Angus, a small town in Texas with a population of approximately 400 people, was in turmoil. Three months ago, an outbreak occurred in New York and spread like wildfire until all of the United States was plagued by the sudden outbreak of this disease. The...
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: An Analysis of Kurtz’s Influence Introduction Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a dark and mysterious tale, with complex themes and characters. One of the major characters of this tale, Kurtz, does not appear until the near-end of the story....
The Sun and the Moon passed each other as they did every day when day turned to night. “Goodnight Sun.” the Moon would say as she rose above the earth. “Protect our people well, Moon.” the Sun would say as he left the sky to...
Every four years, two children from the village of Gavaldon are kidnapped. They’re taken to the famed School for Good and Evil, where they are trained to be either storybook heroes or villains. The lovely but arrogant Sophie can’t wait to be kidnapped. She knows...
Prelude Allama Mohammad Iqbal was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot. After seeking early education, he was admitted to Government College Lahore, where he obtained M.A. degree in Philosophy. He left for England for higher studies in 1905. In 1907, he obtained the Degree...
In Doris Lessing’s short story, “Through the Tunnel”, growing up is a difficult and sometimes painful process. Jerry shows he wants to be independent through the symbolism of the way he moves on from the safe beach, enters the wild rocky bay with uncertainty, and...
The novel, set in Barcelona in the period following the Spanish Civil War, concerns a young boy, Daniel Sempere. Just after the war, Daniel’s father takes him to the secret Cemetery of Forgotten Books, a huge library of old, forgotten titles lovingly preserved by a...
The play, The Tragedy of Hamlet The Prince of Denmark, follows the story of Hamlet after his father’s murder. Hamlet learns that Claudius, his stepfather and uncle, poisoned his brother and his father wants his death to be avenged. Claudius spies on Hamlet after discovering...
Genre theory is used in the study of films in order to facilitate the categorization of films. Genre are dependent on various factors such as story line, whom the director is, what are the audience expectations et cetera. In using genre theory, we create a...
The Mythical Origins of Mermaids A mermaid is a creature that is half woman and half fish. The literal meaning of “Mer” is “the sea.” The male version is called a merman. Legends of the Mer go back thousands of years. There are even some...
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The novel commences with Lockwood, a wealthy dweller of Heathcliff’s. Grounded during a snowstorm at Wuthering Heights, Lockwood is attacked and later encountered by a ghost called Catherine. The next day, Heathcliff escorts Lockwood back to Thrushcross Grange. Riled up with curiosity, he implores Nelly...
George Herbert’s poem The Thanksgiving is a work of a deceptively simple construction. With its repetitive rhyme scheme, its stanzas flow easily and sound almost musical when read aloud. It is written concisely, and despite a few antiquated old English phrases, its content is not...
A ruling passion in an individual’s life has the ability to demonstrate an effect on a persons life including the atmosphere surrounding them. In the novel My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok, the author traces the making of a great painter from the...
My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potek is a novel about a jewish boy troubled by his own artistic gift. The main problem with Asher’s art is that it combats his jewish upbringing, and his dad makes it a point that Asher’s “gift” is...
God is in the River The novella A River Runs Through It by Norman Maclean is a fairly straightforward book to read, and because of this, the quiet beauty of its writing can be easy to miss. Maclean’s soft-spoken style lays the story out clearly...
Focalization and the use of indirect interior monologue is utilized in the novel To The Lighthouse to explain the overall theme that humans are complex individuals, and often have more to their desires and motives, than what may appear at first. Through using internal focalization,...
The narrator in the story “Volar” is a young girl who is facing various challenges associated with growing up. Some young children may struggle with the reality that they do not have as much power in the world when they are young. They are physically...
Identity crisis defined as a period of uncertainty and confusion in which a person’s sense of identity becomes insecure, typically due to a change in their expected aims or role in society. The Identity crisis influences the way woman of color view beauty by making...
Do Black Lives Matter? The Faith and Disgust in Society Discrimination is a social issue that has burdened numerous cultural groups in North America for many years. “not an elegy for Mike Brown” by Danez Smith and “Three Trees” by Wanda Coleman are two poems...