Understanding Walter C. Kaiser's Insights into the Old Testament When diving into the fascinating world of the Old Testament, it's impossible not to encounter the significant contributions of Walter C. Kaiser Jr. This prominent evangelical scholar has made a name for himself by emphasizing the...
The Old Testament serves as a cornerstone for both Judaism and Christianity, laying the foundation for their respective faiths. Although these two religions have distinct theological beliefs and practices, it is fascinating to explore the remarkable similarities that can be found within their sacred texts....
The story of David comes from the first book of Samuel chapter seventeen in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is about a young man named David, who is brave enough to take on this terrible giant, named Goliath. Goliath is a great Philistine...
Introduction The Bible is like a big puzzle. Each piece, having its size and shape, must be placed together to create a single image correctly. The image can be described as a love story, a spiritual guide on how to please God, a history textbook,...
Justice Justice is a concept based on numerous ideas and theories coming from many different fields, viewpoints, and perspectives. Simply stated, justice means to be fair to all, or to set things right (Pomerleau n.d.). Although this definition seems simple it sparks important questions such...
Introduction For my research I chose to focus on the covenant which is an important topic seen throughout the Old Testament. The covenant is discussed in the Old Testament specifically in Exodus 34:1-28, Jeremiah 31:31-40, and the covenant also is brought up in the New...
The God of the Old Testament is no less omnipotent today. By definition, the theoretical notion of an all-consuming being points to human limitation and protects the God from being touched by constantly varying human perception. The ultimate, embodying force of the universe exists in...
Witchcraft is defined as the practice of magic, use of spells, and the invocation of spirits. Throughout church history, witchcraft has become a prevalent topic dating back to as early as 560 B.C. when it is first mentioned in the Old Testament. During these earlier...
Introduction Jewish scripture has been preserved for over 3,000 years, primarily in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The Old Testament is not just a theological canon of scripture but also the history of Judaism and the Jewish people. Scripture arises in a community of believers as...
The Medieval Period brought upon many new techniques and medias into the art world. Sculpture, illuminated manuscripts, stained glass, mosaics, and metalwork were used greatly in the 1000 years of the Medieval. Many artists during these times were still influenced by life of the Roman...
Old Testament: Songs and Scenes Project The Book of Ecclesiastes, which was written by Solomon, insists that life is meaningless and futile. This theme is also explored throughout the song “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas. The song deals with themes seen throughout the Book...