Throughout the bible mercy is displayed by God in numerous situations, even though we are not deserving of it. He took our burdens so that we could be free. Mercy is one of the central themes in the Bible and helps us to better connect...
Introduction Here in Canada, we do not have the death penalty as punishment. Our judicial system shows mercy even to the worst of criminals by sparing their lives. Yet even to this day, in some countries like the USA, the death penalty still exists for...
In this essay I will discuss on forgiveness in 300 words. Forgiveness is a complex concept that is often misunderstood. It is important to understand what forgiveness is not in order to fully grasp what it truly means. Forgiveness is not forgetting, pardoning, justifying, excusing, denying, asking for God’s...
The concept of mercy killing, often referred to as euthanasia, has long been a subject of emotional and ethical debate. Mercy killing involves the act of intentionally ending a person’s life to relieve them of suffering, typically in cases of terminal illness or severe pain....
Introduction Bryan Stevenson’s “Just Mercy” is a gripping story that digs deep into the messy world of the American criminal justice system. Through personal stories and detailed case studies, Stevenson, a well-known public interest lawyer and the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, reveals the...