanting them read more and more till they know each and every detail in the book. A Lesson Before Dying is a tale set in the town of Bayonne Louisiana in the late 1940s. A Lesson Before...
In this essay I am going to talk about why Elizabeth Howe claims in, The First English Actresses: Women and drama 1660“ 1700, that the first English actresses were used as sexual objects and what she means through her chapter where she explores the different...
Introduction J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, a banned book in most American high schools and libraries, takes place in the late 1940s and teaches readers about teen angst and alienation. Salinger skillfully transforms difficult situations into meaningful resolutions. In this piece of...
The short story, “The ones who walk away from Omelas”, written by Ursula Le Guin, is about a supposed perfect society where the sacrifice of a boy is what provides the harmony, the equality and the prosperity to the citizens of this city. As a...
This shows us they did not expect the witches to be telling the truth. After this Macbeth seems to be astonished, which shows he is deep in thought about the third prophecy. We could therefore argue that the witches make him feel that it is...
Derek Walcott was born in 1930 in Saint Lucia. Belonging to both Anglo-European and Afro-Caribbean heritage, the duality in origin gave birth to a sort of identity crisis within the poet. The main theme of the poem is split identity and anxiety faced by the...
Addonizio’s poem “What do women want?”, she demonstrates what do women want, women definitely want some equality, justice and freedom to be who they want to be in their lives. In the beginning of the poem, Addonizio address her views of the red dress, “I...
On a heath in Scotland, three witches, the weird sisters, wait to meet “Macbeth” amidst thunder and lightning. Their conversation is filled with paradox and equivocation: “when the battle’s lost and won”(1/1/4)and when “fair is foul and foul is fair”(1/1/11).The Scottish army is at war...
Wuthering Heights is a story of two characters, Catherine and Heathcliff. It’s a complicated story of true love, with moments of revenge and the supernatural. It starts with a man named Lockwood whois in search of a home in Thrushcross Grange. He takes a visit...
Fiela’s Child is a fiction novel by South African writer Dalene Matthee. The narrative is set in the forests of Knysna, South Africa. This novel follows the story of Fiela Komoetie and her family. Fiela is a black South African, and everyday she work hard...
In the epic “Beowulf,” there is a constant struggle between good and evil. This poem is an early example of the phrase, “Bad guys never win.” Examples of this theme include: God versus Cain, Beowulf versus Grendal, and Beowulf versus Grendal’s mother. Made-to-order essay as...
In the first stanza, through the portrayal of the growing trees as both cheerful and melancholy, the speaker purposefully reveals the meaninglessness of life. Larkin illustrates the trees as “coming into leaf”. He uses the “leaf” as a symbol of life and conveys a connotation...
If i was asked about my favorite film, i would think for a rather long time about the answer. There are many well-rounded films that are released every week, so choosing best of them would be a complicated task. However, if i was asked to...