"The Seventh Man," a short story by Haruki Murakami, explores the theme of trauma and its lasting impact on an individual's life. In this essay, we will provide a summary of the story, delving into its key elements, characters, and the profound message it conveys....
“Jurassic Park,” a narrative where science fiction meets prehistory, brought to life the long-extinct dinosaurs and opened up a plethora of discussions on ethics, genetics, and the limits of technological advancements. Delving into various facets of “Jurassic Park,” including its inception as a novel, its...
Urban legends, those captivating tales that circulate in the collective consciousness, have been a source of fascination for generations. These stories often defy logic, blur the line between fact and fiction, and tap into our deepest fears and desires. In this essay, we will delve...
“Through the Tunnel” is a poignant short story written by Doris Lessing that explores the themes of adolescence, self-discovery, and resilience. This narrative follows the protagonist, Jerry, as he embarks on a physical and emotional journey that challenges his limits and transforms him in unexpected...
The Red Badge of Courage, written by Stephen Crane and published in 1895, is a novel that takes readers on a harrowing journey through the experiences of a young soldier named Henry Fleming during the American Civil War. The novel explores the themes of fear,...
Steve Martin, a renowned comedian, actor, and writer, has a unique talent for using humor to explore the complexities of the human condition. One of his lesser-known works, “Side Effects,” is a collection of witty essays that delves into a wide range of topics with...
“Phantom of the Opera,” penned by Gaston Leroux and later adapted into a musical sensation by Andrew Lloyd Webber, is a timeless narrative that has captivated audiences for generations. This essay delves into the enchanting world of “Phantom of the Opera,” exploring its origins, themes,...
“Nothing but the Truth” is a thought-provoking novel by Avi that explores the themes of truth, free speech, and the consequences of one’s actions. In this essay, we will delve into the story, characters, and the broader implications of the novel, considering the relevance of...
Introduction The Simple Art of Murder by Raymond Chandler is a seminal essay that explores the intricacies of detective fiction, particularly the hard-boiled genre. This essay delves into Chandler’s insights, unraveling the craft of detective fiction, the portrayal of the detective, the significance of moral...
Introduction The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis is a beloved classic of children’s literature and a timeless tale of adventure, fantasy, and moral exploration. This essay will delve into the enchanting world of Narnia and the rich themes woven throughout the...
Introduction The Circle by Dave Eggers is a dystopian novel that delves into the impact of technology, surveillance, and corporate power on society. It paints a chilling picture of a near-future world where a powerful tech company, known as The Circle, seeks to eliminate privacy...
“Across a Hundred Mountains” by Reyna Grande is a poignant and evocative novel that explores the harrowing journey of immigration, the profound sense of loss experienced by those who leave their homeland, and the enduring hope that sustains them. Set against the backdrop of Mexico...
Love, perhaps one of the most profound and enigmatic emotions humans experience, has been a perennial subject of exploration in literature, philosophy, and art. In Raymond Carver’s short story collection, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love,” the author delves into the intricate...
Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice stands as a masterpiece that not only weaves a captivating love story but also serves as a poignant example of feminist satire. Within its pages, Austen employs sharp wit and irony to deconstruct societal norms and gender roles of the...
“The Seventh Man,” a short story by Haruki Murakami, delves into the complexities of survivor’s guilt and the impact of traumatic events. Through its narrative, the story raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of tragedy, responsibility, and the human psyche. This essay presents an argumentative...
Introduction The Victorian era heavily idealised those who possessed pious and strict mannerisms. Reputation and appeal was heavily linked with a woman’s sexual status -a woman behaving in such a manner that is far from Victorian ideals of purity and innocence was stated to be...
Introduction ‘What kind of guy inhabits this poem? What is his notion of the good life or the good place? What does he conceal from the reader? What does he conceal even from himself?’; these are the questions W.H. Auden would ask himself when reading...
Introduction Literature has always been an instrument to portray the society and politics of the time. The use of monsters in literature, as seen in works like Dracula and Frankenstein, has always represented the worst part of humanity: envy, dishonor, betrayal, infidelity, and jealousy, among...
Introduction What comes to your mind when we talk about the most influential contemporary sitcom? Most people may answer, “Mr. Bean!” Why is the show so worldwide popular? Mr. Bean, a British sitcom starring Rowan Atkinson as the main character, consisted of 15 episodes and...