In 1543, an event called the scientific revolution began to capture the attention of many Europeans. In fact, the 16th and 17th centuries held most of the greatest developments of science and mathematics. Before then, scholars used the Bible to determine what was true, and...
The scientific revolution had a very large impact on the advancement of the way people thought about things and the way they examined and viewed the world. Without the scientific revolution we may not have been able to experiment and observe the world the way...
The Scientific Revolution was a major turning point in European history and set the tone for how things in the society we live in today are still done. The scientific revolution began with Nicolaus Copernicus’ theory along with the rediscovery of ancient Greek atomism in...
The Mughal Empire established approximately two hundred years of history, yet recordings of this history have been focused on the lives of the Emperors and have depicted women as merely partners to produce and raise heirs to the throne. The domestic life was thought to...
The Middle Ages paved the way for musical creation. The music began simple in its form, simple in melody and harmonies, or combination of musical sounds being played at the same time. The first form of music was the Gregorian Chant. It was very simple...
The Reformation is undoubtedly a controversial topic, in regards to what it did, and the responses to it from everyone across Europe. It was a time of criticizing the Church and rediscovering what it truly means to be a Christian, taking off with the ideas...
The fall of the Roman Empire was the first steps of Monasteries in the third century. A young man named Saint Anthony led and taught the teachings of Christ in Western Europe. Saint Anthony led a worldly routine to follow Christ’s life as fully as...
Renewable energy generation nowadays is crucial to preserve the coal reserves of our planet as well as reduce the carbon levels and other pollutants in the atmosphere. Micro/Nano energy generation means that the generation of energy is on a small scale. It was found in...
Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, craftsman, draftsman, pioneer, and military specialist — the embodiment of a “Renaissance man.” With a curious identity and sharp keenness, da Vinci analyzed the laws of science and nature, which unfathomably instructed his work. His considerations and gathering of...
“A situation in which one country has a lot of power or influence over others, especially in political and economic matters. ” This is how the Cambridge dictionary defines the term imperialism. A closely related term to imperialism is “colonialism”, which is described as “the...
Art began to reveal the changing patterns of consumption among the wealthy elite of society. In the Rural areas of the middle ages society was ready for war and wealthy mean bought military gear. However nobles would employ mercenaries over knights, causing more wealthy people...
Humanism – A program of study designed by Italians the emphasized the Critical study of Latin and Greek literature with the goal of understanding human nature. Humanism contained the philosophy that states, human nature and achievements were worthy of contemplation. It was the main intellectual...
What is a Witch? A witch, in the most simple form, is a woman believed to have magic or supernatural abilities and that these powers are used for evil or nefarious purposes. Many people accused of being a witch were thought to be associated with...
They started regularising and incorporating songs into scenes. Songs drive the plot forward (Broadway centric music), Protagonist were more active in wanting achieve their goals. The Disney Formula (Introduction usually through song, setting the scene immerse the audience, Want Song, overlays what the protagonist wants,...
Case Summary Perception is a solid clashing variable on account of Susan, Jack, and individual associates at Clarkston Industries. An observation is a thought, feeling, or conclusion about something or somebody, particularly one shaped without a cognizant idea or based on little proof. Our Perception...
Colonialism is a consistent theme within the history of Africa. It laces through the formative tapestry of the majority of African states today including Nigeria. Lagos was invaded by British forces in 1851 and formally annexed in 1861. Nigeria became a British territorial dominion in...
Dualism is the theory introduced by philosopher René Descartes in which “the mind and body are both separate from each other; performing separate functions, and yet are intertwined. For example, some body functions are the cause of the mind and vice versa, and yet the...
Feudalism Feudalism started began time ago, William the conqueror started it in europe in 1086. Basically the king gives land to us, we give it to the knights, the knights give protection to the peasants, the peasants give back food and services, we get protection...
The portrayals of imperialism in Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness contrast significantly. As Joseph Conrad portrays expansionism as a rough power deconstructing the people of savages and brutes. As opposed to Chinua Achebe delineates imperialism as a savage power deconstructing a refined and...