Ian McEwan’s Atonement is a romantic war tragedy metafiction published in 2001. The novel follows the lives of the young lovers Cecilia Tallis and Robbie Turner, the story’s two protagonists whom experience the text’s conflict as they are never able to fulfill their dreams of...
Geoffrey Chaucer is known by name and his fame to the world as the greatest soul and was regarded as the father of English Literature; he became outstanding poets of the antique period. Chaucer was born in circa 1340 in London to father John Chaucer...
“The Raven” and “To Autumn” are two romantic poems that are written in the same time period yet have very different views. In the poem “The Raven” it follows a man who is sitting in his bedroom mourning the loss of his beloved Lenore, when...
Language is a powerful tool. It can be used to start wars, win the hearts of a nation, or create deceptive illusions. Throughout the novel, Frankenstein, the author, Mary Shelley, highlights the key role communication and language plays in relationships, in how we perceive things,...
During his lectures in the United States in 1867, Matthew Arnold penned his poem “Dover Beach.” This work is a free verse poem devoid of a specific rhyme scheme, comprising four stanzas encompassing 37 lines. Arnold’s “Dover Beach” centers on an individual gazing out at...
Edgar Allan Poe keeps his tradition of crafting beautiful gloaming poetry demonstrated in “For Anne.” The author portrays Anne as a symbol of earthbound love and mourning. Using her to display keeping the memory of loved ones alive. How death can be easy but living...
Would you want to live in an era where you have no privacy, truth, or friendships? This is the way things are in 1984; there are cameras keeping an eye on you and the truth is turned into lies everywhere. Then there is the thing...
The 1920’s was a decade that celebrated the end of World War I and was centralised around the prosperity of the economy and the individual. Scott F. Fitzgerald’s novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ (1925) is at its core, a tragic love story that embodies society’s manifestation...
Helena Maria Veramontes composed her short story “The Moths” from her own perspective, where a fourteen year old protagonist female is used to display the evolution of spiritual rehabilitation. The young girl felt as though she owed it to her grandmother, one of the single...
When it comes to the topic of hate and deception in 1984 by George Orwell most of us will readily agree that is a totalitarian society run by the leader known as Big Brother. They monitor and control every aspect of its people from physical...
George Orwell
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Theme is defined as the main concepts or underlying meaning of a literary text, which may be stated directly or indirectly. The two types of themes that can appear in literary text are major and minor themes. Abusing power is when somebody in a position...
Robert Frost is admired not only for his world-renowned poem, “Road Not Taken,” but also for his incredible symbolism and deep interpretation of life through nature. Written in the 1920s, “Road Not Taken” and “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” focus on the images...
Depression is when a person goes this phase of pure negativity. The feeling is so strong that sometimes depression leaves a mental scar. Depression can stem from a mental issue or from a traumatic event in one’s life. Depression is actually a common disease, some...
Frankenstein is one such book that covers more than a few themes and important ones at that. Marry Shelley in her novel Frankenstein points towards a few themes that were already very popular during her time. She expresses her concern about how the invention of new...
Helena Maria Viramontes’ “The Moths” recounts a story between a granddaughter and a grandmother who both offer an emblematic association between one another. The story is in a first individual account, told by the narrator, and her experience dealing with her ill grandmother while confronting...
How does one, as an individual, cope with one’s life being completely different from what one, at one point, imagined? Especially when there is a pronounced yearning for more than what they can currently satisfy themselves with? This is the nature of the poem, “Living...
Society is designed to be one-size-fits-all, and people accept it because it is what they have been taught. In most people’s perspective, everyone under one race, religion or sexual orientation group follow one stereotype. Unfortunately, this strict mentality makes it difficult for people who choose...
Jane Austen was an ambitious writer who wanted to enlighten other people through her novels. She condemned pride, and this is best seen in Pride and Prejudice, where the basis of marriage in the 1800s is changed to maturity and education. The normal “capitalistic lens”...
Society often finds people living a prosperous life, but there are also people living the polar opposite, perhaps even victims of dehumanization. The process of dehumanization is an attempt at making someone, or a group of people, feel or appear less human. This action is...