1984 is a dystopian novel based on the horrors of World War II to create a warning about the fate of humankind. In the novel, 1984, George Orwell crafts a text that can be read and interpreted by two different readers: through the eyes of...
The Tell-tale Heart is probably the most iconic short story of American writer Edgar Allan Poe. The story is either approached simplistically as a horror story, encompassing some paranormal features, or, from a more modernist perspective, as a complex psychological portrait of a disturbed unnamed...
Over the course of this class, we have learned the importance of the elements of literature and expanding our understanding in fiction, poetry, and drama. This course has also helped us to develop the knowledge of the human condition and cultures, especially to relation behavior,...
Biography Thomas Hardy was born on 2 June 1840 in Higher Bockhampton , a village within the parish of Stinsford to the east of Dorchester in Dorset, Britain. Thomas Hardy was an English novelist and poet. Hardy was trained as an architect in Dorchester before...
Emily Dickinson is considered one of the leading 19th-century American poets, known for her bold original verse, which stands out for its epigrammatic compression, autobiographical voice and enigmatic brilliance. One of the most captivating aspects about the literature of Emily Dickinson is her ability to...
Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) was an American artist. His work was at first distributed in England before it was distributed in America. Known for his practical delineations of rustic life and his direction of American casual speech, [2] Frost...
A Brief Inspection of the Language Language possesses the exclusive capability to shape the learning and behavior of its users (Hays, 2000). It programs the mind by dint of manipulating the senses and neurons of human psychology. As a matter of fact, language performs straightly...
As human beings, each individual has a different perspective or stance at attaining life. Our attitudes and our mindsets are shaped around our surroundings, and the attitude we choose to follow in life remains difficult at times due to those surroundings. Even though our personality...
Fyodor Dostoevsky’s iconic novel ‘Crime and Punishment’ is set in St. Petersburg, Tsarist Russia in the 1860s. Orthodox Christianity to this day is the leading religion of the country, with an extremely faithful population of Christians. Religion was significant for people to have hope for...
Fate: Is Life Happening To Us? When reflecting on one’s life up until this very moment, there is a divide between how much of what has happened is directly a result of our own doing, and how much of it was seemingly fate. To delve...
Some literary critics such as Röpke consider Austen to be a ‘conservative female writer’; a traditional woman who upheld traditional values throughout her writing. They believe Austen’s ideas on the behaviour of women are identical to what is described in eighteenth and early nineteenth century...
The greatest and most important adventure in our lives is discovering our true purpose in this world. Whether we are embarking on a new-found love interest or wanting to explore our utmost life’s aspirations, we will always experience obstacles along the way. In Paulo Coelho’s...
Nobody follows their dreams; in Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist it is stressed that everyone has a designated personal legend. In the reading, it demonstrates “people’s inability to choose their own personal legends” inflicted by the world’s greatest lie: “our lives become controlled by fate” (Coelho,...
Fear is in all human beings that always pulls us back into the darkness. It is also something that will protect us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it. But behind that fear is your Personal Legend. A Personal Legend is your...
Living in the 21th century, with unprecedented material abundance, we post-modern people, on the one hand, feel lucky to be blessed with the glories of this productive industrial era; on the other hand, however, we are frequently confronted with the problem of relocating ourselves in...
Written by Herman Melville, Bartleby, The Scrivener, is a short story that tells the tale of a fortunate lawyer on Wall Street who hires a scrivener named Bartleby to serve for his law firm. In the beginning, he is an excellent copyist but as the...
In “The Monkey’s Paw,” author William Jacobs delivers a cautionary tale about unexpected consequences and how achieving what we wish for might prove catastrophic in ways we would not expect. This terrifying story follows the White family who receive a talisman, a monkey’s paw that...
In Richard Louv’s novel, The Last Child in the Woods, Louv argues that our society’s advancement in technology is furthering the separation between today’s generation and nature itself. Louv’s use of indirectly implying his main idea, having a narrative that consists of countless thought provoking...
Ever since the Pearl Harbour Attack on December 7th 1941, the United States opened hostilities with Japan and the relationship between the two nations reached an extremely tense situation. The profound effect of the war was that numerous Japanese started their hardships and sufferings in...