The nature surrounding us is full of wonders. Although nowadays, we are aware of the reasons behind many natural phenomena, this still doesn’t cancel their beauty and significance – oftentimes, these are even enhanced by knowing about their underlying causes, mechanisms, and governing laws. And of course, even nowadays, there ...Read More
The nature surrounding us is full of wonders. Although nowadays, we are aware of the reasons behind many natural phenomena, this still doesn’t cancel their beauty and significance – oftentimes, these are even enhanced by knowing about their underlying causes, mechanisms, and governing laws. And of course, even nowadays, there are plenty of mysteries to be solved, for instance, in cell biology or in quantum physics. Nature is a very broad concept, hence, nature essay topics can focus on anything starting with the laws governing the evolution of the universe and ending with a depiction of nature in poems, novels or other works of literature or in other arts. Browse the list of nature essay topics in this category for more inspiration.
Introduction Jason Drew once said, "people used to talk about win-win in business deals. They were naïve, and the environment always lost". This is Jason's speech about encouraging sustainable business development which he argued that the environment deserved attention. Sustainable sourcing is cost-effective, and a...
Probable causes and governing factors related to the manifestation and distribution of intraplate earthquakes are proved to be very much subtle. Different researchers have tried to explain this earthquake in different perception and several model have been proposed till date. On a global context, occurrence...
The tragedy of the commons addressed by Garrett Hardin in 1968, was explained through the notion of the human condition in which individuals tend to overconsume on common limited resources for their overall maximum gain which results into unsustainability and the destruction of the commonly...
Sri Lanka is a tropical island situated near the equator and surrounded by the Indian Ocean. Nature has endowed Sri Lanka with an abundance of water species, especially ornamental fish, reef fish, invertebrates, live corals, and aquatic plants, which are of considerable importance to the...
Outline of research Over a time period of three months an experiment will be carried out to investigate the effects of Eucalyptus oil on weeds and possibly pests. An area with plants affected by pests and weeds will be found by looking for damage to...
Rising sea levels from global warming to claim Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and part of Texas! What is global warming, and is it a sign of the coming extinction of Man? The American Heritage College Dictionary defines global warming as “an increase in the...
Mark J. Plotkin born May 21, 1955 is an ethnobotanist, a plant explorer in neotropics, and an advocate for tropical rainforest conservation. Mark began his education at Isidore Newman School in New Orleans, worked at Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology. Completing his bachelor’s degree...
The Blue Economy is a concept that transcends mere economic gain; it embodies a vision of sustainable development, harmony with the environment, and responsible stewardship of the world’s oceans and marine resources. This essay dives into the depths of the Blue Economy, exploring its essence,...
This study aimed to decide the favored mastering style of BS Marine Transportation class 2019 of the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP). A whole of 163 respondents answered a 40- item simplified questionnaire based on the Honey and Mumford Learning Style Questionnaire....
Introduction Forward-looking disclosures (FLD) have been getting an increasing volume of care in current information related studies all over the world. The frequency of FLD disclosed by organizations is one of the measures of rising capital market effectiveness by reducing information asymmetry. The existing role...
Water heating is an important aspect of any establishment whether residential or commercial. The same goes for general heating and cooling. For your home to be conducive for you and your family, the heating system must be of the highest quality. Made-to-order essay as fast...
Writing a novel “The Jungle” written by Upton Sinclair in 1906 is a novel which provides an incite to the lives of lower class, early industrial era workers. The story recants horrific and graphic depictions of the meat packing industry in industrializing Chicago. Sinclair wrote...
Introduction Spike Lee is known for tackling hard-hitting social issues in his films, particularly racism, class struggles, and sexism. His movies don’t just tell a story—they challenge the audience to reflect on deeply ingrained stereotypes that exist in American society. A key way he does...
The album I chose to review is called Money Jungle, featuring Duke Ellington on the piano. This album was first recorded September 17th, 1962, however it wasn’t released until February 1963 by the record label United Artists. The history of this album is quite interesting...
Monterey Bay is located in the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary. The Sanctuary, which was established in 1992 and is home to over 450 marine algae and 340 different species of fish. Some of the earliest human inhibition to Monterey was the Ohlone tribe in the...
In the world today, pollution remains to be among the key issue troubling the global economy, the physical wellbeing of people and the daily lives. Most of the issues relating to climate change and chronic illnesses affecting lives are related to contamination of the environment...
In this article the heavily controversial proposed link between ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect will be discussed. There is no individual link between Ozone depletion and the Greenhouse Gas Effect; however there is the exception of Chlorofluorocarbons, a greenhouse gas that depletes the Ozone....
More stringent regulation needs to be used for bottled water companies. A shocking fact that many consumers are probably not aware of is that twenty five percent of all bottled water comes right from municipal water tap sources, from cities all over. It’s difficult for...
What is ozone? Why do we need it? Until recent history the general population didn t know the answer to these questions. In our blindness we have consistently and steadily been destroying it, not on purpose but by our own ignorance and need for our...