"Truth is relative" (Velasquez, p. 433, 2017). The meaning behind this statement is the fact that there is no objective truth in the world, humans only have a few ways to gauge their own subjective truths through life experience. Two major theories of truth are...
In order to understand universal truth, we must begin by defining truth. Truth, according to the dictionary, is “conformity to fact or actuality; a statement proven to be or accepted as true.” Some people would say that there is no true reality, only perceptions and...
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Living in a modern society has redefined the meaning of life in many ways. Nowadays, the most popular social networks have come to define the essence of existence as making others feel less critical by reducing them to meaningless followers. These followers are expected to...
Free will, is it an illusion or not? This is probably one of the most famous arguments in Philosophy. It is a historical argument where each philosopher has his or her own views. Many philosophers’ opinions are divided when it comes to the discussion of...
Through times of misbehavior, jesting and complex trivial situations, I finalized my search and concluded my results ending with the people I consider my friends today. No matter what the problem, the time or the manner presented, my friends seemed eager to help and heighten...
There exists an ambiguity between determinism and free will. Determinism can be defined as the predetermined future that results from the inevitable plans of a divine being or powerful natural forces. In this argument, humans are simply dominos in a chain of events, waiting to...
As an Absurdist, Albee believed that a life of illusion was wrong as in consideration it created a false content for life, it is therefore not surprising that the theme of ‘truth and illusion’ throughout Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf plays a significant role. Using...
During his life, C.S. Lewis writes a collection of seven novels that he publishes into his well-known Chronicles of Narnia series, which sheds light on Narnia’s history. These novels introduce similar themes with the first book in the series named, The Magician’s Nephew. Most importantly,...
Introduction “Freedom equals the parts of our natures not determined by our genes.” (Ridley, 302) Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay Free will is not an illusion....
When wilt thou awake, O Mother, wake and see Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my essay As one who, held in trance, has laboured long By vacant rote...
In Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy primarily showcases man’s inability to elude fate. Society’s constraints highlight the futile nature of attempting to change the course of one’s life, for the inability to transcend one’s social classes mirrors the impossibility of transcending one’s destiny. Similarly,...
Human beings do not thrive in solitude. Every hero has a supporting team, and every protagonist must maintain a close group of allies in order to ever truly succeed. George Eliot’s Silas Marner furthers this idea that, although there is evil in the world, intimate...
“The absence of action is intrinsic to Beckett’s vision of despair” Show how inactivity is linked to Beckett’s portrayal of a dystopia. Made-to-order essay as fast as you need it Each essay is customized to cater to your unique preferences + experts online Get my...
Although Epictetus’s Handbook consists of only fifty-three points, it manages to convey clearly the main ideas of Stoicism and how to act based on those principles. Despite the fact that reading all of the points in the Handbook is important in order to get a...
The conflict between good and evil is a prevalent theme in literature. Graham Greene incorporates the conflict throughout the text of his novel Brighton Rock. In order to do this he uses two prominent characters, Ida Arnold and Pinkie Brown. Ida represents “good” and is...
Marx defines the “underclass” as a social group, conscious of itself, that is being oppressed and exploited by the ruling class and thus possesses a common hostility towards this higher class. This concept is reflected in various literature from throughout history and can also be...
In the Russian novel A Hero of Our Time, translated by Vladimir and Dmitri Nabokov, author Mikhail Lermontov relates the travels of the alienated and manipulative Pechorin, an upper-class military officer struggling with fate in his attempts to interact with women. In the novella “Princess...
Metacognitive awareness is based on the notion of metacognition. The word Metacognition has its root in the Greek word ‘Meta’ which means going behind and is used to denote the concept which is an abstraction behind another concept. Generally, Metacognition is referred to as “cognition...
Conclusion The existence of God has been a big subject in philosophy and efforts to prove or disprove his existence have been taking place since the dawn of time. Notable philosophers such as Rene Descartes, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and William Paley have all conceived arguments...