The Korean war was as a result of the conflict between the North and the Southern part of Korea. This war began on the 25th of June 1950 when the North Koreans invaded South Koreans as a result of multiple clashes along their borders in...
“Model Minority” is the term given to the Korean minority, also known as Chaoxianz, in China. For the last 50 years the Korean minority has had little to no confrontation with the state and has been a model for their academic success (Yu, 2017). About...
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The reaction of Native Americans towards the white travelers was with curiosity rather than hostility. The manners and customs of the Native Americans were quite different from their own that many settlers were suspicious and afraid. Their mistrust and fear eventually came from lack of...
“Poem About My Rights” is a passionate, emotional, and personal poem. Violence toward and oppression of individual African Americans and countries in southern Africa are the overriding themes of “Poem About My Rights.” The poem vulgarly refers to sexual violence experienced by woman and how...
Films have been a central critical issue over the past century. In the beginning, the film was not given the title of art. But the critics could not resist the great influence on cinema vested in society and human thinking in a short span of...
Abstract The MOVE organization was a group formed for the purpose of freedom by activists who were all nature loving. The group consisted of mostly Black people in Philadelphia in the early 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s. The organization’s leader, John Africa, was...
In her introspective work, “Split at the Root: An Essay on Jewish Identity,” Adrienne Rich delves into the intricate layers of her cultural heritage, navigating the complex interplay between past memories and present selfhood. Rich’s poignant reflections invite readers to ponder the enduring impact of...
Humans are social creatures. We yearn for companionship and acceptance. This is why we identify ourselves to certain groups and as certain members of a culture, so we can have the common ground to socialize with one another. This is how we connect with others....
Although it’s a hotly contested subject, the credit for first entirely hand-drawn animation often falls to the Anglo-American Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906, James Stuart Blackton) (McLaughlin).To this day, America continues to have a major impact upon the animation industry, especially considering the Western...
Gerald Alfred’s paper “Colonialism and State Dependency” is a critical examination of the current empirically capitalist system that First Nations peoples find themselves trapped within. The colonial enterprise is formulated in a way that requires these First Nations peoples to be dependent on the same...
Engaging Du Bois’ work with an objective of extracting useful insights to establish an intellectual and social initiative makes one deal with his concept regarding color line and the role that he dispensed both in African history and for human history. Arguably, his analysis pertaining...
Before the first slave ship arrived on the shores of the American continents, the original residents of these lands presented European explorers with an unspoken challenge. Their existence caused cherished beliefs about a single origin for all humanity to be examined and challenged (Omi &...
Words have meanings. They may change over time due to various conditions, but the existence of definitions is real. Consistent and agreed-upon ones are important to all areas of study so knowledge may be exchanged. When working to understand sociology, learning and using its terms...
Although the Union won the Civil War, it was the states who seceded who won Reconstruction. Reconstruction saw the introduction of white supremacy groups, widespread lynching, and political violence. Eventually, those led by the Redeemers brought about the end of the Reconstruction era through a...
African American
African American History
Civil War
Tibetan medicine is a very antique medical system based on Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology. It explicates that everything existing or non-existent in the world descends from the mind and the five element. The mind is considered to be the base because all existences and moments...
Aadhar card is a 12 digit identification number issued by the concerned authority on behalf of the government of India. This number, also known as Unique Identity Number(UID), is linked with a number of demographic and biometric details. Any individual, of any age and gender,...
The Second World War started as a result of issues that were left unsolved during the World War 1 conflict. In 1939 August, a German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact was signed by Hitler and the Soviet leader. The agreement was based on the need to frenzy the...
Culture is and forever will be a complicated idea, outlining the way in which different peoples communicate and interact with one another. It doesn’t just cover where people are born or the language they speak, but also their values, behavior, beliefs, and symbols that shape...
In the painting, Virginian Luxuries (Unknown, 1800), it is possible to observe and describe the roles of those two man races in the U.S. at the time. First off, the painting is in reference to the time of slavery (1619-1865) and the inequality of positions...