In James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues," the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of Harlem during the early years of the civil rights movement. The story intricately weaves together the lives of two brothers, each grappling with their own struggles within the confines of the urban landscape....
Shame is inevitable. It is something that everyone everywhere will encounter. The pathos short story “Shame” by esteemed author Dick Gregory emphasises the struggles, prejudice and discrimination held upon a black boy in a discoloured society. From a young age, Richard faces the stresses of...
For more than decades, the African continent was no stranger to being colonized by European countries which soon led to being called the “Scramble for Africa”. Colonialism is the act of taking over another country and gaining political control and authority, ultimately exploiting the resources...
In Never Marry a Mexican, Sandra Cisneros’s protagonist Clemencia begins her narrative by recounting something her mother had told her: “never marry a Mexican”. In the next few sentences she explains the irony by clarifying that she, too, is Mexican. Clemencia internally struggles to decipher...
Abstract Reading a poem by American modernist poet Edward Estlin Cummings is not like reading a poem by other poets. To understand his experimental work, one must first understand Cummings, his opinions and perspectives. Throughout his career Cummings dedicated his life to the pursuit of...
‘Never Let Me Go’ is a novel written by Kazuo Ishiguro in 2005. In the book, we get to follow Kathy H and her two friends Tommy and Ruth and their harmonious upbringing. Kathy is 30 years old but already at the end of her...
‘Wind’ by Ted Hughes makes the reader feel the character’s fear using various literary techniques throughout his poem. The reader identifies with the thought of a house on the moors and a couple stuck inside because of the ferocious winds. By Hughes’ use of various...
Born on October 14, 1894, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, E.E. Cummings went on to become an innovative poet known for his lack of stylistic and structural conformity such as how Cummings never capitalizes, how he runs words together, and how he plays with sound. His father...
E. E. Cummings once stated, “who proudly and humbly affirms that love is the mystery-of-mysteries … that ‘an artist, a man, a failure’ is … a naturally and miraculously whole human being … whose only happiness is to transcend himself, whose every agony is to...
Edward Estlin Cummings, also known as “e.e. cummings,” was born October 14, 1894 in Cambridge Massachusetts where his father was a noted Congressional minister and a professor who taught sociology at Harvard University. From early age his parents encouraged Cummings to devote himself to poetry,...
Have you ever met someone whom you feel you are in love with? Cumming published a poem that explains how heartfelt and fervent a special connection between two people can be. In 1952, Cummings published the “i carry your heart with me.” His use of...
I think it’s fascinating that a children’s story that is more than 90 years old can be so popular and beloved to this day, becoming an important part of children’s reading history around the world. For this paper, I will be analyzing A.A. Milne children’s...
Mortality can be defined as ‘the state of being subject or opposed to death.’ Most people find immortality as a prized possession. It is considered an honor to live a healthy life and die of old age. But for others, the main objective is to...
Introduction to the Unconventional Nature of Poetry Of all literary genres known to mankind, poetry is one form that has an unclear distinction, standard, and structure. Indeed, 21st-century literature is replete with evidence of deviation from the usual form of language – or poetic license,...
The Phantom of the Opera 1911 Leroux’s original novel has been adapted into hundreds of different versions. From this, I am going to explore the ways in which the main story is relevant to the modern audience. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it...
The princess in the Grimm’s tale is portrayed as an acquiescent main character and a passive heroine. In the tale, her fate is determined before she is old enough to speak her first words. Throughout the tale, she continues to lack the gumption to alter...
Throughout one’s life, he or she may find themselves to be spending time with the wrong crowd. Fortunately, most intelligent men and women will be able to stray from such irresponsible and juvenile groups and lead successful lives. However, what about the adults that never...
Life of Pi is a novel telling the story of a teenage boy named ‘Pi’ and his survival through 227 days living in a lifeboat with a male, adult Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker in the Pacific Ocean. Pi’s original home is in India where...
“IT happened. There is no avoiding it, no forgetting. No running away, or flying, or burying, or hiding.” The novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson is one that moves people and takes people on an adventure into the mind of a teenager. But not just...